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some issues migrating from windows to Kubuntu

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    some issues migrating from windows to Kubuntu

    Hi guys just got myself set-up with Kubuntu for the first time trying linux and so far so good. Firefox working. Skype working. VLC working but i got some things i just cant seem to figure out how to make work:

    1. Microphone not yet working. - i am not sure because i have no clue as how to test it and Skype testing it failed. i have installed v9.04 on a LG E300 laptop, any ideas?

    2. i did something to the "Start" menu - you know the dark panel in the bottom of the screen with all these nice icons and stuff... dont know the kubuntu name for it. how do i restore it to the original state it was in? i seem to have deleted a panel from it and dont know how to get it back.

    3. My administrative password seem to expire after a certain time - dont know why... is there a way of preventing that from happening? or removing the password completely? i know how to reset the password but i dont want to do that on a day to day bases.

    4. amrok seems useless... cant even play CD's with it. any alternatives? VLC should work fine but i have tried it and i cant seem to understand how to play Audio CDs with it.

    5. what must-have post installation thingies would you recommend doing? i have installed the restricted extras and all but i want to update everything to be "top notch" what should i do then?

    6. how do i remove built in applications such as Amrok and the built in package manager *found a better one already. and the built in browser - firefox instead. so how do i remove all these?

    hope you guys could help me out with some of the issues i have. if not please try and help out with number 1 - the mic this is the most importent one currently.

    Re: some issues migrating from windows to Kubuntu

    Originally posted by chancet1982
    1. Microphone not yet working. - i am not sure because i have no clue as how to test it and Skype testing it failed. i have installed v9.04 on a LG E300 laptop, any ideas?
    The first thing to try is to click the 'sound/speaker' icon in the system tray (on the bottom-right of the taskbar) and click the 'mixer' button. Once you can see the mixer, go to 'settings' and 'configure channels' then tick the boxes to make sure you can see the microphone on the sound mixer. Then simply check the microphone isn't turned off on the sound mixer (I know all that sounds complicated - it's really simple when you try it)

    2. i did something to the "Start" menu - you know the dark panel in the bottom of the screen with all these nice icons and stuff... dont know the kubuntu name for it. how do i restore it to the original state it was in? i seem to have deleted a panel from it and dont know how to get it back.
    Right-click the start menu (K menu) and choose 'menu editor'

    3. My administrative password seem to expire after a certain time - dont know why... is there a way of preventing that from happening? or removing the password completely? i know how to reset the password but i dont want to do that on a day to day bases.
    I'm stumped here: your password shouldn't expire. Are you finding this when you use the 'sudo' command, or just in general?

    4. amrok seems useless... cant even play CD's with it. any alternatives? VLC should work fine but i have tried it and i cant seem to understand how to play Audio CDs with it.
    It's probably worth giving Amarok another chance - just play with it - as it's quite good. In VLC, go to Media > Open Disc to play a CD

    5. what must-have post installation thingies would you recommend doing? i have installed the restricted extras and all but i want to update everything to be "top notch" what should i do then?
    I'm sure others will have their own recommendations, but I love Yakuake, for accessing the command line. A Google search for 'top linux applications' or something like that will usually be really useful. Also, look at

    6. how do i remove built in applications such as Amrok and the built in package manager *found a better one already. and the built in browser - firefox instead. so how do i remove all these?
    You can just remove them with the package manager. Search for the program you want to get rid of and there's a remove option.

    Good luck!


      Re: some issues migrating from windows to Kubuntu

      1. - i did all of that before i posted. the microphone and microphone boost are in Kmix and are on high. but i cant seem to get any microphone check how can i check it is working? i have also installed PulseAudio but didnt see any GUI for that.

      2. - thanks!

      3. - I know it shouldnt expire but somehow i cant really be more specific. the password seems to stop working. the same one i am using without a problem *yes i am talking about the administrative password the one that you can reset using - passwd username.

      4. - dont know i hate the fact it didnt neither recognized i have placed a CD in the drive and offered playing it. i cant seem to get that option and dont want to bother with menus every time i place a CD. right clicking on the WAV files trying to open them with Amrok/VLC doesnt work either.

      5. - thanks but i dont think i meant applications-wize but updates-wize like making sure i am using kubuntu with the latest updates possible.

      6. thanks!

      so can anyone help with number1 issue ?? this is really annoying. and just a sidenote i think microphone checking should come as a built in option for the next version of kubuntu + a better built in mixer.


        Re: some issues migrating from windows to Kubuntu

        Sorry - I've nothing else to offer on the microphone. Perhaps try Googling for 'Linux' and the model of your computer?

        5. - thanks but i dont think i meant applications-wize but updates-wize like making sure i am using kubuntu with the latest updates possible.
        Ah! At the command line, in a terminal window, type:
        sudo aptitude update
        and press return (it'll probably ask for your password). When it's finished updating, type:
        sudo aptitude safe-upgrade

        Most package managers will do this seamlessly for you - there'll be a 'check for updates' button.


          Re: some issues migrating from windows to Kubuntu

          "KsCD" is a program for playing audio cd.

