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Help the newby please

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    Help the newby please

    Hi everyone, i am very new to linux and have just downloaded Kubuntu from the web and i have tried installing the system from boot up and keep getting this error message: " [0.888002]..MP-BIOS bug:8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC". If anyone is able to help me with this problem i would greatly appreciate it, thanks Brad.

    Re: Help the newby please

    First, welcome. Second, you have not provided nearly enough information for us to work with. What version of Kubuntu did you download? What PC do you have? How much RAM? What make/model of video card? What type of CPU? And finally, are you able to boot from the LiveCD at all, i.e., can you run it from the LiveCD?
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Help the newby please

      Oops!, sorry guys. Well my mother board is an asus board based on the VIA kt400 chipset and i have 1.25 gb of ram, the cpu is an AMD Athlon xp 1600+, and i think the video card is an ASUS geforce3 . the version of kubuntu i am trying to install is 9.04 Desktop. I hope this helps, Brad


        Re: Help the newby please

        I am writing this message on a machine with an Athlon 4600+. I had (what may be) the same problem you seem to have, a couple of years ago. I found THIS POST which solved MY problem. The problem, of course, is that my motherboard does not have an Intel 8254 IO-APIC (duh!). Neither, I suspect, does yours.

        However, this may not work for you. I have not had to do this (automated by adding "noapic" to /boot/grub/menu.lst) in at least a year. Thus, your problem may have nothing to do with mine. Try it, though, used as a manual boot entry, it can't hurt. If it works, I'll tell you exactly where to add "noapic" in /boot/grub/menu.lst.


          Re: Help the newby please

          maybe there is something here that might help.

          I'm not totally sure, but from what I've read, some BIOSs are geared specifically toward a certain OS and don't relay information in a way other OSs might expect. In other words, it isn't "standard". Hopefully one of the links above will lead you to a solution.


            Re: Help the newby please

            The references that moonrise supplies show that the reason that I don't have to add "noapic" to my boot line any more is that the kernel hackers seem to have fixed THAT problem, in the last year or so. It implies that your problem (and that of the fellow in the moonrise's last reference) may be different. However, I'd still try the noapic thing at boot. It can't hurt, and it might work.


              Re: Help the newby please

              I **think** I had that and had to turn it off in the BIOS- but that was a year ago when I bought and researched my new PC, its an ASUS motherborard too. YMMY.


                Re: Help the newby please

                Okay, thanks guy's well i've got kubuntu 9.04 desktop up and running on my system, but now i was wandering if someone could give me a quick crash course on installing software on this system, as i would like to install firefox and thunderbird on the system but hgaven,t the faintest idea of how to go about it. Thanks again for your help, Brad.


                  Re: Help the newby please

                  Open a console: Alt+F2 and type konsole and click on Konsole: Shell

                  sudo apt-get update
                  When that is completed, type:
                  sudo apt-get install synaptic
                  Synaptic is a package manager, and much better than the default kpackagekit that comes with 9.04. When synaptic is installed, you'll find it in K Menu Applications > System > Synaptic
                  In synaptic, after you provide your user password, type firefox in the Quick search box. Click the box to the left of firefox and select mark for installation and then click on Apply.

                  Repeat for other applications you want to install.
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    Re: Help the newby please

                    Originally posted by Shadowformz
                    Okay, thanks guy's well i've got kubuntu 9.04 desktop up and running on my system.
                    How exactly did you got it working?
                    Patenting software as bit pattern manipulation algorithms is absurd because you cannot patent mathematical algorithms.


                      Re: Help the newby please

                      ^^ installing stuff is easy, just load Kpackadgekit and type in what u want to install in the search bar, it will spit out packages u can install, read description and when u found what u wanted mark it for installation, click ïnstall these packages or package or apply". then w8 for it to install.

                      Another easy option is to find what u need on the internet, then download the right package. Usually the installs for Kubuntu are marked as installs for Ubuntu, or they end in .deb .

                      ^^ or what snowhog said u konsole man u lol!

                      I wish Kpakadgekit was as easy and intuitive as ubuntu software center or apt (add remove in ubuntu) :P

