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Canon powershot A540 doesn't seem to connect

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    Canon powershot A540 doesn't seem to connect

    I just had to replace the motherboard in my computer (with the exact same make/model) and since I did it I have not been able get my camera connected. It worked fine on my older dell I was using while my good computer was down and it worked fine on this computer before the motherboard replacement. Other usb devices work fine. I tried it in 8.1 and have now completed an upgrade to 9.04 and it still doesn't work. I have tried using the the digital camera thing in system settings to set it up and all I get is:

    Unable to initialize camera. Check your port settings and camera connectivity and try again.
    Bad parameters
    Any ideas on how to get this running. Thanks!

    Re: Canon powershot A540 doesn't seem to connect

    I've used powershots for a long time now, all ok in different version of Kubuntu, like your previous experience. Some times, in digikam, it takes a couple trials to autodetect.

    Also, sometimes I forget to set the camera to "display" mode (the mode in which you can browse pictures on the LCD display). If the camera is set to show the live image as when you are taking pics, it doesn't get detected ...


      Re: Canon powershot A540 doesn't seem to connect

      I have a Powershot A540 (a really nice backup to my big camera, for those occasions where the best camera is the one you can carry in your pocket), and I can just echo what lmilano said: It should work, and be sure to have it in view mode.

      However, for some reason, it no longer handles my old Olympus C2100UZ (which I only use for IR photo), which used to work perfectly. So, I get a vague feeling that something is a bit shaky in the camera connection code.


        Re: Canon powershot A540 doesn't seem to connect

        I too have never had any problems until now. The camera is in the correct mode and should be working like it always has. Since it didn't work with 8 and still isn't in 9 and the only change is the new motherboard, I tend to think there is a configuration problem somewhere. For instance, two of my drives were having difficulty because the lettering was slightly different and I had to change it in /etc/fstab. I think it is something along those lines. When testing from the camera part of system settings I get this when the camera is not plugged in:

        Unable to initialize camera. Check your port settings and camera connectivity and try again.
        Unknown port
        When it is plugged in:

        Unable to initialize camera. Check your port settings and camera connectivity and try again.
        Bad parameters
        So it seems to know something is there, it is just not configured to correctly mount it. How do I fix it?


          Re: Canon powershot A540 doesn't seem to connect

          Can you do "autodetect camera" from digikam?


            Re: Canon powershot A540 doesn't seem to connect

            Digikam does auto-detect the camera and adds it to the configuration. When I go to import pictures I get this message:

            Failed to connect to the camera. Please make sure it is connected properly and turned on. Would you like to try again?


              Re: Canon powershot A540 doesn't seem to connect

              And did you try again? I have had to try again several times in occasions ...


                Re: Canon powershot A540 doesn't seem to connect

                dose the camera not have an option in it's settings to read as a drive ?

                i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                16GB RAM
                Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                  Re: Canon powershot A540 doesn't seem to connect

                  I just went through the menus on the camera again and did not see any settings to read as a drive. Does anyone else with a powershot know if there is a way to select this? I am pretty sure the cameras settings have not changed since it was working before.

