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apt-get problem in Karmic

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    apt-get problem in Karmic


    i have updated to Karmic Koala yesterday and now i have a big problem with apt-get. Now it can't download packages with size more than 1 mb. apt-get just freezes up at some point (every time - different) and can't continue dowloading (while network is ok and any other network processes are working correctly).

    so now it's a very big problem to me to install new packages or even update. does anybody have the same problem?


    Re: apt-get problem in Karmic

    Not sure, try this:

    1.Open terminal (Konsole)

    2. Write: sudo dpkg --configure -a (press enter, write in your password, press enter)

    3.When that is done write: sudo aptitude update (same procedure)

    <.< now see if it works :S, if it doesen't sry i'm new like yourself, hopefully someone else has the answer.


      Re: apt-get problem in Karmic

      Are you given any error messages when this 'freeze' occurs?

      Let's check to see if partition space is an issue. Open a console and type:
      df -hTxtmpfs
      You'll get a listing like this:
      Filesystem  Type  Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
      /dev/sda3   ext3  7.9G 2.8G 4.8G 37% /
      /dev/sda7   ext3   20G 6.7G  13G 36% /home
      /dev/sdb1   vfat   56G 153M  56G  1% /media/USB_60G
      /dev/sdd1   vfat  4.7G  24M 4.7G  1% /media/PC_5G
      If the Use% for your root ( / ) partition is at/very near 100% then you have an available space problem, and apt-get can't continue because there is not enough space left in the root partition to download the files. This is unlikely, but ...

      Copy/paste the output in your reply so we can see how things are space wise on your system.
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: apt-get problem in Karmic

        There is a chance that the server you are downloading from is very overloaded. I know that downloading from the servers today has been really slow.



          Re: apt-get problem in Karmic

          Yeah, they're just overloaded. I had the same issue for the past few hours. Sometimes I've had to restart the downloads more than once (persistence). They all came through, though, eventually, but it may take quite awhile.
          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


            Re: apt-get problem in Karmic

            happened to me as well when i tried Ubuntu Karmic on the first day of the release. Next morning everything went well, upgrades were successful.


              Re: apt-get problem in Karmic

              Originally posted by moonscar
              happened to me as well when i tried Ubuntu Karmic on the first day of the release. Next morning everything went well, upgrades were successful.
              yep. i think, i had similar problem. now it's ok )

              thanks a lot to all


                Re: apt-get problem in Karmic

                Very good. Please don't forget to add "[Solved]" to the subject line.


