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USB harddisk does not show over network

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    USB harddisk does not show over network

    I have a WD book HD that is connected to Kubuntu. The Kubuntu computer is visible to the other Windows machines over the samba network, printer also but the HD will not show. I set it to share but still....


    The hard disk is visible and reachable in Kubuntu.
    Linux beautiful to watch!<br />Kubuntu 10.4 with Canon MX310 in Samba network with Windows XP &amp; 7

    Re: USB harddisk does not show over network

    You probably need to mount it in /etc/fstab. HAL mounts USB devices in /etc/mtab, but I don't think that is accessible to the network interface -- only fstab entries that are shared.


      Re: USB harddisk does not show over network

      Originally posted by dibl
      You probably need to mount it in /etc/fstab. HAL mounts USB devices in /etc/mtab, but I don't think that is accessible to the network interface -- only fstab entries that are shared.
      This sound fine, how do I proceed and mount?
      Linux beautiful to watch!<br />Kubuntu 10.4 with Canon MX310 in Samba network with Windows XP &amp; 7


        Re: USB harddisk does not show over network

        Is there no software that mounts USB drives in Kubuntu/Linux?
        Linux beautiful to watch!<br />Kubuntu 10.4 with Canon MX310 in Samba network with Windows XP &amp; 7


          Re: USB harddisk does not show over network

          Ooopps -- sorry, I didn't realize this had gone un-answered.

          I think there's a "usb-mount" package in the repos, but I don't use it.

          The conventional method is to make a mount point in /media:

          sudo mkdir /media/mypoint
          and then use the "mount" command to mount the device on the mountpoint:

          sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdd1 /media/mypoint

          using your filesystem type and device number, of course. See #15 in the FAQs linked in my signature for more information.


            Re: USB harddisk does not show over network

            I don't gedid, I copied your 2 rules in terminal but nothing happend. I changed /mypoint in sdb1 (my harddisk) I get back that it's not found?
            Linux beautiful to watch!<br />Kubuntu 10.4 with Canon MX310 in Samba network with Windows XP &amp; 7


              Re: USB harddisk does not show over network

              No, I said /media/mypoint

              The "mypoint" mountpoint is a directory that you make in your /media directory on your installed system. Then you mount your external USB hard drive on the mount point.

              You do need to change the drive number in my second command to your actual drive, /dev/sdb1. You also need to use the correct filesystem type for your USB drive. I guessed that it might be formatted FAT32 -- is that correct, or not? If it is some other filesystem, then you need to use that filesystem type in the mount command. For example, if it were ext3, then the mount command goes like this:

              sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /media/mypoint
              Of course you can also use a mount point name that means something to you. If the hard drive is used for music, for example, your mountpoint might be made like this:

              sudo mkdir /media/music


                Re: USB harddisk does not show over network

                IF you'd like an exact line to copey and past into fstab we would nead the output of


                sudo fdisk -l
                teling us witch /dev entrey is your usb disk and what you would like it mounted as!

                i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                16GB RAM
                Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                  Re: USB harddisk does not show over network

                  Originally posted by vinnywright
                  IF you'd like an exact line to copey and past into fstab we would nead the output of


                  sudo fdisk -l
                  teling us witch /dev entrey is your usb disk and what you would like it mounted as!

                  Thanks, here it comes:

                  eljo@eljo-desktop:~$ blkid
                  /dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"
                  /dev/sda1: UUID="e3d77356-fcba-4d39-ad76-04620a35988f" TYPE="ext3"
                  /dev/sda5: UUID="f53f6d3e-cacd-4b89-8182-3483ca376760" TYPE="swap"
                  Schijf /dev/sda: 122.9 GB, 122942324736 bytes
                  255 koppen, 63 sectoren/spoor, 14946 cilinders
                  Eenheid = cilinders van 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
                  Schijf-ID: 0x88748874

                  Apparaat Opstart Begin Einde Blokken ID Systeem
                  /dev/sda1 * 1 14384 115539448+ 83 Linux
                  /dev/sda2 14385 14946 4514265 5 Uitgebreid
                  /dev/sda5 14385 14946 4514233+ 82 Linux wisselgeheugen

                  Schijf /dev/sdb: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes
                  255 koppen, 63 sectoren/spoor, 30401 cilinders
                  Eenheid = cilinders van 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
                  Schijf-ID: 0x8f9c798a

                  Apparaat Opstart Begin Einde Blokken ID Systeem
                  /dev/sdb1 1 30401 244196001 7 HPFS/NTFS
                  Linux beautiful to watch!<br />Kubuntu 10.4 with Canon MX310 in Samba network with Windows XP &amp; 7


                    Re: USB harddisk does not show over network

                    OK so witch /dev is the disk in queshton? /dev/sdb1?

                    strang that it dident show in blkid mine do wether mounted or not O well

                    and what do you want it mounted as .......just a name.....musick,storage, mydisk,farfegnugen,....dosent mater realey

                    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                    16GB RAM
                    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                      Re: USB harddisk does not show over network

                      Originally posted by vinnywright
                      OK so witch /dev is the disk in queshton? /dev/sdb1?

                      strang that it dident show in blkid mine do wether mounted or not O well

                      and what do you want it mounted as .......just a name.....musick,storage, mydisk,farfegnugen,....dosent mater realey

                      This is the drive that shows in my Kubuntu but not in my Samba network
                      Schijf /dev/sdb: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes
                      Linux beautiful to watch!<br />Kubuntu 10.4 with Canon MX310 in Samba network with Windows XP &amp; 7


                        Re: USB harddisk does not show over network

                        OK I dont know how Kubuntu will react withought a blkid....UUID but I suspect it will be ok.

                        first make the DIR. to mount it on.

                        sudo mkdir /media/storage
                        now open fstab for editing with kate

                        kdesudo kate /etc/fstab
                        now copey this to the end of your fstab

                        /dev/sdb1 /medea/storage ntfs-3g defaults,user,rw 0 0
                        place the curser at the end of the file and hit enter (to enshur thars a proper end of file)
                        and click save and exit.

                        now reboot the box and see if the drive was mounted automaticley.

                        you may half to chang the ntfs-3g to ntfs if you dont have ntfs-3g installed!!!

                        NOTE: you may replace - storage - with whatever you want just do it in both places. IE: mkdir,and the fstab line.

                        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                        16GB RAM
                        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

