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UI Stops responding

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    UI Stops responding

    This happens quite often. I go away from the computer and when I return the UI stops responding. Except that the mouse pointer moves. But killing a window for example has no effect.

    I *am* able to ssh into the machine. But even in that ssh session, if I issue a `sudo reboot now` it does not reboot.

    What could be going wrong? Thank you in advance.

    Re: UI Stops responding

    UI Stops *am* able to ssh into the machine...What could be going wrong?
    Well - . It depends your hardware and software.

    You could check if there are runaway processes. A tool:

    man top:
    top - display Linux tasks

    top -hv | -bcHisS -d delay -n iterations -p pid [, pid ...]

    The traditional switches ’-’ and whitespace are optional.


    The top program provides a dynamic real-time view of a running system. It can display system summary information as well as a list of tasks currently being managed by the Linux kernel. The types of system summary information shown and the types, order and size of information displayed for tasks are all user configurable and that configuration can be made persistent across restarts...

    A link > Controlling runaway processes on Linux

    And there are lot of log files > Linux Log Files. They could tell what is the problem.
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      Re: UI Stops responding

      I don't think there are runaway processes, but I'll check. Is there something missing after the pipe ('|') symbol in the command you gave?

      Yes, there are a lot of log files. And I don't know where to look. Any suggestions?


        Re: UI Stops responding

        I would check with the top/other tools - when the "UI Stops responding":

        Is there high CPU load / high memory usage (maybe with the free).
        If KDE4, is the plasma/plasma-desktop up and running (with the ps).

        Is there something missing after the pipe ('|') symbol in the command you gave?

        The top has good documentation (konsole): man top /1/. I would first use the "top" without switches/options.

        Yes, there are a lot of log files. And I don't know where to look. Any suggestions?
        I would check the dmesg/Xorg log if there are errors/warnings. Then i would check the hardware (drives), > How to Test Your Hard Drive with Smartmontools. It is easy to check.

        But sometimes the problem solving is very hard. You could search (google,yahoo, ...) with your hardware/kde/ubuntu version/symptoms if someone else is having same problems.

        Here the KTorrent/Firefox/Opera/something else (?) could cause (has caused) random kernel panics. Not lately - maybe some of the Jaunty updates has fixed it - hoping the best....

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          Re: UI Stops responding

          Here is a link > Frequent "hard-lockups"? from the > Threads in Forum : Karmic Koala Testing and Discussion. There are tips what to look and what to try.
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          Why there are dead links ?
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          2. Thread: Lost Information

