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Wacom Tablet pc + Kubuntu 9.04= Good match?

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    Wacom Tablet pc + Kubuntu 9.04= Good match?

    Hi Kubuntu citizens

    i have return to Kubuntu after while. I have Fujitsu T4420 Tablet Laptop and i have friend who has same tablet and he installed Ubuntu in his tablet and all the wacom stuff started to work from begaining. so i was thinking that if i install Kubuntu my tablet will have everything working as well.

    no need to go around the net to look for different script/patches to make Wacom work?
    Yes/No ?

    i am an engineering student and i am trying to do more programming with C++ and Embedded system and i want to know if Kubuntu is the best choice for beginners.

    Thank you. 8)

    Re: Wacom Tablet pc + Kubuntu 9.04= Good match?

    I have no experience using or installing Linux on Watcom tablets. A Google of the Internet reveals no significant posts relating to running Linux on the Watcom. If your friend verifies that it does work for Ubuntu then it MIGHT work for Kubuntu/KDE4.3.1. Download either a Jaunty ISO or the latest daily of the Karmic ISO, test the md5sum to verify the download, burn it at 10x or less, then after you boot it select the option to test the CD. If it passes that test then select the option to run it as a LiveCD (which won't touch your HD or make any changes to your computer). That way you can test for yourself how Kubuntu runs on your Watcom.

    Before I retired the last 5 or so years was spent using Qt and C++ to write software for the dept of rev in the state where I live. I LOVE that combo. I suspect that writing embedded software using Qt will be just as much fun as I had will writing it for client-server applications against Oracle and PostgreSQL back ends.

    Have you seen and/or used the new GUI RAD tool designed especially for Qt? QtCreator?

    It's under the GPL and it is in the repository, as is Qt.

    I wish it was available before I retired. I was stuck using MS Visual Studio C++ 6.0
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: Wacom Tablet pc + Kubuntu 9.04= Good match?

      I just bought a Wacom Bamboo Fun in August. Wacom was offering a $20.00 rebate last month. I decided to try it because it was mentioned briefly in an article in Linux Format. They said it works with linux. There is even a website called the linuxwacom project and a mailing list.

      My laptop dual boots Mandriva 2009.1 and Windows XP. I installed the tablet on both with no problem. I have Jaunty installed on my other computer. I installed the Wacom tablet there. It just works. You just need to install the 2 or 3 wacom related software.

      After saying that it works, I should mention that the pen doesn't work with most software on OSX, Windows or Linux. There is a lst on Wacom's website of the Windows programs it works with. I have gotten it to work in Gimp using Windows and linux. So don't think you be able to use it with every program that you use.



        Re: Wacom Tablet pc + Kubuntu 9.04= Good match?

        I was waiting to see if Watchman9 was going to post a reply.

        What I posted before is misleading. The drawing function of the pen is limited in what software will recognize it but the pen can be used similar to a mouse in every program that I've tried.For example, I couldn't draw with the pen in OpenOfficeDraw but I could use the pen like a mouse in OpenOfficeWrite.

