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Like most, Brand new and needing help

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    Like most, Brand new and needing help

    I just downloaded kubuntu-9.04-desktop-amd64.iso , burned it to a disk, and still nothing. everytime i try to open it up, it opens my roxio suit and wants to make a copy of itself.

    Ive tried to just reboot with it in a drive, and that didnt work. I even changed the configuration of my boot setup.

    Still nothing.

    Ive looked through the forum a bit (about 150 pages or so) and havent found anything like it. maby im blind, but i still dont know what to do.

    Please help!

    Re: Like most, Brand new and needing help

    Did you burn it as an ISO ?

    Maybe these will help:

    > Burning Iso Howto
    > HOWTO verify the Kubuntu ISO (BEFORE YOU BURN YOUR CD!)
    > FAQ: How To MD5SUM, 'buntuHashes, Burning Iso Howto
    > HOWTO find Kubuntu's manual / reference / guide / documentation / help
    > [url=]Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs & Answers
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Like most, Brand new and needing help

      Trojax, are you on a Windows computer? Vista, XP, or what? Did you use Roxio to burn the disc?

      Here's something you can easily check from Windows to see what the problem might be. With the disc in the drive, open My Computer (Start -> My Computer). Right-click the icon of the DVD CD-ROM drive (probably labled D: or E:) then select Open from the context menu.

      A window should open up showing the contents of the disc. Do you see a single file named kubuntu-something.iso? You may have to look at the properties sheet to see the iso extension. If the only file on the disc is kubuntu-something.iso, then you made a common mistake in burning the disc.

      Please provide the requested information, and check that disc. Read the links Rog131 gave you. Then we can help you better.
      Welcome newbies!
      Verify the ISO
      Kubuntu's documentation


        Re: Like most, Brand new and needing help

        Originally posted by Trojax

        everytime i try to open it up, it opens my roxio suit
        OK, you're trying to "run" the CD in Windows -- that's your problem. This is a "Live CD" that boots -- you have to shutdown and restart your computer with the CD in the drive, and make sure your BIOS is set to boot first from CD (before the hard drive). When Kubuntu boots it will run your computer (nothing will be changed on the hard drive). Windows will not be running at all. No Roxio .....


          Re: Like most, Brand new and needing help

          Well, im still downloadig the suggested utility (it should have taken me somewhere around 5 minutes max, but instead is taking around 4 hours. I have no idea why my internet is moving so slowly).

          I am using a hacked version of windows XP Professional with SP3.

          AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core prcessor 4400+, 3.5 gigs of ram, 500 gig HDD, NVIDIA GeForce 7300 LE

          When I burned it to disk, i burned it using Roxio (the program that it choses itself), and is still in .iso form.


            Re: Like most, Brand new and needing help

            Originally posted by Trojax

            When I burned it to disk, i burned it using Roxio (the program that it choses itself), and is still in .iso form.
            Roxio is fine to burn it, but you need to manually set the burn speed to 4X, and DAO mode if it is offered.


              Re: Like most, Brand new and needing help

              Originally posted by Trojax
              I am using a hacked version of windows . . .
              I'm guessing this is why your Internet is so slow. The OS is probably rooted, and your box is playing host to some services of dubious nature. If that is so, then you really do need Kubuntu.

              Here are some tutorials for Roxio burning ISO files I found with a quick Google search:

              What you need to do, is use the downloaded kubuntu-something.iso file to create the Kubuntu CD. You don't want to simply make a copy of the kubuntu-something.iso file on the CD.

