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Console fonts

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    Console fonts

    It's been a long time I've been thinking of changing the console font (not talking about X-terminal font) which I find quite ugly. Lately I had some time so I've been looking around for some solutions.

    I found out console fonts are located in /usr/share/consolefonts and that 'showcfont' displays the current font used and 'consolechars' is used to set the font. Okay.

    Console fonts are named like that : name.psf.gz. Okay.

    Now what I'm looking for is a solution to display the font in order to pick the one I want. Unzipping the file gives me a psf file which is an unknown file format for kde.
    Another question : how do I know what font I'm using ? I mean is there a way to display the current font's name ?


    Re: Console fonts


    And what's happening if you're copying this gz file in the folder you were speaking about, then open a new konsole and go to configure > fonts > install
    Follow what is said and after to select the one you'd like
    configure > fonts > select

    Is that what you're looking for ?



      Re: Console fonts

      I'm not looking for installing or viewing a font for konsole but I hadn't thought I might use konsole to 'view' a console font.
      My problem remains since konsole offers some fonts but I have no idea where it looks for them. What I mean is I don't think the fonts in /usr/share/consolefonts are the ones konsole uses and anyway I don't know no way to verify that.

      Consoles such as tty1, tty2, etc. (CTRL+ALT+Fn) use a font I don't even know the name. I just want to change it. For that purpose I need to be able to :

      - know the name of the current font used (so far I can display the complete characters table but not its name) so I can go back to the default one or the previous one.
      - see what a console font looks like before setting it as default console font.

      The content of /usr/share/consolefonts :

