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a few problems with kubuntu,plz help me

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    a few problems with kubuntu,plz help me

    Hello, this's my 1st msg, I'm spanish, so excuseme for my english
    I have Dell Vostro 1720 with core2 DUO proc, 4GB DDR, nvidia 9600 GS with 512 MB.

    1-when I turn on my pc, it works well until arrives to password screen. There I have to enter user and passw, but my keyboard doesn't works, mouse yes. If I reboot, it works good. I would like to don't have to reboot always...

    2-My compiz 3d cube doesn't work, I have 4 desktops, Extra effects enabled, compiz updated, 3cube actived, Nvidia drivers updated. What happens?

    3-My sound card is Intel HDA... I know that there are problems with it. WHen I want listen music by headphones, my notebook doesnt mute the sound.

    4-Sometimes when I start kubuntu, it loads doing strange things, and in conlusion, doesn't work compiz effects. So I have to start fusion icon and there put RELOAD Window MAnager., so it works then. How to fix this.

    5-I have installed this linux a lot of times, and now, finally I configured it +/- well. So, how to backup my config, and software I downloaded and installed?
    I tryied with keep but don't know how to...

    6-Do I need any antivirus for linux?

    7-Can I use airoscript, airoway, airccrack

    Thanks everybody!

    Re: a few problems with kubuntu,plz help me

    That's a lot of issues! But the English is good.

    OK, first Welcome!

    I might have some help, but not 100% of your solutions:

    Originally posted by oxyzon

    1-when I turn on my pc, it works well until arrives to password screen. There I have to enter user and passw, but my keyboard doesn't works, mouse yes. If I reboot, it works good. I would like to don't have to reboot always...
    That's a new one for me -- I have not heard of it. Sounds like some issue reading the keyboard device during boot -- probably a timing issue with kernel startup. I would research it at Ubuntu Forums and Launchpad -- I suspect you are looking for a kernel fix.

    2-My compiz 3d cube doesn't work, I have 4 desktops, Extra effects enabled, compiz updated, 3cube actived, Nvidia drivers updated. What happens?
    In your System Settings > Desktop > Multiple Desktops, you need to set it to 1. Then in Compiz Config Settings Manager, you set Horizontal Desktops to 4.

    3-My sound card is Intel HDA... I know that there are problems with it. WHen I want listen music by headphones, my notebook doesnt mute the sound.
    I don't know the exact answer to this, but there is a wealth of sound settings information on Ubuntu Forums. Start here:

    4-Sometimes when I start kubuntu, it loads doing strange things, and in conlusion, doesn't work compiz effects. So I have to start fusion icon and there put RELOAD Window MAnager., so it works then. How to fix this.
    I'm not sure what your "strange things" might be, but it is OK to set Fusion Icon to Autostart in System Settings > Advanced > Autostart, then you should be able to start Compiz every time.

    5-I have installed this linux a lot of times, and now, finally I configured it +/- well. So, how to backup my config, and software I downloaded and installed?
    I tryied with keep but don't know how to...
    There are packages to make an image -- that's one approach. For your installed software, there is Apt on CD:

    This is a good article on the subject:

    I guess you know you can install the babelfish plugin for Firefox, and it will translate English to Spanish for you.

    6-Do I need any antivirus for linux?
    That really depends a lot on how you are connected to the Internet (for your own computer) and how you receive and send E-mail (for your friends and colleagues). Here's more:

    7-Can I use airoscript, airoway, airccrack
    You can, but because the root user will write to your user's home folder, it will bork your login (permissions on user files will be changed to root). Backtrack would be a better choice for that:

    You can make a bootable USB stick with BT on it.

    Probably better to use BT 4.

    Hope this helps!


      Re: a few problems with kubuntu,plz help me

      Thanks you a lot dibl!!!

      I get 3dcube working!!!

      One more question, how to transport some windows to other desktop. I click with mouse and move to left or right but it don't comes into another desktop, not happens nothing. How can I do it?


        Re: a few problems with kubuntu,plz help me

        Originally posted by oxyzon

        how to transport some windows to other desktop.
        I just drag them with the top border. Drag it halfway across to the next side of the cube, then turn the cube and grab it again and drag it where you want it.


          Re: a few problems with kubuntu,plz help me

          You can also just right-click on the window top boarder, mouse on To Desktop and click the desktop number you want to send it to. In Linux, there is almost always more than one way to do something.
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: a few problems with kubuntu,plz help me

            I can do it like explained Snowhog, but I can't drag by the top to the side of cube, when I do it, doesnt happens anything, well, I move my mouse dragging the window, but when arrive to side, can't continue.


              Re: a few problems with kubuntu,plz help me

              Not sure which version of Kubuntu you are running. In 9.10, I can do KMenu>System Settings>Window Behavior and I find some options that might help you. "Titlebar actions" and things like that. I haven't messed with them, so you are on your own to make adjustments.


                Re: a few problems with kubuntu,plz help me

                ok! thanks it works

                I changed options in ..>advanced


                  Re: a few problems with kubuntu,plz help me

                  Originally posted by oxyzon
                  6-Do I need any antivirus for linux?
                  Need? No.
                  7-Can I use airoscript, airoway, airccrack
                  If you mean, can you install them? Yes. HOWTO: Aircrack-NG (Simple Guide) Slightly dated, but you'll get the idea.
                  Whether you have the skills to use them, well only you can answer that.
                  Thanks everybody!
                  You're welcome.
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

