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New HD writing problem (Solved)

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    New HD writing problem (Solved)


    I have a problem with the format of a new HD that I have installed in my pc. I have already formated the HD, but I cant write on it, only read. I used Gparted to do it.
    How to solve this??
    Thank You

    Re: New HD

    Just a guess. Your user probably doesn't have permission to write to the drive. If such is the case, you will have to do one of the following:

    Mount the drive with permissions for your user/group
    Change ownership of the drive to your user/group
    As root, create a folder on the drive and change ownership of the folder to your user/group

    Undoubted there will be other suggestions to follow mine. Probably they will be even more helpful.

    By the way, please consider making the title on your thread more descriptive of your problem. That way you are more likely to get well informed responses.
    Welcome newbies!
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      Re: New HD

      How you formatted it will be could be an issue also.

      NTFS is seen as a MSWin drive and will deny write permissions (without root password).
      ext4 may not be compatable with your kernel.

      Formatting a drive is actually writing to it, so it is writeable from a physical standpoint.


        Re: New HD writing problem



        That's what I have being looking for, but how to change ther permissions??
        By the way, I have changed the topic tittle

        I have formated using ext4 file type. I will try ext3.

        Thank You booth.


          Re: New HD writing problem

          hay larbac

          let me ask you a Q .....when you open dolphin dose your drives show on the left side in the places panel?............hit F9 if not to show the places click the drive in queshton and enter your pasword you should be abel to do watever you want!!

          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
          16GB RAM
          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


            Re: New HD writing problem

            Hi Vinny

            I have formatted to ext3 again with Gparted. Rebooted the system to mount the disk.
            The disk appears when I open Dolphin. I click on it, it asks me my password, everything ok. When I try to copy or move a file into it, it says:

            Access Denied. Cannot write into /media/disk....

            I don't know what else to do.
            These things in Micro**** don't happens, but I'll go back to that

            Any help is apreciated.


              Re: New HD writing problem

              @larbac -- with root privileges, make a directory (aka "folder") on that disk:

              sudo mkdir /media/disk MUSIC
              Then use dolphin in root mode, Alt-F2 kdesudo dolphin

              browse to the new folder, right-click on it, open the permissions tab, change owner to larbac and group to users.

              Now close dolphin and then open dolphin in your normal user mode, and see if you can save data into it.

              root owns all devices, but users can own directories and files.


                Re: New HD writing problem

                Hi Dibl

                I have done what you said, but when I go to the permissions to change them I get this:

                It was not possible to start the process. It was not possible to comunicate with klauncher: The name org.kde.klauncher was not provided by any .service files.

                What now??



                  Re: New HD writing problem

                  Originally posted by larbac
                  It was not possible to start the process. It was not possible to comunicate with klauncher: The name org.kde.klauncher was not provided by any .service files.
                  This doesn't sound like a permissions problem anymore.
                  Welcome newbies!
                  Verify the ISO
                  Kubuntu's documentation


                    Re: New HD writing problem

                    Originally posted by Telengard
                    Originally posted by larbac
                    It was not possible to start the process. It was not possible to comunicate with klauncher: The name org.kde.klauncher was not provided by any .service files.
                    This doesn't sound like a permissions problem anymore.
                    But when I try to write something there, it's says that it cannot do it...

                    Damn, that's strange...


                      Re: New HD writing problem

                      How are you mounting this new drive? I think we need to hear more about the drive -- internal, external, SATA, USB -- what's the deal there? What is the interface to the computer, what is the mount point, and what mount options are you giving it?


                        Re: New HD writing problem

                        Originally posted by larbac
                        Hi Dibl

                        I have done what you said, but when I go to the permissions to change them I get this:

                        It was not possible to start the process. It was not possible to comunicate with klauncher: The name org.kde.klauncher was not provided by any .service files.

                        What now??

                        I have seen that error message when attempting to run dolphin as root.

                        Use konqueror instead. Hit Alt+F2 and Type kdesudo konqueror and follow the rest of dibls instructions.


                          Re: New HD writing problem

                          Originally posted by The Liquidator
                          Originally posted by larbac
                          Hi Dibl

                          I have done what you said, but when I go to the permissions to change them I get this:

                          It was not possible to start the process. It was not possible to comunicate with klauncher: The name org.kde.klauncher was not provided by any .service files.

                          What now??

                          I have seen that error message when attempting to run dolphin as root.

                          Use konqueror instead. Hit Alt+F2 and Type kdesudo konqueror and follow the rest of dibls instructions.
                          OK, I will try it and then give you guys the feed back,. Thanks


                            Re: New HD writing problem

                            Hi guys

                            The problem is solved thanks for the tip of you all, specially to Liquidator.
                            Every day that passes, more I like to work with Linux, AKA Kubuntu

                            Thank You Again

