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MythTV Setup

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    MythTV Setup

    So I was hoping mythTV would be pretty straightforward. Guess not.

    I installed the package "mythtv" using synaptic, which also installed many other dependencies. I tried to follow this howto:

    But I have problems right at the beginning.

    1) I click on "MythTv backend setup" under apps->setup
    2) Window pops up "mythbackend must be closed before continuing. Is it ok to close any currently running mythbackend processes? I click Yes
    3) The MythTv Setup Terminal appears & contains =

    QSqlQuery::exec: database not open
    QSqlQuery::exec: database not open
    2009-07-29 20:03:24.866 DB Error (KickDatabase):
    Query was:
    No error type from QSqlError? Strange...
    QSqlQuery::exec: database not open
    QSqlQuery::exec: database not open
    2009-07-29 20:03:24.866 DB Error (KickDatabase):
    Query was:
    No error type from QSqlError? Strange...
    .................................................. ..............................
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.710 UPnPautoconf() - No UPnP backends found
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.710 No UPnP backends found
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.720 Total desktop dim: 3840x1200, over 2 screen.
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.720 Screen 0 dim: 1920x1080.
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.720 Screen 1 dim: 1280x768.
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.720 Primary screen 0.
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.720 Using screen 0, 1920x1080 at 0,0
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.720 No theme dir: /home/michael/.mythtv/themes/blue
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.721 Switching to square mode (blue)
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.838 Using the Qt painter
    mythtv: could not connect to socket
    mythtv: No such file or directory
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.838 lirc_init failed for mythtv, see preceding messages
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.839 JoystickMenuClient Error: Joystick disabled - Failed to read /home/michael/.mythtv/joystickmenurc
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.710 UPnPautoconf() - No UPnP backends found
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.710 No UPnP backends found
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.720 Total desktop dim: 3840x1200, over 2 screen.
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.720 Screen 0 dim: 1920x1080.
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.720 Screen 1 dim: 1280x768.
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.720 Primary screen 0.
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.720 Using screen 0, 1920x1080 at 0,0
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.720 No theme dir: /home/michael/.mythtv/themes/blue
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.721 Switching to square mode (blue)
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.838 Using the Qt painter
    mythtv: could not connect to socket
    mythtv: No such file or directory
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.838 lirc_init failed for mythtv, see preceding messages
    2009-07-29 20:03:27.839 JoystickMenuClient Error: Joystick disabled - Failed to read /home/michael/.mythtv/joystickmenurc

    There are like 4 major problems in that output...

    4) The GUI pops up & i choose my language. The next screen tells me "No UPnP backends found". I then choose my database settings. The next window says "Cannt find (ping) database host on the network".

    So I guess I need to start at "QSqlQuery::exec: database not open"
    Synaptic installed a MYSQL package, so I figured it had things taken care of.

    I dont know how mythTV works at all.
    Can anyone help me out?

    Re: MythTV Setup

    Sorry I don't have all the answers, but I thought I'd stop by. MythTv is known to be a PITA to get going (and a pleasure afterwords)

    I did install mythbuntu last year, backend in the Desktop, front end on the eeepc. It was SOOO painful. Many things were incredibly convoluted. For instance, in order to share data from user /home/user1 in the Desktop, I needed a folder that was an exact replica in the eee. And set up nfs. Lots of manual stuff.

    Long story short, I now just use the shares I created last year and watch stuff in vlc (off of the share)

    Some pointers from my experience:

    * It will make your life easier to install mythbuntu packages, such as mythbuntu-desktop
    * Myth Tv's official docs are pretty good.
    * MythTv seems to make sense only if you plan to capture video on the backend with a tv card, TiVO stuff.
    * I heard wonderful things about xbmc (apparently it does the same and it does it better, unless you want to capture tv)


      Re: MythTV Setup

      You can also purchase SageTV for linux, but they do not offer a free demo version.

      I did get MythTV, as a desktop app, working on kubuntu a year or more ago, but I do recall it being pretty frustrating...


        Re: MythTV Setup

        Actually I have to disagree with the setup being PITA. I used to be a SageTV user in both windows and linux, and I wouldn't go back if you paid me. Sage is great, it does a good job recording and manager television, but the other media functions suck, it is a memory beast and randomly crashes. I have been running myth on my former sage server/frontend and not only is it faster it hasn't crashed once. The features are much better, dvd creation, music playing with visualizations that aren't mind blowing but at least don't make me want to gouge my eyes out.

        The key to myth like anything in linux is making sure you have the proper hardware and that you RTFM. Setting it up from scratch is definitely more difficult. Since you are familiar with Kubuntu I recommend Mythbuntu. I had no issues setting it up, except for a sound issue that was due to the sound card I was using. Dropped in a turtle beach card and all is well.

        As for your issue make sure that Mysql is running and that you have set the database settings.


          Re: MythTV Setup

          Ok, so I follow the steps on that link badllama77. Within "MythTV database setup" I added the file mysql.txt and added the contents. Then I set up the mysql database as told.

          When running mythbackend:
          2009-07-30 17:51:50.486 Using runtime prefix = /usr
          2009-07-30 17:51:50.487 Unable to read configuration file mysql.txt
          2009-07-30 17:51:50.487 Empty LocalHostName.
          2009-07-30 17:51:50.487 Using localhost value of i530
          2009-07-30 17:51:50.491 New DB connection, total: 1
          2009-07-30 17:51:50.494 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
          2009-07-30 17:51:50.494 Closing DB connection named 'DBManager0'
          2009-07-30 17:51:50.495 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
          2009-07-30 17:51:50.496 New DB connection, total: 2
          2009-07-30 17:51:50.496 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
          2009-07-30 17:51:50.497 Current Schema Version: 1214
          Starting up as the master server.
          2009-07-30 17:51:50.501 New DB connection, total: 3
          2009-07-30 17:51:50.502 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
          2009-07-30 17:51:50.546 New DB scheduler connection
          2009-07-30 17:51:50.546 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
          QServerSocket: failed to bind or listen to the socket
          2009-07-30 17:51:50.548 MediaServer::HttpServer Create Error
          2009-07-30 17:51:50.548 mythbackend version: 0.21.20080304-1
          2009-07-30 17:51:50.548 Enabled verbose msgs: important general
          2009-07-30 17:51:50.549 AutoExpire: CalcParams(): Max required Free Space: 1.0 GB w/freq: 15 min

          .....Unable to read configuration file mysql.txt
          Why is it not able to read this file?

