I tried moving them to HDD, to no avail. I have all the codecs I know of, no go. I have all the playback plugins I found in my search for answers, nothing. What gives?

I'm relatively new to Linux and have only been exclusive for a few months. So forgive me my ignorance if there's something obvious that I'm missing. I'm used to M$ Windblows' "Damn the stability! Full speed ahead!" attitude.
That's the only thing I prefer about Windows: If it doesn't quite know what to do with it, it tries anyway; and if it still can't, at least it tries to find a solution; "Would you like Windows to search for the drivers/codecs/formats?"(though this is not always successful and can lead to disaster). Linux seems to demand micromanagement. I don't really want to spend hours/days trying to get a video from my own d4 camera to play.
It also doesn't seem to want to play DVDs, though the movies and videos I've downloaded play just fine. Click on a *.avi, *.wma, etc. and MPlayer opens and plays it better than the default Dragonplayer. But DVDs and Memsticks seem to confuse the heck out of it. Help?