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{SOLVED} Setting up Klibido

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    {SOLVED} Setting up Klibido

    Used to work but stopped working.

    No idea what the procedure is to get it working.

    The only thing that looks ok is the 'New Server' option in the second pull down menu.

    It leads into action on a doenload/ok and then after a couple on minutes stops trying.

    Any thoughts very welcome.

    : )


    Re: Setting up Klibido

    Take a look at THIS PAGE at the Klibido site. I assume that you are aware that this is a KDE3 program that will not work in versions of Kubuntu that use KDE4, specifically Intrepid, Jaunty, and Karmic.

    You didn't mention which version of Kubuntu you are using, so it occurred to me that an upgrade might account for its sudden stoppage.


      Re: Setting up Klibido

      Originally posted by askrieger
      Take a look at THIS PAGE at the Klibido site. I assume that you are aware that this is a KDE3 program that will not work in versions of Kubuntu that use KDE4, specifically Intrepid, Jaunty, and Karmic.

      You didn't mention which version of Kubuntu you are using, so it occurred to me that an upgrade might account for its sudden stoppage.
      I use a June 08 version of Hardy Heron which has not been upgraded.

      I'll check out your links .

      Many many thanks for responding.

      : )



        Re: Setting up Klibido

        From the Link


        * What doesn't Work
        - No Documentation

        end Quote

        Failed to find anything that I could understand that would help from those links.

        A simple question - is what server setting you you use other than Hosting detail ?



          Re: Setting up Klibido

          Klibido has a tendency to corrupt databases. I would suggest going to your home directory and under /klibido/db delete the queue file and restart klibido.
          FKA: tanderson


            Re: Setting up Klibido

            Originally posted by tanderson
            Klibido has a tendency to corrupt databases. I would suggest going to your home directory and under /klibido/db delete the queue file and restart klibido.
            Many thanks,

            I'll try that !

            : )))



              Re: Setting up Klibido

              Didn't work.



                Re: Setting up Klibido

                Originally posted by Tim036
                The only thing that looks ok is the 'New Server' option in the second pull down menu.
                Does this mean the menu is messed up? or what?

                delete all the files from the ~/klibido/db directory. You will have to redo your server setup and group list. This will rule out database corruption, which is a common problem with klibido.

                another thing to try, if you already haven't, is to launch it from a terminal and see if there is any debug output that might tell you what is going on.
                FKA: tanderson


                  [SOLVED}Re: Setting up Klibido

                  That hit the jackpot ! Many many thanks ! I set up the server and away it went !

                  i don't know anything about 'groups' or what it does so I didn't go near that. is it useful ?

                  Many thanks again !

                  A VERY VERY happy,



