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OCR with quality

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    OCR with quality


    Does anybody use a software of quality of OCR for HP ?

    I tried Tesseract, gocr, but, for portuguese, it did not please me. So, I decided to try the use of the Wine. I made tests with the Cuneiform. I obtained to make the installation, but did not have the recognition of scanner.
    Research in the Internet, I found recommendation to modify the Face.ini archive, but did not find the specified text.

    How I can use this hardware with its potential in linux (Kubuntu 8.04) ?

    Thanks in advance

    Re: OCR with quality

    I'v never used eney OCR stuff.........but in adition to the 2 you sead you tryed I found ocrad and clara in the synaptic packeg manager........dont know if thare eney better than what you'v tryd but thare ya goo

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Re: OCR with quality


      is generally considered to be the best OCR software for Linux so if that does not produce acceptable results for you there may well be nothing that will. The Wiki page indicates it is limited to Brazilian Portuguese. Is that the issue here?

      I know that when you try running software in wine, there are issues with USB. Certainly when I try to run TomTom Home in wine it can't detect the TomTom device.

      If your work is not confidential then you might like to take a look at this

      The accuracy (at least in English) I have found to be exceptional.

