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Alsa virtual device

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    Alsa virtual device

    Hello, I have been following this tutorial to get sound on all my speakers (5.1 system here). The setup works fine, except with Amarok 2.2, which derives its sound settings from the kde configuration (and I guess other KDE applications do the same).

    I have made the ch51dup device the default in the .asoundrc file, but KDE overrides that with its own settings; paying a visit to the multimedia tab of the KDE settings, I find out it only lists physical devices.

    My question is how to make KDE default to the ch51dup device.

    Please drop a message if you can provide some light
    Thanks in advance.

    Re: Alsa virtual device

    How about trying to use Pulse Audio as default? (move it to the top and/or install it), would that help? Maybe it does pick it up, it sits on top of Alsa ...


      Re: Alsa virtual device

      I'm not getting any sound with PulseAudio :/ Guess I should look further into that.


        Re: Alsa virtual device

        Yes, folks in Ubuntuforums may be more knowledgeable about it, KDE users mostly stay away from it, but in a case like yours it may be the ticket.


          Re: Alsa virtual device

          If you are running Karmic, it appears the ALSA device has been set up to run with pulseaudio, and therefore you may not get sound without it.

          First, in system settings > multimedia, make sure pulseaudio is the first device listed in the Audio Output section.

          Open the KMix application. You may need to add a channel for PCM; it appears in the mixer panel as a blue squiggly line. Make sure it is not muted, and has volume all the way open.

          Start the application pavucontrol. In the configuration tab, you should see a listing for your soundcard. The dropbox should have a number of options, including 5.1. Make sure one of those is selected. In the Output Devices tab, that same device should be listed, but make sure it is not muted. Now the tricky part is in the Playback tab. For nearly every application, there will be an entry here when it wants to play sound -- but only when it wants to play. So start playing some music. An entry for the player should appear there. When it does, make sure it is sending its sound stream to the device for you card you saw in the Output Devices tab. You may also need to configure the player software to use pulse as the output method.

          You should also be able to go back to SystemSettings > Multimedia and test the pulseuadio selection; all of this should work when you to that, including a stream appearing in the Playback tab.
          We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


            Re: Alsa virtual device

            Aweome #&%$ man, you know your way around. Amarok was sending that signal to this internal device; I picked the XFi device and that was it sound working, and working on all speakers.


              Re: Alsa virtual device

              Glad you got it working. If you have two sound cards, and want to make one of them the default, you can make the change permanent by using the instructions here:


              Maybe some day we will get support for the x-fi advanced features...
              We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking

