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Facebook and Kopete

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    Facebook and Kopete

    I read that kopete in KDE 4.3.2 or something like that has the facebook option or whatever, is it possible for me to update my kopete or something so I can add my facebook account? I searched but couldn't find what i was wanting to do.

    thanks guys!

    Re: Facebook and Kopete

    whitch VER of Kubuntu are you using?

    and or ver of kopete?

    I think even the JJ ver. would do that but may be rong.

    of cors if you are in JJ you CAN upgrade to KDE 4.3.2 and/or to Karmic and with Karmic get KDE4.3.2

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Re: Facebook and Kopete

      how do i update just the kopete?

      i'm running 9.4 kubuntu

      i've been readin about people having problems with the new kubuntu, so i'm a little hesitant to try it

      how would i go about installing the new kubuntu using konsole?



        Re: Facebook and Kopete

        Hello ,

        On your desktop notifies will inform you about the 9.10 update.

        If it has not prompted you can make it run the upgrade. Type Alt-F2 and type into the box:

        "update-notifier-kde -u" without the quotes and press enter

        Just follow the instructions given.

        if an error occurs open up another terminal or in the same terminal write:

        ’sudo dpkg --configure -a’ without the quotes and press enter, type in your password when asked and press enter (or return if keyboard is like that), afterwards, reboot, and try the upgrade again. This should help to fix any broken packages that are missing due to upgrade problems.

        Now regarding Karmic. ^^ it works rly well so far on my main machine :P. If update breaks some package ’sudo dpkg --configure -a’ in the terminal can usually resolve the issue ^^ copy paste it .

        good luck

