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2 issues. Wireless and packagae mngt.

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    2 issues. Wireless and packagae mngt.

    I've used Ubuntu since 8.04 but I was curious about Kubuntu and wanted to try it out.

    Anyway I had two issues I figured out on my own and I was wondering how some of you all would have gone about fixing them.

    The 1st issue was wireless. On Ubuntu my Broadcom 4312 was configured and worked out the box. When I used Kubuntu it was also recognized and it showed my network but it would never connect. This was with Kubuntu 9.04. What I did was install wicd instead and I had no issues. Is this normal or was there something I was missing? I use a simple WEP. It would never connect with anything. I tried the live CD on another laptop with an Atheros card and it was the same deal.

    Issue #2 was with the package manager it comes with. Simply put I couldnt get it to work. It would never find anything when I did a search for packages, so I installed Synaptic with the command line. This worked well but I was left wondering if this was "normal"?

    So I guess my question is if these issues are normal and if what I did the "usual" way to go about fixing these issues. I used what knowledge I had but the point of me putting Kubuntu on my computer was to learn KDE.

    I apologize if there is more documentation about this stuff but I read what I could find.

    Re: 2 issues. Wireless and packagae mngt.

    Yeah, default package manager does not work at all, i just removed it by the way (it's package is called kpackagekit if you wanna do this too), and yeah, network management in kubuntu is kinda crappy too %)
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      Re: 2 issues. Wireless and packagae mngt.

      The 1st issue was wireless. On Ubuntu my Broadcom 4312 was configured and worked out the box. When I used Kubuntu it was also recognized and it showed my network but it would never connect. This was with Kubuntu 9.04. What I did was install wicd instead and I had no issues. Is this normal or was there something I was missing? I use a simple WEP. It would never connect with anything. I tried the live CD on another laptop with an Atheros card and it was the same deal.
      Lots of post's on that one and most of them fixed it the same way you have done

      I have a linksys card that uses the Atheros chipset and used ndiswrapper to load the XP drivers and havent had a prob with the default network manager sence............BUT I dont use eney encription eather so.......and I think it's the WEP part that gave most the troubel and prompted the wicd fix.

      Issue #2 was with the package manager it comes with. Simply put I couldnt get it to work. It would never find anything when I did a search for packages, so I installed Synaptic with the command line. This worked well but I was left wondering if this was "normal"?
      yes Kpackagkit would seam to be rether broken......and yes most go for synaptic ..................after seing that strang you nead to fork error to meney times ....................I have a fork I use at diner.............but I dont know what I'd do with it in my computer....................LOL

      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
      16GB RAM
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        Re: 2 issues. Wireless and packagae mngt.

        OK well I guess that's good because I was wondering if maybe I had a bad burn or something but I had checked it and it was okay. I hope that gets polished up in the next release because Kubuntu runs fast and stable on my hardware, I am thinking of keeping it full time over Ubuntu.


          Re: 2 issues. Wireless and packagae mngt.

          to install synaptic be sure to run from the konsole
          sudo apt-get install synaptic
          it should ask to install a few other files (if you don't have gnome installed) let it and then feel free to remove kpackagekit (or just never use it).
          do not try to install synaptic with kpackagekit, it just won't work . kpackagekit has issues gettings package dependcies...

          and for your network woes....

          i would reccomend wicd for your network manager you can find it in the repos (its called wicd) install it with from konsole

          sudo apt-get install wicd
          it will remove the knetworkmanager and the network-manager backend. after its done installing if you don't see the icon in your system tray then you will want to manually envoke the tray icon by running the command
          [code=run this in krunner <alt+f2 default>]wicd-client[/code]

          i don't think i know of anyone using kpackagekit.... at least in the people i physically see who have kubuntu installed , also wicd i use only if network manager gives me issues (aparently wep is one if its faunts)

          if you get stuck after you install wicd give i shout and you for sure will get a reply

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            Re: 2 issues. Wireless and packagae mngt.

            just noticed your last post when i posted, just wanted to say
            you can have both gnome and kde at the same time,.

            you need only to install the package ubuntu-desktop (for gnome)
            kubuntu-desktop (for kde)
            or xubuntu-desktop(xfce) or one of the several other desktop enviroments. you can install them all at the same time if you so desire,

            you can select between then on your login screen by selecting an item from the session menu (look and you should find it , not always labeled depends on ur kdm/gdm theme)

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              Re: 2 issues. Wireless and packagae mngt.

              Originally posted by sithlord48
              just noticed your last post when i posted, just wanted to say
              you can have both gnome and kde at the same time,.

              you need only to install the package ubuntu-desktop (for gnome)
              kubuntu-desktop (for kde)
              or xubuntu-desktop(xfce) or one of the several other desktop enviroments. you can install them all at the same time if you so desire,

              you can select between then on your login screen by selecting an item from the session menu (look and you should find it , not always labeled depends on ur kdm/gdm theme)


              O yes that's totaley posable I have KDE, Gnome ,xfce4 and fluxbox all as choises in my login

              the onley querk........when opening a Gnome or KDE app in Xfce4 or fluxbox will throw the respectiv desktop wallpaper up on ya.

              i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
              16GB RAM
              Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

