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Authorization Dialog for Windows XP Share help

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    Authorization Dialog for Windows XP Share help

    Fresh 9.04 install. Networking with XP works fine I can access Windows XP files without Authorization Dialog popping up. After playing with Kubuntu for awhile, I start to get the Authorization Dialog box asking for user name and password when I want to open an XP folder OR file.
    I've added a user and password to samba conf file but that didn't help. I searched the internet for Kubuntu bugs and found this bug #195450. Is this the problem?

    Thanks for any help

    Re: Authorization Dialog for Windows XP Share help

    its not kubuntu at all it is xp that you would need to log in to ..

    you can in system settings =>sharing set a default windows usr/pass so you don't get the prompt everytime . that is after you figure out your usr/pass (try guest/ no pass if you didn't set any thing special on xp.)
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      Re: Authorization Dialog for Windows XP Share help

      Thanks, I will try your solution and let you know


        Re: Authorization Dialog for Windows XP Share help

        Access denied. I don't know what the heck I'm doing wrong. My Ubuntu machine is connecting to XP. I'm not exactly a Linux beginner and this is REALLY frustrating!
        Some of the files ask for a user/pass while others don't. I managed to open a jpeg image while others ask for authorization. Same for videos


          Re: Authorization Dialog for Windows XP Share help

          yea, if you don't have "simple" file sharing in xp that is only going to add to your fustration..., with my linux machines i now have nfs shares for my stuff, ... but you can make a user in you windows smb server to give you access to the items you want.
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            Re: Authorization Dialog for Windows XP Share help

            I'll keep searching. Thanks anyway.

