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how unmount network shares

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    how unmount network shares

    hi i created an ISO backup from with remastersys, and live CD works OK, but install does nothing, i found somewhere that you must unmount network shares before making the ISO, I'm thinking that might be the problem the thing is i don't know exactly what network shares are, i am guessing that they are the wireless and ethernet networks if they are so, how do i know which are they, so i can unmount them. Another thing, about remastersys live CD, wireless network does not work I'm guessing this problem is caused by the same thing... so tell me what you think stranger on another screen... can you help me?
    I may not agree on what you are saying, but i would give my life to defend the right you have to say it...

    Re: how unmount network shares

    Short answer: If you don't know what network shares are, then you probably don't have any mounted.

    Network shares usually means Samba shared folders, but not always. You can use the mount command in Konsole to list all mounted devices including mounted network shares. If you want to unmount a share, use the umount command. umount needs root to do its job, so pre-pend the sudo command.

    sudo umount //
    For more information:

    man mount
    man umount
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      Re: how unmount network shares

      hey thanks for the fast reply, no i dont have samba, so why do you think that my remastersys live cd wont install...
      I may not agree on what you are saying, but i would give my life to defend the right you have to say it...


        Re: how unmount network shares

        Originally posted by mike0138
        hey thanks for the fast reply, no i dont have samba, so why do you think that my remastersys live cd wont install...
        You can mount Samba shares even if you don't have the samba server package installed. If you did not know this, then it seems very unlikely that you would have any mounted shares.

        Your original post has a few questions. I chose to answer the one I felt I might be able to help with. It is the question which appears in the thread title.

        I don't know anything about remastersys. Sorry, I cannot even guess why it might not be working.
        Welcome newbies!
        Verify the ISO
        Kubuntu's documentation

