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At last but not , frozen solid. Won't start

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    At last but not , frozen solid. Won't start

    At last I got every thing loaded,and as told removed the Cd ,and DELIGHT! it all works fine. SO later on I reboot and it all seems to load fine. Nice kubuntu screen and all those lists of Ok@s appear and the bar below filling up nicely.Then it clears and it's back to the Kubunto screen with the nice little bar,and then it just sits there. Little bar stays empty and nothing happens.The most interesting bit is watching my reflection on the monitor. I have spent days on this adding a second hard drive and getting it all downloaded , copied ,checked etc and all was fine. Now I am about to have my nervous break down!Now What ?

    Re: At last but not , frozen solid. Won't start

    What is your graphics card? You are probably having an error with the X server (the one managing graphics). Here's what you could do:

    1. When you get to that black Kubuntu screen with the "nice little bar" that's empty and not moving, press Ctrl+Alt+F1. This will give you a Command Line Interface. It will ask for your username and password (the one you made during the installation).
    2. type startx . If things are not fine with the X server, your monitor will flicker a bit, then it will throw you back to the command prompt, together with some error messages. If you can, try to take note of what the messages say. Sometimes, even the most incomprehensible error message will yield something in Google.

    3. If you were thrown back to the command prompt, verifying an X server problem, type these commands, one after the other:
    sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
    sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
    Take note that it will ask for your password.
    The first command stops the KDE Display Manager (kdm).
    The second makes a backup of your xorg.conf file.
    The third command will run a program that will let you reconfigure the X server. You can just accept the defaults if you don't understand the choices. Most notable choices that you might want to check will be the choices for the driver and the resolution.

    4. Once you're done, at the command prompt, type
    sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start
    If all went well, you should have a working GUI now. Good luck!

    Hope this helps.
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: At last but not , frozen solid. Won't start

      its an ATI Rage pro Turbo agp2x. It's an old pentium 2 machine W98 se, but it was VERY expensive when new, (I was given it) and it has always seemed to work really well and with a reasonable speed. Ill try to get that all done and see how it goes.While doing my first visit I seemed to recall that the driver wasnt working, and oddly enough I thought the start x command was something to do with it but I couldnt get there. It's been a steep learning curve. Fdisk deosnt Fhase me any more, nor messing about with bios/cmos etc.I have probably filcked more switches and messed up repeatedly. had to reinsall w98a few times and reformat the drives etc. Anyway Ill try all that but it is all new to me and thanks for the advice .


        Re: At last but not , frozen solid. Won't start

        Tried the given solution here
        sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
        sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup
        sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

        The following showed on screen beforehand after "startx"

        (EE)ATI(0) virtual size(1280X854) pitch1280 exceeds video memory
        (EE) screens found, but none have a useable configuration

        the first line above -stop command line -brings up a "no such file or directory line"

        I have an ATI Rage Pro Turbo AGP 2x video card and have looked for some info on that to no avail, and found nothing on the error messages and have, so, some configuration probs with it as it is obviously not installed .

        I havn't installed windows back on yet on the 6.5 GB master drive, and have 80 GB on the slave with Grub/boot installed on a small partition at the top of the slave so I have some space spare.
        Basicly still struggling with it all and with getting my speedtouch 330 working. Determined to get it all up and running with an absence of Microsoft. Green as grass here and learning fast! Want to find myself working properly.
        So to all thanks for the time and help given.


          Re: At last but not , frozen solid. Won't start

          Jucato fixed me!


            Re: At last but not , frozen solid. Won't start

            glad I could help!
            Jucato's Data Core

