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Install kshowmail on Jaunty

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    Install kshowmail on Jaunty


    Kubuntu Jaunty in 23 GB of ext3, 1.5 GB swap, AMD Duron, 512 MB. Downloaded kshowmail_Oubuntu1_321.deb to desktop.

    Opened with GDebi Package Installer. Installer halts with:
    "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libmimelib1c2a (>="

    libmimelib1c2a is not available using add/remove software in System Settings
    Instead libmimelib4 - 4:4.2.2 - Oubuntu1 - i386 is found. Can this be used instead, or how can I install the required library?

    Hope someone can help.

    Re: Install kshowmail on Jaunty

    The kshowmail is a KDE 3.5 application. The Hardy and the Intrepid > Package kshowmail.

    The Hardy has > Package: libmimelib1c2a (4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy3.1)

    Have you tried to install it ?
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      Re: Install kshowmail on Jaunty

      Thanks Rog131 for responding. I downloaded the file and opened it with Gdebi Package Installer. It installed ok.

      When I re-ran Gdebi to install Kshowmail, I got the same dependency error.

      I searched for libmimelib with Kpackage Installer, but it only showed libmimelib4 - 4:4.2.2 - Oubuntu1 - i386. Does this mean that libmimelib1c2a installed in the wrong place, or did not install at all?

      Or do I need another version of the library (>=

      Where now?

      Regards windyrij


        Re: Install kshowmail on Jaunty

        Hmm - here the libmimelib1c2a_3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy3.1_i386.deb & kshowmail_3.2.1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb are installable.

        What tells ?:
        grep "libmimelib1c2a" /var/log/dpkg.log
        2009-06-18 16:43:47 install libmimelib1c2a <none> 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy3.1
        2009-06-18 16:43:47 status half-installed libmimelib1c2a 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy3.1
        2009-06-18 16:43:47 status unpacked libmimelib1c2a 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy3.1
        2009-06-18 16:43:47 status unpacked libmimelib1c2a 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy3.1
        2009-06-18 16:43:47 configure libmimelib1c2a 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy3.1 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy3.1
        2009-06-18 16:43:47 status unpacked libmimelib1c2a 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy3.1
        2009-06-18 16:43:47 status half-configured libmimelib1c2a 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy3.1
        2009-06-18 16:43:47 status installed libmimelib1c2a 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy3.1
        ... and the KPackageKit will find the "libmimelib1c2a"

        ... and the "kshowmail" is starting.

        If the GDebi or the KPackageKit don't work, maybe the dpkg will tell what's wrong:
        sudo dpkg -i /PATH/TO/DEB/PACKAGE/libmimelib1c2a_3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy3.1_i386.deb
        man dpkg
        dpkg - package manager for Debian

        dpkg [options] action
        dpkg is a tool to install, build, remove and manage Debian packages. The primary and more user-friendly front-end
        for dpkg is aptitude(1). dpkg itself is controlled entirely via command line parameters, which consist of exactly
        one action and zero or more options. The action-parameter tells dpkg what to do and options control the behavior of
        the action in some way.

        -i, --install package_file...

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          Re: Install kshowmail on Jaunty

          Thanks very much, Rog131 for your help.

          I tried
          <grep "libmimelib1c2a" /var/log/dpkg.log>
          in a terminal window, and got the same results as in your reply

          I then checked to see if it was installed with Add/Remove Software
          and it showed both libmimelib1c2a and libmimelib4.

          I then tried installing Kshowmail, using Gdebi package. It installed ok.

          As I could not find an icon in Kicker, I started kshowmail from a terminal window.
          The first time I ran it, I got:

          john@johns:~$ kshowmail
          kbuildsycoca running...
          and kshowmail started up. I configured it with the account settings.

          When I clicked the Refresh icon on an active account I got:

          Error - Kshowmail
          Could not start process: Unable to create ioslave:
          klauncher said: Unknown protocol 'pop3'.

          Having got kshowmail installed and running to this point, where do I go from here?

          (Additional information:
          I also have Hardy running on the same machine, Ubuntu, not Kubuntu, and was able to install it ok - no dependency problems.
          I get the same error message in kshowmail, when I try to Refresh.

          I can connect to the internet ok on Jaunty and Hardy (Firefox) and can check mails with PoptrayMinus, although I cannot view or delete them (server does not support UIDL, according to PoptrayMinus).
          Running Mailwasher or Poptray in Windows 2000, I can view/delete messages)

          Thanks again, windyrij


            Re: Install kshowmail on Jaunty

            Error - Kshowmail
            Could not start process: Unable to create ioslave:
            klauncher said: Unknown protocol 'pop3'.
            I also have Hardy running on the same machine, Ubuntu, not Kubuntu,...
            I get the same error message in kshowmail, when I try to Refresh.

            I think that as the Kshowmail is a KDE 3.5 application it is using the KDE 3.5 ioslaves. The ioslaves has been changed when the KDE moved to the KDE 4.

            Maybe, (with the Jaunty) if you install the KDE 3.5 remix (> Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty) the Kshowmail will work. This is pure guess.
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            Why there are dead links ?
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              Re: Install kshowmail on Jaunty

              Hello Rog131:

              Sorry, but the link to the KDE 3.5 remix seems to be broken.

              I don't know if this helps, but this is the terminal response when I start Kshowmail:

              john@johns:~$ kshowmail
              DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Could not open networksocket
              DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Could not open networksocket
              kbuildsycoca running...

              Regards, windytij


                Re: Install kshowmail on Jaunty

                Thanks Rog131 for all your help. i gave up on Jaunty, and tried Kubuntu Hardy. No problem installing Kshowmail, and it runs fine.

                I have now installed Ubuntu Hardy, (I find Gnome at bit simpler!), installed Kshowmail from Synaptic, but I am back to the same problem. I notice that KDE4-desktop is in the repository. i don't know if it got there because I updated before doing anything else.

                I have posted a query on the Ubuntu forum, asking how I can install KDE3.5-desktop, if this is what is needed.

                Once again, many thanks.


