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[SOLVED] Help! Lost sound on analog outputs on kubuntu 9.04

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    [SOLVED] Help! Lost sound on analog outputs on kubuntu 9.04

    Hi everybody!

    So first off, my hardware...
    Athlon64 3200+
    1,5Gb of Ram
    NVIDIA 6600 GT
    mobo is an Asus K8N that has an nForce3
    with an integrated RealTek ALC850 audio chip (that has an s/pdif output)

    Anyways, back in 8.04, I had noticed that the s/pdif didn't work, but I didn't much care. It was the first time I was running a Linux OS so I was just happy getting used to it. Then comes 8.10 and I totally skip it, since I figured an LTS was the release for me.

    But then came 9.04 and I did a whole new install on a different HD, a fresh start so to say. And what do you know! The s/pdif started working! Yay! So all summer long, depending on the media I play (mostly with VLC), I happily switch between the "stereo" and "s/pdif" audio devices and it's all good.

    But then, just the other day, I suddenly notice my analog output (in all modes and devices and what have you) has gone silent... shock and horror! The s/pdif works just fine though. Wierd, I say to myself, and start digging.
    And this is the part where the help is needed, as I'm not very familiar with the inner workings of a Linux box.

    Anyway, the only real error message I can generate comes from VLC, when I try to switch analog modes. It reads:

    Audio output failed:
    VLC could not open the ALSA device "default" (No such file or directory).

    But that's it. Kaffeine, Amarok, Dragon Player, the all just remain silent. Anyway, I search around and am directed to this page:
    Okay, seems like something I might have and doesn't seem too difficult either, so I follow the instructions and... nothing. Except VLC doesn't generate the error message anymore and in System Settings/Multimedia/Audio Output, when in "Advanced", there's a new icon (a green note), but other than that, even there it's all mute when trying to test, just as before.

    So, by now I'm really running out of ideas... Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    I know 9.10 is just around the corner, but I rather wouldn't want to update a malfunctioning system.

    Anyway, thanks for your help in advance


    Re: Help! Lost sound on analog outputs on kubuntu 9.04

    Hi Ankara

    Many a folk have had problems with Pulse audio, is it installed for you? I think you can try uninstalling it mostly (except for one lib, libpulse*, which needs to be there, or else! Or else you need to uninstall half of the system).

    Maybe worth a try. Also, perhaps running KMix, going to setting, searching for channels, try to make all visible and see if something got accidentally muted, stuff like that



      Re: Help! Lost sound on analog outputs on kubuntu 9.04

      Hey Imilano!

      Yeah, Pulse is installed. The content of my System Settings/Multimedia/Audio Output with Advanced turned on looks like

      NVidia CK8S with ALC850 (NVidia CK8S)
      NVidia CK8S with ALC850 (NVidia CK8S - IEC958)
      NVidia CK8S, NVidia CK8S - IEC958 (IEC958 (S/PDIF) Digital Audio Output)
      "Green note" -icon (that only came to being after I did the commands from the link in my first post)

      The thing is though, that it must have worked before. I have a very basic system and I haven't fooled around with it at all. Only doing the updates s they come up.

      And yeah, I have been trying to see if some channel or something is muted, but as far as I can tell, they should all be fine.


        Re: Help! Lost sound on analog outputs on kubuntu 9.04

        Mmmm .... can you try moving PulseAudio all the way down?


          Re: Help! Lost sound on analog outputs on kubuntu 9.04

          Originally posted by lmilano
          Mmmm .... can you try moving PulseAudio all the way down?
          Yes I can and I did that, but nothing. In the meanwhile I've also re-installed all things ALSA, since that's what VLC was bitching about. Again, nothing. No surprise really.

          But, right just now, I also took another long hard look at KMix and found that under Settings/Configure KMix there were a bunch of additional tabs I could add to the Mixer panel, including three that read IEC958. Well what do you know, while they weren't muted, they were all the way down. Dragging them back up top, it all seems work just fine now, so problem solved I guess...

          It's still pretty wierd, how it happened in the first place. Ah well, just life with Linux I guess... Still beats the alternatives!

          And thank you very much for your help, it's much appreciated

