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Beginner's Questions

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    Beginner's Questions

    Sorry, I'm sure everyone asks these questions and I have spent the last 60 minutes reading round to see if I could solve them myself but found nothing,
    I downloaded and installed Kubuntu yesterday. I have no previous experience with any kind of Linux.
    My version came with the KDE 4.2.2 desktop but the Konqueror browser does not allow me to access my Yahoo mail account using the 'all new' version.
    I am used to the Firefox browser, so I downloaded the Linux version but cannot 'install' it. I manged to unpack or unzip it but cannot find the equivalent of a Windows .exe install file. What am I missing?

    A similar question goes for RealPlayer. My favourite radio station only plays through Real so I downloaded the Linux version. I now have a 'bin' file on my PC that does nothing. What should I do with this.

    To finish, I have seen there are a number of options of Linux files to download .deb, .fed, etc. Which should I choose for Kubuntu?


    Re: Beginner's Questions

    I recommend you review the FAQs linked in my signature, plus this:

    to get started.

    And .... Welcome!

    p.s. -- don't try installing downloaded software, until you've learned about the 26,000 packages already available in the standard repositories.


      Re: Beginner's Questions

      I am used to the Firefox browser and I have already downloaded the Linux version but cannot 'install' it.
      Connect to the internet, open a Terminal and issue the command:
      sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5
      My favourite radio station only plays through Real so I downloaded the Linux version. I now have a 'bin' file on my PC that does nothing. What should I do with this.
      dibl talks about repositories. You need to install the Medibuntu repository. Look at . Note that it is a 2 part installation 1) Install the repository 2) Get the Gpg key.

      THEN connect to the internet, open a Terminal and isssue the command:
      sudo apt-get install realplayer
      Generally get "Download the Linux Starter Pack" at
      "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
      "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


        Re: Beginner's Questions

        As the "dibl" told: There is the easy way and the other way

        About Konqueror & Yahoo

        You need to tell a little lie:
        Tools > Change Browser Identification...

        You will need package: konqueror-plugin-uachanger
        User-agent changer plugin for konqueror

        This plugin allows to create, modify and switch the user-agent
        used with KHTML.

        The repositories have several firefox packages. The latest:

        firefox-3.5, safe and easy web browser from Mozilla
        safe and easy web browser from Mozilla

        Firefox delivers safe, easy web browsing. A familiar user interface,
        enhanced security features including protection from online identity theft,
        and integrated search let you get the most out of the web.
        There are several package manager but the default with the Kubuntu 9.04 is the KpackageKit.
        Press Alt + F2 and type kpackagekit. Also K > System Settings > Add and Remove Software.

        The easy way (to me) is to use the konsole. Alt + F2 and type konsole.
        At the konsole:
        sudo apt-get update
        sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5


        The Kubuntu Guide has how to install "RealPlayer 11 Multimedia Player"

        To finish, I have seen there are a number of options of Linux files to download .deb, .fed, etc. Which should I choose for Kubuntu?
        The Kubuntu is based to the Debian so the native package format is the .deb.

        Note ! You could use the Debian .debs but you could also break your system with the Debian packages - use Ubuntu .debs.

        More links:

        > Topic: HOWTO find Kubuntu's manual / reference / guide / documentation / help
        > Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs & Answers
        Before you edit, BACKUP !

        Why there are dead links ?
        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
        2. Thread: Lost Information


          Re: Beginner's Questions

          This is more as a reply to arochester and the way to install RealPlayer

          I went to the Medibutnu page, copied and pasted the text below into a terminal. I think it gave me an okay as it went up to 100%. It took a couple of seconds only. Is this correct?

          Now what?

          sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list


            Re: Beginner's Questions

            You do your installs in Kubuntu in 2 ways : either via the konsole or via the package manager.

            Quickest way Iif you know the package name) is to open the Konsole and type

            sudo apt-get install realplayer
            and the entire package will be downloaded and installed with no further action needed from you.

            It will be clear from the messages when the install has finished. Close off the konsole (I usually type exit and hit return and hit the kmenu button and in the box at the top of the menu start typing rea and by then you will see the icon for realplayer. Click on it to run.

            A further tip - I recommend you install synaptic

            sudo apt-get install synaptic
            Which is the most comprehensive package manager available for linux. From within there you can browse all the packages available (acroread is in there for example). You can search for packages in a number of ways.Once you have familiarised yourself with using that application, you are unlikely to want to trawl the net for a package for quite some time

            Don't hesitate to come back if you need more help



              Re: Beginner's Questions

              Thanks for your help Liquidator,

              The 'sudo get-apt install etc' did not work. I read around the web though and it seems to be a problem most users encounter. I also tried the comprehensive instructions from here;


              in particular those posted by 'TheMacOne'. But even they didn't work.

              I have a feeling if I had more time and patience to fiddle with it I would have found a way but as even the look and feel of the Terminal is new to me everything is a little overwhelming right now.

