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I Just Wanna Introduce Myself

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    I Just Wanna Introduce Myself


    I'm Andy from New York. I'm a newbie here
    and I just wanna get updated by the latest
    trends of software that's why I join in this
    forum. I was so curious about the open source
    since most of the people nowadays are already
    using the open source operating system. I hope
    I will learn more about it here.


    Re: I Just Wanna Introduce Myself

    Great, another user . Always glad to have new people at our forum even though i'm quite new myself. Enjoy your Kubuntu!
    <br />Have YOU signed the Ubuntu code of Conduct? I did it at 10 AUG, 2009!


      Re: I Just Wanna Introduce Myself

      Welcome here Andrew!

      I am not from, but I do work in NYC. Have you installed Kubuntu? If not, you can give it a spin on a live CD (or live USB). This will give you a lot more insight!



        Re: I Just Wanna Introduce Myself

        Small world, big city. I'm in NYC too
        linux &amp;&amp; bash = &quot;the future&quot;


          Re: I Just Wanna Introduce Myself

          Hey hey! Welcome to the forums, welcome to open source.


            Re: I Just Wanna Introduce Myself

            I also just want to say welcome and that if any questions should arise, the people on these message boards are very helpful and should find a solution to any problem u may have.

            Again, welcome and have a good day.


              Re: I Just Wanna Introduce Myself

              Hi Andy!!

              Welcome to Linux and Kubuntu!

              You've made an excellent choice and this is a fabulous forum!

              The current version of Kubuntu is 9.04, meaning it was released in the 4th month of 2009. It's nick-name is "Jaunty Jackalope", but most merely refer to it as "Jaunty". (The Ubuntu 9.04 release is also called Jaunty -- it can get confusing.)

              The next release will be 9.10, meaning it will be released in October of 2009, a couple months from now, and is referred to as Karmic.

              Jaunty features the KDE 4.2.4 desktop, while Karmic will come with KDE 4.3, and a newer kernel.

              The KDE desktop differs from the GNOME desktop in many significant ways. Which is better is a matter of personal preference. I prefer KDE so that's why I use Kubuntu. I prefer it because before I retired I was a professional programmer, for nearly 40 years, and I worked on both Windows and Linux desktops. It was easier for me to configure KDE to look and work like Windows, which made switching between my Windows workstation and my Linux workstation a lot easier.

              A lot of Windows users migrating to Linux prefer KDE because of its similarity in look and feel to Windows. In fact, it seems that Microsoft borrowed a LOT of KDE4's look and feel when it came out with VISTA. What Microsoft didn't borrow was KDE4's speed, stability and immunity to common malware. But, that's just my personal opinion. Strangely, and I've never understood it, there are people who do not like KDE4!

              A LiveCD is a good way to test your hardware for Linux compatibility. While 99% of hardware is 100% compatible with Linux, there is some hardware that doesn't work under Linux. For example, if you tried to install Kubuntu on a Dell Mini10 or Mini10v, which has the GMA500 instead of the GMA950 video chip, your attempt would most likely fail, because the GMA500 does not play well on Linux. Also, hardware that features an MSI motherboard (FoxConn BIOS) won't work well with Linux because the FoxConn BIOS has seven different locations where the code, if it detects Linux, sends it off into dead vector spaces. LexMark printers are notoriously anti-Linux, as are certain modems, mice, web cameras, etc., but these devices are well identified in the Ubuntu hardware support and testing web pages:




              So, check out your hardware, and welcome aboard!
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

