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Dual boot prob in 2 different hdd

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    Dual boot prob in 2 different hdd

    Am i got this prob i installed windows in my computers internal hdd and kubuntu in a 1000 gig external hdd and when i start the computer sometimes a error jumps in saying LOADING GRUB 1.5.0
    sometimes changes the error to GRUB ERROR 21. So wtf what is that sometimes jump some others doesnt and then i can work but this morning that error jumped like 100 times each time i tried to boot until i had the brilliand idea to put linux mint 6 in a live cd and boot it and then restart the computer to see if that way works (i was S H I T T I N G my pants if it didnt XD) so plz help before it jumps again thanks

    Re: Dual boot prob in 2 different hdd

    Well, you are doing some that is only somewhat more advanced than the usual, so you gotta pay some dues and learn some stuff about the GRUB bootloader and how dual booting w/Windows works.

    -- How To GRUB Methods - Toolkit

    SECTION 6: Windows topics
    --- Vista, dual-booting with XP and/or Kubuntu/Linux, see this definitive guide:
    --- XP
    Installing XP & Kubuntu: How to set up dual booting
    Re-installed XP and now can't boot Kubuntu
    When XP is on a non-first hard drive
    --- Special Situations
    -- How to avoid installing GRUB to the MBR of your Windows XP drive
    -- Two drives, a Windows drive and a Kubuntu drive, GRUB is in the Windows MBR,
    but sometimes you must remove the Kubuntu drive
    and Windows won’t boot when you do.

    A Super Grub Disk live CD would help you out in a pinch when you can't boot into anything.

    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: Dual boot prob in 2 different hdd

      thanks dude ill take a look to the tuts