              I don't particularly like RealPlayer (much prefer VLC) but as an English ex-pat living in Brazil, BBC Radio is a lifeline to my roots but it seems to have some kind of 'Real Deal' as it is the only player you can listen with nowadays.

              Anyways, as a last ditched attempt I decided to check if the .bin file I'd downloaded was in fact compĺete and noticed that on the Real site they give the option of a generic download along with 'rpm' and 'deb' downloads. I downloaded the .deb file therefore and KPackageKit seems to be installing the program right now.

              I did manage to install the 'Synaptic' program though. But I cannot find it anywhere on my machine. Where does it go and what does it do?

              Thanks for your time.


              PS Did you hack my PC or do we share the same name?


                Re: Beginner's Questions

                Yes, we do share the same name Think there might be one more as well!

                Assuming you are on KDE4, To run synaptic, just hit the kmenu and start to type the name in the search box. By the time you have typed syn you should see the icon below.

                When you run it you will see it picks up loads of packages that for some reason kpackagekit doesn't seem to.



                  Re: Beginner's Questions

                  Okay, I found it but when I try to run I get an Error box with this written in it;

                  E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.
                  E: _cache->open() failed, please report.

                  The same thing happened when I tried to run this

                  sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre

                  in a terminal.

                  The above program was 80% downloaded before my PC crashed and I had to reset. Maybe that has something to do with it.


                    Re: Beginner's Questions

                    You apparently had another package manager open -- Kpackagekit? Synaptic? You can only use one package manager at a time.

                    How do you know it crashed? Just because the X server stops responding does not mean the OS has crashed. And pushing the reset button may do more harm. Next time, use Alt-SysReq R S E I U B to restart.


                      Re: Beginner's Questions

                      I don't think I have another package manager open. I closed down and restarted from zero, tried to run Synaptic and got the same error message as above.

                      I tried uninstalling Synaptic therefore and got the following message.

                      Cannot get the exclusive lock on the packaging backend.
                      Please close any other legacy packaging tools that may be open.


                        Re: Beginner's Questions

                        Do a shutdown/restart, and when you get to the login "greeter", instead of logging in normally, click the "menu" icon and choose "console login", and log in there.

                        Next, issue this command:

                        sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock

                        sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start
                        and you should get your GUI greeter to log in to X.

                        Then try your
                        sudo dpkg --configure -a
                        command in a Konsole window.


                          Re: Beginner's Questions

                          Hi Dibl,
                          I tried it but got a 'command not found' after the first line.

                          Here's what I did;

                          1. chose 'console login'
                          2. Put in my username - Ian (then I type ian)
                          3. Password
                          4. Typed the line exactly as below
                          sudo rm/var/lib/dpkg/lock

                          it threw back a 'command not found' and I went no further.

                          I tried installing a simple game from KPackageKit but it would not allow me to. I got to the 'apply now / querying' stage and a smaller box opens asking to confirm dependencies, when I press 'ok' it brings up a box with the title;

                          'Cannot get lock - KPackageKit' (and then)
                          Cannot get the exclusive lock on the packaging backend.
                          Please close any other legacy packaging tools that may be open.

                          When I press the 'details' button it says;
                          Only use one package management programme at the the same time.

                          But as I said, I have just finished loading Kubuntu from started and have nothing else open.
                          I also noticed that I cannot open a .rar audio file a downloaded earlier.
                          Everything was great before that damn Synaptic program.
                          Thanks for your help.


                            Re: Beginner's Questions

                            Originally posted by SCBrazil

                            I tried it but got a 'command not found' after the first line.

                            Here's what I did;

                            1. chose 'console login'
                            2. Put in my username - Ian (then I type ian)
                            3. Password
                            4. Typed the line exactly as below
                            sudo rm/var/lib/dpkg/lock

                            it threw back a 'command not found' and I went no further.
                            It seems you left out a 'space' after 'sudo rm' u need to type "sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock" with a 'space' between 'rm' and '/var/lib/dpkg/lock'

                            Then follow as dibl has told.

                            But as I said, I have just finished loading Kubuntu from started and have nothing else open.
                            I also noticed that I cannot open a .rar audio file a downloaded earlier.
                            Everything was great before that damn Synaptic program.
                            Thanks for your help.
                            To open rar with Ark, u need to install rar / unrar ..
                            sudo apt-get install rar unrar
                            Sony Vaio VGN-NR160E/T<br />Kubuntu 9.04 KDE 4.3.00


                              Re: Beginner's Questions

                              I've seen the error message you have got before - I have always interpreted it as an interrupted installation. The database has been locked so as not to allow any other changes until the previous error was corrected. In my experience rebooting often clears the lock but you need to complete the process which is what the terminal command given by dibl
                              sudo dpkg --configure -a
                              does for you.

                              So far as future installs are concerned I would use synaptic rather than kpackagekit, which is a work in progress IMHO.

