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KUBUNTU USB Boot Drives Runs Like Crap, Dont Know Why. Please Help If You Can.

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    KUBUNTU USB Boot Drives Runs Like Crap, Dont Know Why. Please Help If You Can.

    I recently wanted to start playing with Linux again and decided to make a USB Boot Drive so I can take it anywhere and since nowadays there are USB drives big enough to handle that.

    I used to have Suse Linux installed on my computer a few years ago and towards the end of my Linux interest I was looking into UBUNTU Linux. This time I decided to go that way but I really wanted to use KUBUNTU because I am more familiar with the KDE desktop environment rather than the GNOME desktop.

    First I installed regular UBUNTU Linux onto my 8GB flash drive using the USB Flash drive creator within the UBUNTU operating system to test it out and it worked well and ran fine.

    I then found these instruction from to install KUBUNTU within Windows using the boot CD rather than doing it from the boot CD within Linux like I had with the regular UBUNTU. (Because from what I could find there isn't a USB installer in KUBUNTU like there is in UBUNTU)

    It worked and I am able to boot from the USB drive into KUBUNTU but it is horribly slow, it seems to run at the same speed as it would if I had just booted it up from the CD. I would imagine that the KDE desktop demands a little more of your computer but this is a huge difference from when I had regular UBUNTU with the gnome desktop installed on the exact same drive (before I formatted it to WIN32 to install the new KUBUNTU linux of course).

    My theory is that it just basically copied the CD over to my new drive without making an install.

    So my questions are,

    1. Would these instructions work better and solve my problem and make it run faster/better? if not or if there is a better way then what?

    2. Is there a way to actually INSTALL it onto my flash drive? Because it gives me the same options at start up as the boot CD like "Start Persistantly" or whatever and "Install" and ETC. making me believe that it is not fully installed the way it was meant to be. Also is there any difference in "settings" and actually stored files or anything I should know or be worried about with that?

    3. What exactly does "Persistent" mean? I know it is supposed to save my settings and what not, but to what level will it operate exactly as if it was installed on a computer? if not then what is the difference and how can I make this happen? Also at the bottom of the first link talks about the different size Casper-RW Loop file. What is this and how does it work? I have an 8gb flash drive and I want to use all of it and have it run as if it would installed regularly on a computer. Do I need to mess with any of that to make it happen? It it will work fine/do what I want it to do regardless and I don't need to worry about that just tell me that I don't need to mess with it lol because that would save a lot of time and there is no need for me to be interested in un-necessary knowledge at this point.

    A good detailed and explanatory answer from someone who knows what they are talking about that can answer all of this would be very much appreciated. I don't want to get to far into this and have to start over because I didn't find something out or get one of these questions answered. I feel that if I can get a good answer to the questions listed here I will have a good idea of what is going on but if there is something you think would be beneficial, then please let me know. Thanks!

    "Keepin it real since 1987"

    Re: KUBUNTU USB Boot Drives Runs Like Crap, Dont Know Why. Please Help If You Can.

    BTW This is all being done one a 32-bit Windows XP machine.
    "Keepin it real since 1987"


      Re: KUBUNTU USB Boot Drives Runs Like Crap, Dont Know Why. Please Help If You Can.

      I would say Qqmike's writeup is good, detailed, and explanatory:


        Re: KUBUNTU USB Boot Drives Runs Like Crap, Dont Know Why. Please Help If You Can.

        humm you mite try this one.......I'v read posts ware pepole had good luck with it.

        and you could add the program you used in ubuntu to make it......Kubuntu IS ubuntu underneth
        just KDE insted of fact I have both on my box ...Gnome and KDE and fluxbox and e16 and bla bla bla

        I think you can get that with a

        sudo apt-get install usb-creator
        or you can use usb-creator-kde or usb-creator-gtk just slitley diferent GUI's

        and I think that was fat32 not win32

        good luck


        EDIT: OOPS sorey dibl dident see ya in time.....
        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          Re: KUBUNTU USB Boot Drives Runs Like Crap, Dont Know Why. Please Help If You Ca

          I think you answered your own question: You want a regular, full installation of Kubuntu to a flash drive, just like to any drive (hard drive).

          And that's exactly how it is done:

          -- format/partition the flash drive (e.g., using GParted Live CD)
          Partitioning—how to, Rog131:

          -- plug the flash drive in

          -- run the Kubuntu live CD installer
          > explore your drives to see how Kubuntu sees your flash drive (sda, sdb, sdc, etc.) and how GRUB sees it (hd1, hd2, hd3, etc.): use sudo fdisk -lu and grub>geometry commands to do this
          > have it install Kubuntu to the flash drive
          > use the Manual partitioning option
          > in the final step (Summary), use the Advanced button at lower right to specify where to put GRUB (put it in the MBR of the flash drive: (hd1) or (hd2) or (hd23) or ?)

          Issue: flash drive wearout? Possibly, who knows? You might choose ext2 as your format for Kubuntu rather than ext3.
          In any case, always backup your data on the flash drive and, in fact, consider backing up the whole flash drive by cloning it using the dd command:
          See Reply #1 here:
          -- dd Command

          -- How To Make GRUB Thumb Drive

          How to install K/Ubuntu 7.04 to an external USB hard disk drive (HDD), Reply #1
          (=> same principle for USB flash drive)
          (there may be more relevant info in the thread)

          A live Kubuntu flash drive runs just as does a live Kubuntu CD--only in RAM, nothing kept permanently.
          A live persistent Kubuntu flash drive runs as does a live Kubuntu CD EXCEPT it stores your data/settings on a part of the flash drive (a file) variously called Casper-rw or whatever.
          A full Kubuntu install is just that: a full, regular install of Kubuntu to a drive (an internal HDD, and external HDD, a flash drive, a flash card, etc.).

