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System hang, after login, before KDE Splash (Solved)

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    System hang, after login, before KDE Splash (Solved)

    Hey guys! Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to provide me.

    So, I messed up my Kontact install by accidentally (true story) installing an unstable version of it for which I didn't, and couldn't get, the proper dependencies. So I uninstalled it and re-installed the previous, stable version I had been using. The problem is that when I removed the unstable Kontact version, it took something important with it and I don't know what. Now, whenever I try to boot Kubuntu up, I can log in, but the system seems to hang just before the KDE splash screen - so it's just the ol' Oxygen wallpaper.

    Any ideas how I can diagnose what's causing the hang-up?

    Again, I appreciate the help.

    I guess it would help if I had said I'm running jaunty with kde 4.4.2. Everything is pretty standard on the install.

    Re: System hang, after login, before KDE Splash

    sounds like you may have mesed up the KDE setings in /home but to see if the system it's self is mesed up you could try to log in the comand line.......when you get to the login screen DONT log in ....insted press ctrl>alt>F1 youll get a console login (we hope) go a head and login type
    sudo apt-get update
    and hit enter
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo apt-get check
    sudo apt-get -f install
    if that dosent fix things it's probabley your /home/you/.kde stuff to see you could go back to the console login and do
    sudo adduser testuser
    youll be asked for a password and mabey some more stuff when done ctrl>alt>F7 back to the GUI login screen and try loging in as testuser.........if it's sucsesfull then you can be prity shure the problem is in your /home/you/.kde files

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Re: System hang, after login, before KDE Splash

      Thanks for the reply!

      I actually wound up just reinstalling. I appreciate the help though. When I mess up this install the same way, as I'm sure to do, I will try your suggestions.



        Re: System hang, after login, before KDE Splash (Solved)

        I've had this happen twice to me, when screwing with settings (because I'm a total n00b). For some reason if I log in as another user, then switch users and log in as the user with the problem it loads and I can fix what I changed.

        Don't know why, but it's worked both times.

