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what does this mean?

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    what does this mean?

    Hi all,
    Got this message in dmesg when I was trying to see why my ktorrent was acting funny.
    What does it mean and should I be worried?

    [ 1511.765512] possible SYN flooding on port 6881. Sending cookies.
    I'm only here so often because I'm too blinking lazy to learn shell!

    Re: what does this mean?

    Are you running bittorrent? that port is a common one used by ktorrent. your system may be seeing many incoming hits on that port as a possible attack.

    some info here


      Re: what does this mean?

      Hit the nail right on the head.
      I'm only here so often because I'm too blinking lazy to learn shell!


        Re: what does this mean?

        Originally posted by claydoh
        Are you running bittorrent? that port is a common one used by ktorrent. your system may be seeing many incoming hits on that port as a possible attack.

        some info here
        Or, you may have a file downloaded using bittorrent and since you haven't deleted it after installing it, you are acting as a seeder for others using bittorrent to download that file. If so, you can check the rate out outgoing packets or bytes to see if you have a continuous flow of outbound traffic.

        You can open a konsole and issue

        sudo netstat -lp

        to see a list of inbound and outbound connections and the programs using them.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

