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minimize, maximize and close buttons gone, cant type

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    minimize, maximize and close buttons gone, cant type

    My minimize, maximize and close buttons at the top of applications have suddenly dissapeared, andi am unable to type anything! I have checked the appearance settings (colors, fonts, etc.) and set everything to default but still no success. what should i do?

    Re: minimize, maximize and close buttons gone, cant type

    Tell a bit more:

    What version of Kubuntu/KDE do you use ?
    -----> FAQ: Version info

    Are you using Compiz ?

    Do you have the window borders ? Or is it only the buttons missing ?
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: minimize, maximize and close buttons gone, cant type

      i have the same problem on toshiba a105 s361 with ver 9.04. The whole top title bar is missing


        Re: minimize, maximize and close buttons gone, cant type

        This is the infamous "missing window decorations" problem -- if you google that you'll get a million hits. Probably it is related to "Desktop Effects" settings, or if you ever tried to run compiz it might be residual from that.

        Try opening a Konsole window and enter
        kwin --replace
        and see if you get the borders. If you do, then just minimize that Konsole window while you search for an actual fix to the default setup.


          Re: minimize, maximize and close buttons gone, cant type

          sorry- what is compiz?

          and i still dont know why i am unable to type, do you know why this could be?
          Thanks for all everyones help for now!!


            Re: minimize, maximize and close buttons gone, cant type

            If Ctrl-Alt-F1 will not take you to a tty terminal (and it probably won't), then you've got a hung X server.

            Probably it can be shut down gracefully with the "magic sysreq" sequence:

            Press and hold down Alt-SysRq and, in slow sequence, R S E I U B. This should restart your system, without causing the filesystem problems that can happen when you push the power button on a running Linux system.

            When it reboots, you may have your X server back again working normally -- if not, post the details of what you have.


              Re: minimize, maximize and close buttons gone, cant type

              I am able to restart my computer very easily, no problems. sometimes it performs a disk check at startup and every application i was working on last session pops right back up on the new session. i have noticed i am able to type into the KDE WALLET for 'kdedeamon' (sorry i dont know what that is), but that is it. i went into the terminal to type kwin --replace, but failed because i cannot type anything. Rggg!


                Re: minimize, maximize and close buttons gone, cant type

                System Settings -> Accessibility -> Keyboard Filters
                Is slow keys enabled?


                  Re: minimize, maximize and close buttons gone, cant type

                  Usually when this happens, there is no need to restart the computer, just logout and log back in.


                    Re: minimize, maximize and close buttons gone, cant type

                    slow keys is not enabled. i found that i can type for the first 30 seconds or so after i type my password for the permissions for KdeDeamon (the wallet pops up at startup)

                    im stumped.


                      Re: minimize, maximize and close buttons gone, cant type

                      okay. i went into settings>desktops and it says this:

                      The shared library was not found. Library "Kcm-Kwin desktop" not found.

                      is this significant?


                        Re: minimize, maximize and close buttons gone, cant type

                        You mean that error message popped up, instead of letting you see the Desktop settings? Yeah, I think maybe it's very significant.

                        Let's hear more about your installation experience, please. As in, which version of Kubuntu, when did you install it, were there any problems encountered, did you run it as a Live CD first, etc. etc.?


                          Re: minimize, maximize and close buttons gone, cant type

                          i am using version 9.4 of Kubuntu, i installed it about 2 weeks ago and ran it as a live CD first. there were absolutely no problems with the installation everything went great. Last night, things started to go bad. I dont remember doing much except showing my friend how to get new color schemes on it. I also installed World Of warcraft, and due to a problem, uninstalled and reinstalled wine. When i rebooted, it became like this. I also notice that down in the taskbar where there used to be 2 desktop squares and you switch between them, now there is just one big desktop square. Thought maybe that might help.


                            Re: minimize, maximize and close buttons gone, cant type

                            As far as I can recall, this is the only post with this problem description. I think something borked your KDE desktop, possibly the adventure with WOW on wine. I can't guarantee a fix, but resetting to a default KDE desktop has a good chance of fixing it. You will have to re-configure everything on your desktop and panel.

                            If you want to try it, exit the X server with Ctrl-Alt-F1, and log in there. Shut down X with
                            sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
                            then when you have the prompt back, issue
                            mv .kde .kde_bak
                            Then issue
                            sudo shutdown -r now
                            and your system will reboot. On your next login, you should log in to a clean KDE 4 desktop, with all default settings, and hopefully no funny stuff.

                            Good luck!


                              Re: minimize, maximize and close buttons gone, cant type

                              this might be a completely different problem, but... i ctrl+alt+f1 and i just get a completely black screen. I have pressed enter once, twice, many times and stil nothing. I have restarted and tried again, but nothing works.

                              This is getting very messy. Should I just reinstall Kubuntu overall?