          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


            Re: KUBUNTU USB Boot Drives Runs Like Crap, Dont Know Why. Please Help If You Ca

            more specifically ...

            "Would these instructions work better and solve my problem and make it run faster/better? if not or if there is a better way then what?"

            That is a good link. And IF you want a live USB install (w/ or w/o persistence) usb-creator is a good way to go, no problem. However, you do not seem to want that--you want a regular, full install, which is what we addressed above. (That is, you do not need usb-creator.)

            As for speed, yes, sometimes you do experience slow performance on live flash drives. Sometimes on ANY USB drive, you may experience slower-than-usual boot-up times. Maybe it's hardware, software, BIOS/GRUB searching, who knows. I've seen all extremes from quick and snappy to really slow and sluggish. For example, my live persistent sidux on USB flash drive is really nice and quick and responsive. As was my Kubuntu 7.10 on live flash drive. But I've also noticed slow downs, like 8.04 and 9.04 on flash drives. (My experience, YMMV)

            Another issue is updates. Can you get updates to programs and OSs on the LIVE flash drive? Depends on who you ask. Mixed reports, for sure. Certainly, it seems easy enough to get updates to your application programs on the live flash drive. But the story is not so clear on getting updates to the OS. I never had much luck. There's a thread on it here somewhere. That is one reason some folks say they prefer a full, regular install of Kubuntu/Ubuntu to their USB flash drive (i.e., not a live/persistent install).

            Once again, wanna emphasize doing backups of your data and/or dd-cloning the whole flash drive now and then.
            An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


              Re: KUBUNTU USB Boot Drives Runs Like Crap, Dont Know Why. Please Help If You Ca

              Well I just tried the options on the last menu using the installer to make a boot disc, actually I have tried it about 3 times now. Everytime the terminal does its thing its successful but the entire back of the screen goes black and I dont know how to get it back to the desktop. Any ideas?
              "Keepin it real since 1987"


                Re: KUBUNTU USB Boot Drives Runs Like Crap, Dont Know Why. Please Help If You Ca

                Not sure I get the question;

                Well I just tried the options on the last menu (what menu?) using the installer (what installer?) to make a boot disc (you mean placing GRUB?), actually I have tried it about 3 times now. Everytime the terminal (terminal?) does its thing its successful but the entire back of the screen (??) goes black and I dont know how to get it back to the desktop (desktop?). Any ideas?

                (I'm being pulled away here, but will try to get back. Sounds like a video issue, but not sure what/where you are. You are doing a regular, full install, right?)
                An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                  Re: KUBUNTU USB Boot Drives Runs Like Crap, Dont Know Why. Please Help If You Ca

                  No sorry im doing the instructions on the last link that you posted to make a boot drive, similar to the one i tried earlier but im entering sudo su in the command line, then apt-get install python-gnome2 usb-creator in the command promt (terminal/ or shell) and it looks online and installs it, but the whole screen of my computer just goes black and leaves nothing but the window with the terminal or shell open with the command line, i managed to get a finder window open but is there a way to get to where the program is from the finder or dolphin?
                  "Keepin it real since 1987"


                    Re: KUBUNTU USB Boot Drives Runs Like Crap, Dont Know Why. Please Help If You Ca

                    First, if you are using Kubuntu, I believe usb-creator comes with 8.10 and 9.04 (?). Or, you can get it easily enough in a Live CD session using the package manager.
                    Second, why are you using usb-creator? It will only create a LIVE (persistent) USB Kubuntu installation to flash drive, NOT a full, regular installation.
                    I'm not sure what could be going on with the black screen thing.

                    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                      Re: KUBUNTU USB Boot Drives Runs Like Crap, Dont Know Why. Please Help If You Ca

                      Ok ill mess with it some more. Thanks!
                      "Keepin it real since 1987"


                        Re: KUBUNTU USB Boot Drives Runs Like Crap, Dont Know Why. Please Help If You Ca

                        If it got installed, and you do have that terminal window open, I believe just issuing the command
                        ought to start it running.
                        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                          Re: KUBUNTU USB Boot Drives Runs Like Crap, Dont Know Why. Please Help If You Ca

                          maybe sudo usb-creator
                          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                            Re: KUBUNTU USB Boot Drives Runs Like Crap, Dont Know Why. Please Help If You Ca

                            Just so ya know, I just got it working. I didn't realize doing a full install would be as easy as... doing a full install haha! It worked though and its not lightning fast but it runs MUCH better and it manageable, and considering I only have 256mb of Ram might have something to do with it to lol. But overall I am very pleased, your instructions helped a ton so thanks a lot! Until next time!
                            "Keepin it real since 1987"


                              Re: KUBUNTU USB Boot Drives Runs Like Crap, Dont Know Why. Please Help If You Ca

                              Glad you got it going. Yes, I would think the RAM would be a factor in performance. Just be careful not to fill up the flash drive because that would "lock up" the stick. Keep an eye on disk use (maybe at Konsole, df -hT now and then); keep it clean of any data/junk you don't need. In 8.04, you can use (at Konsole) kontrol > privacy > clean up; after that, you can use the sweeper package to clean up temp files and such.
                              An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