      161.cp                      iso02.f14.psf.gz   lat2u-10.psf.gz
      162.cp                      iso02.f16.psf.gz   lat2u-12.psf.gz
      163.cp                      iso02g.psf.gz      lat2u-14.psf.gz
      164.cp                      iso03.f08.psf.gz   lat2u-16.psf.gz
      165.cp                      iso03.f14.psf.gz   lat4-08.psf.gz
      737.cp                      iso03.f16.psf.gz   lat4-10.psf.gz
      880.cp                      iso03g.psf.gz      lat4-12.psf.gz
      972.cp                      iso04.f08.psf.gz   lat4-14.psf.gz
      alt-8x14.psf.gz             iso04.f14.psf.gz   lat4-16.psf.gz
      alt-8x16.psf.gz             iso04.f16.psf.gz   lat4-16+.psf.gz
      alt-8x8.psf.gz              iso05.f08.psf.gz   lat4-19.psf.gz
      altb-8x16.psf.gz            iso05.f14.psf.gz   lat4a-08.psf.gz
      altc-8x16.psf.gz            iso05.f16.psf.gz   lat4a-10.psf.gz
      aply16.psf.gz               iso06.f08.psf.gz   lat4a-12.psf.gz
      arm8.psf.gz                 iso06.f14.psf.gz   lat4a-14.psf.gz
      cp850-8x14.psf.gz           iso06.f16.psf.gz   lat4a-16.psf.gz
      cp850-8x16.psf.gz           iso07.f08.psf.gz   lat4a-16+.psf.gz
      cp850-8x8.psf.gz            iso07.f14.psf.gz   lat4a-19.psf.gz
      cp857-8x14.psf.gz           iso07.f16.psf.gz   lat4u-08.psf.gz
      cp857-8x16.psf.gz           iso08.f08.psf.gz   lat4u-10.psf.gz
      cp857-8x8.psf.gz            iso08.f14.psf.gz   lat4u-12.psf.gz
      cp865-8x14.psf.gz           iso08.f16.psf.gz   lat4u-14.psf.gz
      cp865-8x16.psf.gz           iso09.f08.psf.gz   lat4u-16.psf.gz
      cp865-8x8.psf.gz            iso09.f14.psf.gz   lat4u-16+.psf.gz
      cp866-8x16.psf.gz           iso09.f16.psf.gz   lat4u-19.psf.gz
      Cyr_a8x14.psf.gz            iso10.f08.psf.gz   lat5u-16.psf.gz
      Cyr_a8x16.psf.gz            iso10.f14.psf.gz   lat7-14.psf.gz
      Cyr_a8x8.psf.gz             iso10.f16.psf.gz   lat9-08.psf.gz
      def2_8x16.psf.gz            iso14.f16.psf.gz   lat9-10.psf.gz
      default8x16.psf.gz          koi8-14.psf.gz     lat9-12.psf.gz
      default8x9.psf.gz           koi8-8x14.psf.gz   lat9-14.psf.gz
      far-a01.pcf.gz              koi8-8x16.psf.gz   lat9-16.psf.gz
      Goha-12.psf.gz              koi8-8x8.psf.gz    lat9u-08.psf.gz
      Goha-14.psf.gz              koi8b-8x16.psf.gz  lat9u-10.psf.gz
      Goha-16.psf.gz              koi8c-8x16.psf.gz  lat9u-12.psf.gz
      GohaClassic-12.psf.gz       koi8r-8x8.psf.gz   lat9u-14.psf.gz
      GohaClassic-14.psf.gz       koi8u_8x14.psf.gz  lat9u-16.psf.gz
      GohaClassic-16.psf.gz       koi8u_8x16.psf.gz  lat9v-08.psf.gz
      gr737-8x8-2.psf.gz          koi8u_8x8.psf.gz   lat9v-10.psf.gz
      gr737-8x8.psf.gz            lat0-08.psf.gz     lat9v-12.psf.gz
      gr737-9x14-2.psf.gz         lat0-10.psf.gz     lat9v-14.psf.gz
      gr737-9x14.psf.gz           lat0-12.psf.gz     lat9v-16.psf.gz
      gr737-9x16-2.psf.gz         lat0-14.psf.gz     lat9w-08.psf.gz
      gr737-9x16-medieval.psf.gz  lat0-16.psf.gz     lat9w-10.psf.gz
      gr737-9x16.psf.gz           lat0-sun16.psf.gz  lat9w-12.psf.gz
      gr8x14.psf.gz               lat1-08.psf.gz     lat9w-14.psf.gz
      gr8x16.psf.gz               lat1-10.psf.gz     lat9w-16.psf.gz
      gr8x6.psf.gz                lat1-12.psf.gz     LatArCyrHeb-08.psf.gz
      gr8x7.psf.gz                lat1-14.psf.gz     LatArCyrHeb-14.psf.gz
      gr8x8.psf.gz                lat1-16.psf.gz     LatArCyrHeb-16.psf.gz
      grcourier.psf.gz            lat1u-08.psf.gz    LatArCyrHeb-16+.psf.gz
      greek.psf.gz                lat1u-10.psf.gz    LatArCyrHeb-19.psf.gz
      gr.f14.psf.gz               lat1u-12.psf.gz    latarcyrheb-sun16.psf.gz
      gr.f16.psf.gz               lat1u-14.psf.gz    Mik_8x16.psf.gz
      grfixed.psf.gz              lat1u-16.psf.gz    ruscii_8x14.psf.gz
      iso01a-8x14.psf.gz          lat2-08.psf.gz     ruscii_8x16.psf.gz
      iso01a-8x16.psf.gz          lat2-10.psf.gz     ruscii_8x8.psf.gz
      iso01a-8x8.psf.gz           lat2-12.psf.gz     t850b.psf.gz
      iso01.f08.psf.gz            lat2-14.psf.gz     tcvn8x16.psf.gz
      iso01.f14.psf.gz            lat2-16.psf.gz     viscii10-8x16.psf.gz
      iso01.f16.psf.gz            lat2-sun16.psf.gz
      iso02.f08.psf.gz            lat2u-08.psf.gz

      That doesn't tell me much. I see some names such 'lat' which might stand for latin then a size. Okay but there is a bunch of them.
      The default font used by everyone might be default8x16.psf.gz but I don't know no way to check this out. What is supposed to be the 'real' name of that font anyway ? I can't tell from 'default8x16.psf.gz'. Unzipped, kde can't handle psf or at least none of my installed app. a 'file' on a terminal or console tells me : default8x16.psf: Linux/i386 PC Screen Font data, 256 characters, Unicode directory, 8x16

      All that stuff is quite confusing.


        Re: Console fonts

        Two years later I give it a try, one more time.

        Is there anyone out there able to answer my questions ?

        How do I know which console font I'm using (on tty1, 2, 3, etc.) ?
        How do I 'preview', 'see' what a console font looks like ?

        Any help appreciated, thank you.

        P.S. Using Hardy Heron now...


          Re: Console fonts

          The consolefonts are for the (virtual) terminals, they have no effect on fonts in X session (and therefore don't affect konsole)

          Originally posted by paralis
          How do I know which console font I'm using (on tty1, 2, 3, etc.) ?
          You can find out the default font for terminals by looking at /etc/default/console-setup, for example (You can easily choose the font by running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup'

          Terminus is a fairly popular monospace font for terminals (and my current favorite as well), they can be installed with packages:
          1. console-terminus (consolefont)
          2. xfonts-terminus (xfont, can be used in konsole)
          3. xfonts-terminus-oblique (xfont, oblique version)

