HEllo, everybody, first of all tnx for the good energy and intelligence, viva el open source!!!
so, I've been using kubuntu for a time now (6 months) in my computers with very good results,
but there is some things that I really want to fix
1. panel
my girlfriend removed the panel from one pc, and now, I put a new one but:
a. The kick off application luncher is not any more a K instead is an arrow pointing left... NOt a big thing but I prefer the K!!!
b. I cant see the programs that are open, wich application is this?, so I have to use crtl+tab, to change programs
2. flash
Flash seems to work on konkeror, but not in fire fox, Ive tried every way the community suggest to install it, but not working yet
3. eclipse
Eclipse is installed in my pc, the latest eclipse (think is not supported by kubuntu yet??), but i need this one cause is the one that works with my avr and other plugins,
is working and installed, but I need to go to terminal to run it,
how do i make the eclipse icon work from the development applications?
muchas gracias
so, I've been using kubuntu for a time now (6 months) in my computers with very good results,
but there is some things that I really want to fix
1. panel
my girlfriend removed the panel from one pc, and now, I put a new one but:
a. The kick off application luncher is not any more a K instead is an arrow pointing left... NOt a big thing but I prefer the K!!!
b. I cant see the programs that are open, wich application is this?, so I have to use crtl+tab, to change programs
2. flash
Flash seems to work on konkeror, but not in fire fox, Ive tried every way the community suggest to install it, but not working yet
3. eclipse
Eclipse is installed in my pc, the latest eclipse (think is not supported by kubuntu yet??), but i need this one cause is the one that works with my avr and other plugins,
is working and installed, but I need to go to terminal to run it,
how do i make the eclipse icon work from the development applications?
muchas gracias
