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Installing Kubuntu Over Another Linux Distribution

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    Re: Installing Kubuntu Over Another Linux Distribution

    Thank you for all the help folks. I am going to have to read it all over and think on it a bit before I go any further.


      Re: Installing Kubuntu Over Another Linux Distribution

      You will have a big problem if your other linux is a kde distro and uses kde3.5 or has d different configuration for kde4.x.x or even an earlier version of kde4 than the one you are installing.
      So creating a new user is simple and hassle free.
      I started to install Kubuntu 9.0 and got as far as the partitioning and promptly descended into confusion.

      To briefly recap I want to install Kubuntu over Mandriva, hoping that I can save the home directory but have backed it up anyway. Half of the disk is given to Windows XP. So what I want to end up with is a dual booting system with Windows XP and Kubuntu. As a picture is replaces a thousand words I am attaching two shots of my screen at the partition section.

      Help would be really appreciated.

      Attached Files


        Re: Installing Kubuntu Over Another Linux Distribution

        it's ok no hurey.......LOL

        AHumm yes ..............well to the fun....

        ok so from the second screeney I see that /sda1 is windows and you will leave this alone.

        /sda2 looks to be fat32 storage of about you nead it.? if so leave it alone.

        humm no /sda3-4 this drives ben mesed with a few times perhaps.

        /sda5 looks to be the mandriva root or/ about 12 Gig.....good highlight it click edit and asine it to / root and click format........nothing will happen untill the next page or 2

        /sda6 is swap..........just highlight and edit and asine as swap.

        /sda7 looks like a good agin click to highlight and click edit and asine to /home...NOW the choise to format or not dont half to.......but I would just to side step posable did say you backed up the data you wanted from it rite

        /sdb1 looks like about 1Gig of fat16??........a usb stick you left in?? mabey

        OK then check it all over and then click next on the next page or the one after you will see a advanced button click it and make shure that Grub IS going to be installed to the MBR ...........then let it install wile you go have a cup of coffey

        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          Re: Installing Kubuntu Over Another Linux Distribution

          If you have stopped installing and you are still able to boot into Mandriva....

          Boot into Mandriva and print out or write down the output of:
          cat /etc/fstab
          This will tell you where each partition is currently mounted. Posting the output here is not necessary, unless you need further assistance with it.

          I am hoping that you have stopped the install process until you have the answer to your question.



            Re: Installing Kubuntu Over Another Linux Distribution

            Originally posted by vinnywright
            OK then check it all over and then click next on the next page or the one after you will see a advanced button click it and make shure that Grub IS going to be installed to the MBR ...........then let it install wile you go have a cup of coffey
            When I got to the MBR part it gave me a list of partitions, so I presumed that the MBR was in SDA!. Anyway, that is where I put it. Must say that after the install and you boot in, the boot in screen where I choose windows or Kubuntu (Ubuntu) is not the prettiest thing walking around, which makes me wonder whether I got it in the right place.

            The version I installed had the latest KDE and I must say that is going to take a little getting used to. In Mandriva, right on the start menu, it give you a selection that allows you to add or remove software. I'm sure KDE 4 must have it somewhere but for now I can't find it.

            All of my home stuff from Mandriva was lost but I had backed it all up.


              Re: Installing Kubuntu Over Another Linux Distribution

              Originally posted by monte48lowes
              If you have stopped installing and you are still able to boot into Mandriva....

              Boot into Mandriva and print out or write down the output of:
              cat /etc/fstab
              This will tell you where each partition is currently mounted. Posting the output here is not necessary, unless you need further assistance with it.

              I am hoping that you have stopped the install process until you have the answer to your question.

              Thank you for this, it is useful to know. I had obtained enough information from Vinny that got me going and installed Kubuntu. It is not fully in use yet, this is coming to you from the Windows half of my system. Bill.


                Re: Installing Kubuntu Over Another Linux Distribution

                As many others have posted here on the forums (and elsewhere), I recommend installing synaptic.
                sudo apt-get install synaptic
                Then you will find it under K-Menu>Applications>System>Package Manager Synaptic Package Manager. You can right click on it and "Add to Favorites".


                I do not find the new version of Adept very useful at all.


