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ubuntu vs kubuntu

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    ubuntu vs kubuntu

    I don't know if it's some kind of taboo asking about ubuntu on a kubuntu forum, but i am running kubuntu now, someone suggested i run ubuntu instead

    what difference is there? would i gain anything switching? where can i find out the differences between the two? thanks.

    Re: ubuntu vs kubuntu

    Look at "KDE and Gnome Comparison" on
    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Re: ubuntu vs kubuntu

      or if your reale inquisitiv you could do like me and install both

      you just open your favoret package manager and install gnome-desktop and on reboot you will have the option at the login screen to login to gnome :P

      be forworend though it's over 300+ (mabey more cant remember now) packages

      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
      16GB RAM
      Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


        Re: ubuntu vs kubuntu

        depends on what u like. Gnome or KDE. It still is ubuntu underneath just with different user interfaces (desktops).

        To my knowledge Gnome is dead simple and but ugly esp the new "toilet brown" 9.10. Kubuntu is blue and much better looking, recent 9.10 offers stable KDE which is starting to feel and function great tbh.

        U can customize both desktops to look better dough. If u get compiz for gnome it can look rly good, KDE looks great by default and there r lots of themes to chose from.

        Kubuntu seems pretty unified settings wise and so...while Ubuntu has different tools for different things (gets annoying tbh).

        Software center should work on both, on Kubuntu u need to install it dough.

        <.< now i know this looks like i dislike Gnome (i do :P) but it's due to 1 fact: Ubuntu is all over the place and not really "unified" always feels like it's falling it's glued together in a shabby way. Kubuntu feels sort of sterile until i change the looks (must be the cold blue color of KDE yuck).

        I myself used ubuntu gnome (suse before that) for a while and compared to KDE 4.3 the UI is lacking imo and so do some other things.

        ^^ i don't reccomend switching..i myself am comming back to Kubuntu after testing ubuntu.


          Re: ubuntu vs kubuntu

          Yeah, I don't know what they're thinking with the theme in 9.10 for normal Ubuntu, the new one is bleurgh. Having said that, there *are* some excellent themes (such as Dust) for Gnome (and ubuntu in particular).

          You can install the ubuntu desktop without uninstalling as the other guy said by launching konsole and typing

          sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
          That'll pull in all the dependencies, and basically install the full ubuntu environment so you can get a full and fair comparison. Note that your KDE programs will be available in Ubuntu as well, so you won't lose anything if you still want it.

          Alternately, you could try downloading the Ubuntu ISO, installing Virtualbox and having a play around with it in there. That's a slightly more involved way to do it, but it's not hard, just different.


            Re: ubuntu vs kubuntu

            ok, if i do that install ubuntu desktop thing in konsole, how do i change it back to kubuntu, just change it to kubuntu-desktop in that code/command?



              Re: ubuntu vs kubuntu

              U can select what desktop it should boot into KDE or Gnome if u have both installed. U can always relog into one or the other. basically saying u can have both on same pc with same account.


                Re: ubuntu vs kubuntu

                Since BOTH are released as LiveCD's, you can boot a LiveCD of each one, play with them for a while, and decide for yourself which seems to fit your way of doing things.

                After all, YOU are the best judge of what is best for YOU.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Re: ubuntu vs kubuntu

                  IF you desid to install gnome-desktop you will also get GDM witch is the gnome display manager and IF you have Kubuntu you are allreadey using KDM the KDE display maneger IF you have instaled gnome and want to try the gnome inviroment you should allso do this befor rebooting into gnome

                  and do it agin befor rebooting into KDE to get KDM back 8)

                  you dont half to but it makes the switch more complet so to say

                  i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                  16GB RAM
                  Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                    Re: ubuntu vs kubuntu

                    GreyGeek is right :P try that then decide. Don't forget bout Xubuntu also.

                    ^^ allowing root acess is bad mojo, i prefer sudo. Allowing root access IS the main reason coupled with RPM - Dependency HELL why i don't use and do not recommend rpm based bistros. That sort of thing may be ok for server distros but using root is a no go for the Desktop. General desktop user has little to no reason to use root (which opens doors to crumble system integrity if u dun know what yer doing). :P plus u can set up root on any buntu as well, if u need it so badly.

                    :P it feels so good to sudo in the terminal..idk why i just like the terminal and sudo a lot ^^ and i was a 100% windows user a few months ago ^^ now Kubuntu 9.10 is all i need.

                    1.Warcraft runs via wine (check)
                    2.I can play my music and videos, edit my photos. (check)
                    3.No virus problems anymore (check)
                    4.Hug Debian for .deb (check)

                    5.go offtopic (check..oh man sry)


                      Re: ubuntu vs kubuntu

                      Allowing root access IS the main reason coupled with RPM - Dependency HELL why i don't use and do not recommend rpm based bistros.
                      I first tried Linux in May of 1998, running RH 5.0. In Sept of 1998 I switched to SuSE and stayed with it for 22 releases, until it was bought by Novell. SuSE was RPM based. I got very comfortable using RPM and I bought the book "Maximum RPM" to learn all there is to know about RedHat Package Management.

                      I ended up using KPackage as my add/remove tool because it allowed me to do what I needed to do to avoid borking my system - resolve dependencies using a test run. Here is the usual scenario:
                      1) test install package S. It says it needs package T
                      2) test install package T. It says it needs package U.
                      3) test install package U. It says all is OK.
                      4) Install U
                      5) Install T
                      6) Install S.

                      But, here is what happens when all does not go well;

                      3) test install package U. It says it needs package V
                      4) test install package V. It says it needs to replace pre-V but several package depend on prev-V and are not compatible with V.

                      Welcome to dependency Hell.

                      While running Knoppix (which was (is?) an RPM distribution at the time) I noticed an KDE application which seemed interesting, so I checked it to install and clicked "Apply" which checking what it was going to do. I hadn't noticed that the application I selected was for the newly released version of KDE, not the version I was running. It merrily went about its task of replace over 240 packages of the previous version of KDE with the new version of KDE and then it installed the package I originally wanted. After 20 or 30 minutes I had a brand new version of KDE running and the app I wanted as well. I was ecstatic. Upgrading to a new version of KDE was a piece of cake... I thought.

                      A few days later I saw another app in the repository which looked neat and installed it. I noticed in passing that the installer said it needed to replace 200+ KDE packages with those of the previous version. I was unconcerned. It never dawned on me that the previous app I had installed, which triggered the update to the new version of KDE, would not run under the old version of KDE. Thirty minutes later I rebooted and was met with a total disaster. I had to reinstall from scratch.

                      Kubuntu is the first distro I've run that used the .deb packaging system. And, add/remove programs have improved considerably. In the last year I have never had a dependency problem with a .deb package.

                      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                        Re: ubuntu vs kubuntu

                        Originally posted by moonscar
                        U can select what desktop it should boot into KDE or Gnome if u have both installed. U can always relog into one or the other. basically saying u can have both on same pc with same account.
                        how do I change which one it boots into? thanks



                          Re: ubuntu vs kubuntu

                          at the login screen whare you put in your user name and password thare ar 2 buttons in the lower left's safe to click them and see thare menues .......Ithink the furthest to the left is the seshons one war you could chose betwen difrent window managers

                          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                          16GB RAM
                          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

