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Issues using Windows Installer

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    Issues using Windows Installer

    First of all, hello everyone. First post and first topic. I've played around with Linux before, but this is my first time using Kubuntu, and I'm having some issues with the initial install.

    First of all, let me explain what I'm doing. I'm hoping to install Kubuntu within windows in order to use it as a test to see how my PC will perform in a Linux environment, as I've never tried Linux on this specific PC, but I don't want to risk doing any damage to the data on the existing hard drive. Budget constraints won't allow me to install a second hard drive, which is my ultimate goal, and install Kubuntu onto that, so I wanted to try this way about it. The issue occurs after installation. Everything goes awfully smooth to the point where it tells me that I have to restart windows. I let it do it for me, and it seems to refuse to do so as it just sits there. No big deal, I thought, but it's best to report it as an issue because when I manually restart windows, everything starts up as normal, no boot selection, no new icons, no nothing. I'm not sure exactly what I'm supposed to be looking for, but I can tell you right now that if anything changed, I sure didn't notice.

    Thankfully, I can still uninstall Kubuntu and try as many times as need fit, but the problem happens the exact same way every time, and it's urking me because I really wanted this to work. So, I'm taking suggestions and asking for help: What am I doing wrong?

    As a side note, which might be somewhat important, I'm currently mounting the image on a virtual drive on the install, in order to avoid using costly disks, as I've already had one faulty burn thanks to my POS cd drive. I believe I'm going to start my trouble shooting with DAEMON tools and see if perhaps this is my problem while waiting for a response.

    Thank you for your assistance.

    Edit: Well, troubleshooting failure on my part. I tried all kinds of options on DAEMON tools and all produce the exact same results. The real reason I decided to edit my post, however, is because I forgot to mention: I'm running Windows XP 64 bit, which could very well be my issue, knowing how the most random things seem to fail on 64 bit XP when everything else works fine.

    Re: Issues using Windows Installer

    are you instaling to the vertual drive? or frome the vertual drive to the reale one?

    I dont realey know to mutch about a win install with wubi ...that is what your doing rite. I'v never done one!

    you can try Kubuntu from the cd withought installing but you did say you'r trying not to burn one so

    and mabey try looking closer for a option during install for adding to windows bootloder or the sutch.......but agin I'v never done the win install so I gess I'm not being mutch help :P

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Re: Issues using Windows Installer

      Hum. Well, maybe to help better describe what I'm doing, I should type on here step by step what I do as I'm doing this.

      Step 1: I mount the iso onto my virtual drive.

      Step 2: Autorun kicks in, and the menu pops up. I click the button install inside of windows.

      Step 3: Settings. Nothing special here. 30 gig install, leave everything at default.

      Step 4: Click install and it extracts the files. Done in about a minute.

      Step 5: You need to reboot to complete installation! I've tried this both ways, but this time, for the sake of argument, I'll leave it at default. "I want to reboot manually later."

      Step 6: Reboot.

      Step 7: Log into Windows.

      And to quote South Park...

      Step 8:

      Step 9: Profit!

      At 8, nothing seems changed. Nothing happens different. It's just a regular log in to windows. No boot select, no nothing. I can uninstall from the control panel with no issues. I even found the folder that it installed to and looked around. No inspiration hit. I'm getting zero error messages and I'm quite frustrated at this point.


        Re: Issues using Windows Installer

        <_< ok i never installed it under windows before, but to my understanding it is supposed to work like a windows app. Meaning u have to launch it :P (my idea of it). u know dubble click the icon and so?

        In order to get boot options i'm rly sure u have to install it on a separate partition as in dual boot so grub can enable u to choose either one or the other os. The windows install uses more ram as i am told and works much like a virtual machine/app under windows. I'm sure u have to launch it within windows. I'm no expert on the matter dough....have u tried launching it?


          Re: Issues using Windows Installer

          I appreciate the effort, but I think I'd noticed an icon by now.

          So, I buckled down and bought a CD, a RW thank goodness, otherwise I'd been back to the store quite a few times today, thanks to my burner not making an accurate copy till lucky number five. I tried to do the windows install using the disk and get this: VERY SAME PROBLEM. I'm beginning to believe that it's a Windows issue and not a Kubuntu problem, so I'm giving up the effort and going to try doing a live CD run instead.

          Any issues I have to worry about when modifying my hard drive to fit Kubuntu on it? I'm using a 320 gig NTSF formatted drive, single partition.


            Re: Issues using Windows Installer

            U can always run Kubuntu on a virtual machine inside windows u know.

            The live cd can be loaded and kubuntu should start up without modifying your system so u can try it out.

            If u want to install then as a safety precaution plz back up your data, free up space by shrinking the single partition so free space is created which then the kubuntu install can use to create the root the /home and the swap partitions.

            Swap will be your ram size or 2x that at max. Root should be made about 6 to 12 gigs should do nicely and /home so your files r safe in case u want to reinstall kubuntu or change the linnux distro :P. /home should be as big as u want it to be, your downloads and so on will be kept there personal files).

            I reccomend manual partitioning for this otherwise your root and home folder ill end up on the same partition and u will loose personal data when reinstalling linux :P (it's good to have /home on a diferent partition.)

            use ext4 ans it is faster then ext3 for the filesystems. (my recommendation)


              Re: Issues using Windows Installer

              All I can say, and it won't help here, that I've installed that way (WUBI) on a Vista machine. When the machine boots, you are correct, you should see M$'s boot selection menu. It may be attributed to you not having rights to modify the BOOT.INI file, if this is an XP machine you are on. I'm not too sure what is altered in VISTA, but I do know it is the BOOT.INI file in XP. Have you tried running the install as Administrator? (yes, that to some may be a no no, but necessary for many M$ installs).


                Re: Issues using Windows Installer

                You are correct, Moonrise. That WAS my problem. It took some time, but I realized my issue, fixed it (my boot.ini was configured to skip it since I already had a recovery option which I set a long time ago, never know). I just didn't catch the problem until I went browsing the installer's website and saw the image on the front page with the windows boot manager. That was when my mind clicked. I believe Dr Cox described it best, I was looking for a strange and exotic bug when I should have taken a step back and went to the simplest solution available. I was looking for a Zebra when I should have thought Horse.

                Thank you all for your help, and I'm sorry if I caused any confusion!


                  Re: Issues using Windows Installer

                  No confusion. That saying is absolutely correct. Use it a lot when programming. It helps to step back and think "differently". Glad all is well. have fun playing with Kubuntu.


