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Problems with touchpad while playing games on kubuntu 9.04

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    Problems with touchpad while playing games on kubuntu 9.04

    Hello there I'm a complete noob here, recently I've installed this linux distro and I like it very much. Had some problems with sound and video but managed to solved them and I'm getting the hang of it, well my major problem now is when I play games, for example supertuxkart (among others).
    When i played it for the first time it was fine but when I wanted to configure the controls, I couldn't because every time I wanted to change the input it appeared something like this:
    joy 0 eje 1 ++ (eje means axis, I'm using spanish), then the game screenbegins blinkin uncontrollably and is really hard to select an option from the menu. I googled this but no luck, please someone help me with this issue, I went to System preferences to check the mouse and keyboard configuration and noticed there is a joystick section too, and then I saw that the axis values are constantly changin and I don't have any gamepad/joystick connected.
    I don't what to do, please help I don't want to leave this OS already (I won't jeje I don't give up easily. )

    Re: Problems with touchpad while playing games on kubuntu 9.04

    I can think of two possible solutions:

    Open a Konsole and issue

    lsmod | less

    and look for joystick modules. If you see them issue

    sudo rmmod whatevertheirnameis

    Or, download sysv-rc-config, which is a console services management app, and run it by opening a Konsole (make it as tall as the screen) and issuing:

    sudo sysv-rc-config

    and then scroll the list and look for a joystick service. If you find it move the cursor to the "X" and touch the space bar. Then hit "Q" to exit.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: Problems with touchpad while playing games on kubuntu 9.04

      I think I didn't configured correctly this post to receive email updates, sorry for not answering in I don't know how many days, I will try those options but know I have a BIGGER problem, I upgraded to Karmic Koala today(1/11/09), and have had several issues. But I will post it in a new thread cause nobody might see it here. Thank you when I fix up the OS I will post again.

