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Error, trying to install JAVA

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    Error, trying to install JAVA

    Hi guys,

    Please help me!

    Im new on Linux, so I am having a lot of dificulties to do simple things.

    Im trying to install JAVA, JDK, but everytime I get the same error message:

    java_ee_sdk-5_07-jdk-6u16-linux.bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    So I checked If I already have the libstdc installed. An I have the libstdc++6 installed.

    Could somebody please help me ?


    Re: Error, trying to install JAVA

    Greetings and welcome. Sorry to read that you had problems.

    Are you using Jaunty (Kubuntu 9.04)? Do you want to install Sun JDK? (there are several versions)

    sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
    You will need to have multiverse enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list to do this.
    HP Compaq nc6400, 2Gi, 100Gi, ATI x1300 with 512M


      Re: Error, trying to install JAVA

      There are several versions of the JDK available for Kubuntu. The VERY WORST way to get the JDK is to download it directly from the Sun site, unless you are a sophisticated Linux user.

      It's preferable to open your favorite graphical package manager (mine is Synaptic) and install the *buntu package. the only problem with doing this is that about two thirds of the way through the installation you have to click something that says that you have read (even if you haven't) and accept the Sun license. Therefore you have to be sure that you've got the Synaptic terminal window open so you can page through the lawyerspeak to make the click.

      Accordingly the VERY BEST way to get the JDK is to follow the advice in the previous post. In more detail:
      (0) In Synaptic, click Settings>Repositories>Software restricted by copyright ...
      (1) Close Synaptic. (You can't have two package managers open at once.)
      (2) Start a Konsole: K>Search Box: type konsole
      (3) In the konsole: Type the line that's in the gray box in kevinc's post.
      (4) You may have to install a bunch of other "stuff".
      (a) Because you're doing this manually, you may need to manually add a bunch of packages called "recommended" these are MANDATORY despite the name of the category.
      (b) You should also install all the packages called "suggested". In principle you only need a selected a subset of these, but if you're a newb, your best bet is just to get all of them unless you're running out of disk space.

      Personally, I have an unnecessarily large hard drive so I have the JDK installed, but I prefer to use C++, which is MUCH easier to install.


        Re: Error, trying to install JAVA

        Yes, what Al said.

        About half the folks attempting the Java package installation, via synaptic or apt-get or aptitude or whatever, stumble on the "accept the license" page.

        The TAB key is the key! Use the TAB key to highlight "OK", then hit Enter and it will record that you accepted the license. If you only hit Enter, it does not install.


          Re: Error, trying to install JAVA

          Originally posted by dibl
          The TAB key is the key! Use the TAB key to highlight "OK", then hit Enter and it will record that you accepted the license. If you only hit Enter, it does not install.
          Been there. Done that.
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

