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    Re: ecollege

    x-dog, could you please be more clear? I know this works, it is installed in all my machines.

    1. Did you enable all software repositories in KPackageKit? Make sure Multiverse is enabled
    2. Install the sun java packages from KPackageKit, and please report whether or not the installation went through. Remeber you need the plugin I listed above to jhave the JRE show up in Firefox

    That should do, really, could you please verify this?


      Re: ecollege


      Things probably went wrong from the post of ukchucktown e.g. sudo aptitude install java-sun6-jre when the correct command is sudo aptitude sun-java6-jre . Probably compounded by incorrectly inputting java-sun-6-jre, to get the result - Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "java-sun-6-jre"

      Then a small and unecessary diversion into Medibuntu...

      One way to get sun-java6-jre is to install kubuntu-restricted-extras. This will download and install a few useful things, including JRE. The command is:
      sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras
      TIP:How to copy and paste into your Terminal automatically if you have a wheel (or 3 button) mouse and avoid spelling mistakes, typos and other errors.

      1) Highlight the command.
      2) Put your cursor anywhere in your Terminal
      3) Press the wheel (middle button)

      Job done. No typing!
      "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
      "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


        Re: ecollege

        Thanks a lot arochester that done it I guess I had it explained it all right after all


          Re: ecollege

          Great. Please edi the original post and mark this as [SOLVED]


            Re: ecollege (solved)

            now i have a new problem when the stream loads up I only see half the screen if ye want a pic I will add one


              Re: ecollege

              This is how I've always gotten it working:

              sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts
              sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun

              Then i can run java apps from shell and run java code in my browsers.