                  Re: Installing Kubuntu Over Another Linux Distribution

                  Originally posted by monte48lowes
                  As many others have posted here on the forums (and elsewhere), I recommend installing synaptic.
                  sudo apt-get install synaptic
                  Then you will find it under K-Menu>Applications>System>Package Manager Synaptic Package Manager. You can right click on it and "Add to Favorites".
                  Thank you for the above, I have downloaded Synaptic. This may not be the place but the Kubuntu screen is over to the left on my monitor, with about a half inch gap down the right side of the screen. Is there a way to correct this?

                  Thank you, Bill.


                    Re: Installing Kubuntu Over Another Linux Distribution

                    Originally posted by elder73

                    This may not be the place but the Kubuntu screen is over to the left on my monitor, with about a half inch gap down the right side of the screen.
                    Since this is a different topic than the one addressed in the title and original post, you should start a new thread with that question, and a suitable title.

                    Hint: for video-related troubleshooting help, it is necessary to get the essential information about your hardware. You can use "lspci -vv" to print it to your screen, and then copy just the part that shows the VGA capability to your post. Also your computer model and the version of Kubuntu you are using will be needed. If your monitor is a separate unit from your computer, then the make and model of the monitor may also be important to understanding the problem and solution.


                      Re: Installing Kubuntu Over Another Linux Distribution

                      Originally posted by vinnywright

                      OK then check it all over and then click next on the next page or the one after you will see a advanced button click it and make shure that Grub IS going to be installed to the MBR ...........then let it install wile you go have a cup of coffey

                      Aannnd that's the step I missed. They could have given that button a screen in the main dialog so that you know you have to do something special if you are overwriting an old Linux distro. No big deal. Thanks for saving me 4 or 5 hours of repeatedly trying to figure out what went wrong


                        Re: Installing Kubuntu Over Another Linux Distribution

                        Originally posted by aiiee
                        Originally posted by vinnywright

                        OK then check it all over and then click next on the next page or the one after you will see a advanced button click it and make shure that Grub IS going to be installed to the MBR ...........then let it install wile you go have a cup of coffey

                        Aannnd that's the step I missed. They could have given that button a screen in the main dialog so that you know you have to do something special if you are overwriting an old Linux distro. No big deal. Thanks for saving me 4 or 5 hours of repeatedly trying to figure out what went wrong
                        It doesn't say which partition to mount Grub! There is no 'install in MBR' option. Only the list of partitions. Which partition should it go in? My windows partition? A new one? It doesn't say.

                        I think someone was pressed for time when they wrote this install dialog. Rather than collect the users changes and hold them until the end, every time you switch screens the changes are redone and undone, and redone, etc. Give the developers more time! Anyway, where do I put Grub now?


                          Re: Installing Kubuntu Over Another Linux Distribution

                          sda1 I would say. ........and look to see if you get a chois of grub or grub2 I would stick with grub if you get a chois

                          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                          16GB RAM
                          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                            Re: Installing Kubuntu Over Another Linux Distribution

                            Originally posted by vinnywright
                            sda1 I would say. ........and look to see if you get a chois of grub or grub2 I would stick with grub if you get a chois

                            thanks vinnywright! yes hda1 is my windows partition that is the first partition under hda. Which explains why grub didnt show up during routine install, the KDE installer assumes you want grub in the kubuntu partition, even if it never shows up on boot. odd.


                              Re: Installing Kubuntu Over Another Linux Distribution

                              hold on aiiee I'm tird that should be sda not sda1 ...oops dont do the sda1 that wont be the MBR

                              and I just notesed you arnt the OP what;s you'r disk lay out start a new thred.
                              and post the output of

                              sudo fdisk -l
                              and your plans for the insall

                              i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                              16GB RAM
                              Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                                Re: Installing Kubuntu Over Another Linux Distribution

                                Originally posted by vinnywright
                                hold on aiiee I'm tird that should be sda not sda1 ...oops dont do the sda1 that wont be the MBR

                                and I just notesed you arnt the OP what;s you'r disk lay out start a new thred.
                                and post the output of

                                sudo fdisk -l
                                and your plans for the insall

                                haha. no worries. I thought it should be sda because that is the first partition. They really need to label this thing better. Too hard to understand what to do! Yes, let me get a picture here before we go further.

