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(Almost) No sound

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    (Almost) No sound


    I installed kubuntu a few weeks ago and i had a problem with sound, ive searched everywhere for a solution but i cant find it.

    You are probably already guessing what it is; No sound in youtube (or other flash videos). I just downloaded a game, some FPS, and no sound there either.

    I can play MP3s in amarok with no problem.

    I've checked the FAQ, a couple posts and googled it. tried everything. Probably i have already screwed something up, since i have almost no idea what im doing.

    If you give me some command to use, id appreciate if you told me what im doing too.


    Re: (Almost) No sound

    You didn't write which version you were talking about, I hope 9.04.
    Sound in You Tube with Firefox: Try pick speaker icon in system tray, choose button Mix and see slider for PCM sound. Default is down and must be up.
    Sound in Kaffeine and VLC: Try output audio driver oss in program settings
    If you cannot solve some flash in Firefox better way try install mediaplayerconnectivity Firefox plugin and watch video in external programs like VLC
    Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


      Re: (Almost) No sound

      I tried the plugin and didnt work, it anyways doesnt solve the problem in games and other vids. any other way?

      Is this a common problem? or did i do something wrong at the first place?


        Re: (Almost) No sound

        Bottom right side of screen right click on speaker icon, select master channel and make sure pcm is selected.and is not muted. Then select show mixer window, mixer, and adjust volumn


          Re: (Almost) No sound

          I tried the plugin and didnt work
          I am still not sure, if we are talking about the same version, for me the plugin works. You must follow all steps:
          1. PCM sound
          2. VLC or Kaffeine sound
          3. mediaplayerconnectivity - connect with video player which works.
          I wrote that the plugin is a workaround, I got sound in You Tube installing flash and fix PCM and I use the plugin only for other videos in Firefox like those based on real media.
          I hope other programs and other computers need the same method like my VLC and Kaffeine - to change default sound to oss.
          Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13