              The basic steps are these:
              • Download the kubuntu-*.iso file.
              • Check the md5sum of the kubuntu-*.iso file
              • Create the Kubuntu CD from the kubuntu-*.iso file. The exact name of this function depends on your burning program, but it is usually something like create CD from image or maybe burn image to disc. Look for the burning function with the words image or ISO
              • Keep the CD in the CD-ROM drive, and reboot your computer.
              • Before Windows starts set your BIOS to boot from the CD-ROM drive. How you do this depends totally on your computer's BIOS, so read the boot messages carefully to find which key to press to accomplish this. Usually it is a key like Esc, F12 or Del, but it might be any key.
              • The first time you boot the Kubuntu CD, you should choose Check CD for defects from the boot menu.
              • If you get this far, then you've already solved the problem for which you opened this thread. Congrats!
              Welcome newbies!
              Verify the ISO
              Kubuntu's documentation


                Re: Like most, Brand new and needing help

                I would recommend you to install imageburn and burn the iso file using that. its one of the best burning applications for windows and works fine. its one of those programs i love with windows. its easy to use to.

                you can download it here for free

                just set imgburn to the speed that your cd/dvd supports and burn your iso(image), and reboot and set your bios to start with the cd/dvd drive and it will work fine, good luck
                Toshiba U400-151 running Kubuntu 9.04


                  Re: Like most, Brand new and needing help

                  Originally posted by Trojax
                  When I burned it to disk, i burned it using Roxio (the program that it choses itself), and is still in .iso form.
                  Guys, look at what he said. He made a copy of the ISO file on the CD. This has got to be a very common mistake for newbies. How can we explain it better?
                  Welcome newbies!
                  Verify the ISO
                  Kubuntu's documentation


                    Re: Like most, Brand new and needing help

                    I haven't roxio since my windows days (long time ago) but here goes:

                    - put a empty cd in your read/writer
                    - open Roxio as usual
                    - go to extras or what ever and look for "burn iso"
                    - choose the kubuntu iso file you downloaded, set the burning speed to less than 8x and let it burn.

                    That should do it.

                    Rebbot and you should see the cd boot dialogue.
                    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                    4 GB Ram
                    Kubuntu 18.10


                      Re: Like most, Brand new and needing help

                      Originally posted by Trojax
                      Well, im still downloadig the suggested utility (it should have taken me somewhere around 5 minutes max, but instead is taking around 4 hours. I have no idea why my internet is moving so slowly).
                      The hacked copy of Windows you are using is most likely infected with a trojan and your box has become on of MILLIONS of PC running Windows that is now part of a criminal bot farm flooding email with spam.

                      IF you kept any personal information on your Windows box, or accessed your bank account or paypal or credit card accounts or other financial institutions consider your personal information, SSN, login names and passwords STOLEN. Go to the bank immediately and change your PIN for all your debit cards, or better yet, have your bank close the cards and issue you new ones with new account numbers and new PINs. Contact your Credit Card companies and close those cards out and open new ones with a different number and different PIN and/or passwords. Ditto for PayPal. If you used gmail close those email accounts and open new ones. Under NO circumstances access any of these new accounts with any version or copy of WINDOWS, even one from a certified CD or the version that came installed on your PC. Only access them using Kubuntu.

                      Sound drastic doesn't it? But it is necessary. Do do these things will take a LOT LESS time than to restore your credit after some theif has destroyed it making purchases that you can't pay for and can't prove you didn't make.

                      Several botnets have been found and removed from the Internet. The Dutch police found a 1.4 million node botnet and the Norwegian ISP Telenor disbanded a 10,000-node botnet.[2] Large coordinated international efforts to shut down botnets have also been initiated.[3] It has been estimated that up to one quarter of all personal computers connected to the internet may be part of a botnet.[4]

                      The most recent Windows worm, Conficker, created a 10,000,000+ zombie farm made entirely of hijacked Windows boxes.

                      Conficker has been very profitable for Microsoft and its 3rd party paid support vendors:

                      An attack by the Conficker worm, that infects Windows systems, has cost the Manchester Council in England around £1.5 million - and Microsoft has benefited too, according to a report in the Manchester Evening News.

                      I know one thing for sure. When the TCO for Windows on Manchester Council computers, Microsoft will not include nor mention the £1.5 million required to clean it off of the computers, nor the lost income, payroll costs and time needed to restore their data to working conditions. Despite news of this the sheep continue to walk into the Wolf's den.
                      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

