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Opera is fast??

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    Opera is fast??

    Hello guys... please sorry about my english, I speak spanish from dawn to dawn...(I'm from Argentina, Maradona's land, I don't like him, but...). Ok. That's the question: I'm running Kubuntu 9.04 x64 in an Acer Aspire 5536-5518 notebook (3 Gb memory, 320 Gb HDD, ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics, AMD Athlon 64 X2 processor). The system runs great!!. I have tested others distros but kubuntu is the one. Later, I have installed Opera 10, because they (the opera guys) promised that browser is the fast..., but, this is not true. Opera opens, presents itself, but when I try to go to whichever page I choose, the browser stops for 30 secons or more, and then renders the solicited page. Why Inside the site, its all ok, but when I move to other site, the thing happens again. Firefox 3.0 runs all ok. I use it in this moment. Did I forget something? It's the kernel? Thank all. I hate Windows, but I have to use it for my work, and for some hardware that kubuntu does not recognize (the webcam, the card reader, for example)

    Re: Opera is fast??

    Originally posted by edusaurio
    Opera opens, presents itself, but when I try to go to whichever page I choose, the browser stops for 30 secons or more, and then renders the solicited page. Why
    That is rather odd behavior. I have been using Opera since 2001 and have found that, unlike IE or Firefox, Opera will begin loading the page before it has all of the information (images etc.).

    Do you have turbo turned on? Let me run some tests here with Turbo on to see how it affects my setup.



      Re: Opera is fast??

      Originally posted by monte48lowes
      Do you have turbo turned on? Let me run some tests here with Turbo on to see how it affects my setup.
      Hello Mike. No, I don't have Turbo enabled. The help says that turbo compresses images degrading quality, and that thing, the quality of text and images, really impresses me with Opera.


        Re: Opera is fast??

        Hola Edu

        Another Argie here

        Opera should work fast. What version of Opera and Kubuntu are you running exactly? (check in Opera -> Help -> About) Where did you download Opera from? There is definitely something not quite ok in your install.

        In my experience it runs faster than Firefox and it's very nice, especially on my netbook (Mini-9), where the speed dial is ideal for the family to have our 12 favorite websites handy.



          Re: Opera is fast??

          Hola Imiliano, chas gracias por tu respuesta!!
          Ok. I have installed Opera from a debian package. Later, I desintalled it an re-installed with a package from channel in KpackageIt (or somewhat is named). The package seems to be the same, and the sofware runs the same. I have reading other posts from people having the same trouble and they say that the router's managing of DNS traffic is the bottleneck. I don't think that is the problem: Firefox should run the same way, and that is not what it's happen. Firefox runs kindly faster. The rest of kubuntu system is as was installed: I don't add any other software, with the exception of that Opera package downloaded from Opera's site. My system is: kubuntu 9.04 x64. Opera 10.0 x64.


            Re: Opera is fast??

            Did you check the network Options in Opera? It really sounds like a network fsck up. Is it possible that it is trying to use an http proxy or something weird of the like?

            You may want to open some large files locally and see if there is any delay, too.

            I'll be in Baires in December, sweeeeet!



              Re: Opera is fast??

              It sounds like it could be an ipv6 problem. Try disabling ipv6.


                Re: Opera is fast??

                Opera is fast on my destop...Kubuntu Jaunty


                  Re: Opera is fast??

                  Originally posted by bailout
                  It sounds like it could be an ipv6 problem. Try disabling ipv6.
                  Bailout hit the spot I believe, great post!

                  Edu: please google for "opera jaunty ipv6"

                  In short:
                  * Jaunty has ipv6 built in, not a s a module (BAD decision if you ask _me_)
                  * Some ISP's, and also some moemd/routers, are still not ipv6 compatible
                  * Opera uses ipv6 (it tries that, if it times out it tries ipv4)

                  You may find a workaround, some folks to around using an opendns dns server, but this doesn't work for others.

                  The bug report:


                    Re: Opera is fast??

                    I have been using Opera for a long time and I always thought it was fast. Now, when I heard here about ipv6 problem I tried run Opera 10 with debug option from the shell as the bug report above recommended:
                    ~ $ opera -debugdns
                    and I got the report, that I have problem with ipv6 too
                    ~ $ opera -debugdns
                    dns: Resolving ''
                    dns: Trying IPv6 lookup for host ''...
                    dns: Thread created
                    dns: Resolving ''
                    dns: Trying IPv6 lookup for host ''...
                    dns: Thread created
                    dns: gethostbyname failed with return value 22 (Invalid argument). hostent pointernil)
                    dns: Trying IPv4 lookup for host ''...
                    dns: gethostbyname failed with return value 22 (Invalid argument). hostent pointernil)
                    dns: Trying IPv4 lookup for host ''...
                    dns: gethostbyname succeeded
                    But I see no 15 sec wait for ipv6. Trying ipv6 and then trying ipv4 happens in a sec or two.
                    Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


                      Re: Opera is fast??

                      I switched from Win2k to Kubuntu 9.04 in March of this year. I've been keeping notes on every problem I come across and the solutions to those problems. I think I had the same problem. The solution I used was to remove Network Manager and manually set a static IP. This might not be the best solution to your problem, but it fixed the problem for me.


                      Problem: Opera hangs at "Looking up hostname" (Firefox and Konqueror work fine).

                      Changed /etc/resolv.conf
                      Changed: nameserver to nameserver (qwest dns IP here)
                      !! After restart Network Manager changed the settings back to nameserver

                      ## Problem solved.
                      1. Remove Network Manager | sudo aptitude --purge remove network-manager

                      2. Changed /etc/network/interfaces

                      auto lo
                      iface lo inet loopback

                      auto eth0
                      iface eth0 inet static

                      3. Changed /etc/resolv.conf

                      domain domain.actdsltmp
                      search domain.actdsltmp
                      nameserver <-- qwest dsl namserver 1
                      nameserver <-- qwest dsl namserver 2

                      4. Now Restart Networking | sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

                      !! Problem Solved.


                        Re: Opera is fast??

                        Thanks Bapwa

                        This makes sense as a workaround. Apparently, the main problem of Opera with ipv6 is not finding a proper DNS server.


                          Re: Opera is fast??

                          Originally posted by josefko
                          I see no 15 sec wait for ipv6. Trying ipv6 and then trying ipv4 happens in a sec or two.
                          Originally posted by bapwa
                          The solution I used was to remove Network Manager and manually set a static IP.
                          I use static IP, so now I see that using it solved possible problem on my computer too.
                          Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


                            Re: Opera is fast??

                            Thank you all, guys.. Very useful thread. I'll try some workarounds proposed, and give you the results.
                            Thanks a lot!!!

                            Again, sorry about my english... I do what i can... jaja

