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Internet card installation issues

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    Internet card installation issues

    I did a quick search to see if I could find a reference to this, but no luck. I just installed Kubuntu on my laptop, and I can't install my internet card. It's the wireless type that you get from your phone company and use through the USB ports, like an Edge card or something. Anyways, I'm trying to follow the install instructions provided for Linux, and i'm hitting a road block.

    Copy the Linux Folder from your device to your Desktop
    Open terminal
    Run "cd Desktop/Linux"
    Run "sudo ./connect"
    Enter root password
    Device will switch to modem mode and attempt to connect.

    Press Ctrl-C twice to disconnnect

    FOR SIP/MIP Preferr(QCMIP=0 or 1) Carriers
    SIP carrier case, you may need to modify following part at ¡°¡± file.
    Please replace Username and Password with your Service providers (SIP User ID and Password)
    "Phone = #777\nUsername = broadband\nPassword = broadband" >> cdu680config

    Username= broadband -> see followings
    Password= broadband -> see followings

    ACS Alaska
    Security (Simple IP, 1xEVDO)
    Login(User Name or Account Name): (MDN: 10 digit Phone Mumber)
    Password: MDN (MDN: 10 digit Phone Mumber)
    In the quote, I've bolded where I'm hitting the wall, for lack of a better phrase. Whenever I try to run that script, it says "No such file or directory."
    What should I do?

    I'm very new to Linux, I installed it with the intent of learning more through internet research and trying little tricks out as I read, but that plan is hopelessly ruined if I cannot even get online. Thank you for your help.

    Re: Internet card installation issues

    For this to work you have to have copied a Linux into a directory Desktop. That directory should contain a file called connect. You can use a file browser (Dolphin) to see if that exists or you can open a terminal and run
    to list the contenst of your $HOME. It should show Desktop. Then run
    cd Desktop
    to move into that directory and run
    . It should show Linux. Then
    cd Linux
    and run
    it should show connect. If it does you should should run
    ls -l
    to see if connect has execute permissions. They look like this
    notice the x's. that says read/write/execute (rwx). If connect does not have the x run
    chmod +x connect
    Then try
    sudo ./connect


      Re: Internet card installation issues

      What if the ls command doesn't show destkop?


        Re: Internet card installation issues

        Originally posted by Demonflame
        What if the ls command doesn't show destkop?
        The default installation process includes one user (the one installing it) and that user gets a folder of the same name in the /home directory, and a default KDE 4 Desktop. So, when you open the Konsole, you will be at the user@hostname:~$ prompt, and if you enter
        it should say
        and if you enter
        as suggested by mando_hacker it should show a subdirectory named "Desktop". If you are not seeing these things when you log in under your user name, then there is something borked with your installation, because these are all default setup items.


          Re: Internet card installation issues

          The directions you were following said to copy it to your Desktop. You can copy it anywhere you like and do the same thing.


            Re: Internet card installation issues

            Should I be concerned that It's saying I don't have a Desktop Directory?


              Re: Internet card installation issues

              starsceam@linux- v5wd:~>ls
              bim Documents public_html screen-configurations.xml
              starsceam@linux- v5wd:~>cd Documents/linux
              starsceam@linux- v5wd:~/Documents/Linux>sudo ./connect

              We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

              #1) Respect the privacy of other.
              #2) Think before you type.
              #3) With great power comes great responsibility.

              root's password:
              680d interface changer - 1.0.1
              Segmentation fault
              starsceam@linux- v5wd:~/Documents/Linux>
              starsceam@linux- v5wd:~/Documents/Linux> sudo ./connect
              680d interface changer - 1.0.1
              Segmentation fault
              starsceam@linux- v5wd:~/Documents/Linux> pwd
              starsceam@linux- v5wd:~/Documents/Linux> cd Linux
              Bash: cd: linux: No such file or directory
              starsceam@linux- v5wd:~/Documents/Linux>ls
              connect itfchg linux connect steps_UAC-CDU680.txt.txt
              starsceam@linux- v5wd:~/Documents/Linux> ls -l
              total 28
              - rwxr - xr -x 1 starscream users 9452 2009- 04- 16 15:49 connect
              - rwxr - xr -x 1 starscream users 340 2009- 04- 16 15:49
              - rwxr - xr -x 1 starscream users 7724 2009- 04- 16 15:49 itfchg
              - rwxr - xr -x 1 starscream users 781 2009- 04- 16 15:49 Linux connect steps_UAC-CDU680.txt.txt
              starsceam@linux- v5wd:~/Documents/Linux> chmod +x connect
              starsceam@linux- v5wd:~/Documents/Linux> sudo ./connect
              680d interface changer - 1.0.1

              That's what I'm getting. Since I can't copy and paste to the computer I'm having issues with, to the one I'm using to look for help, I had to type all of that. Sorry if there was a mistake.


                Re: Internet card installation issues

                Originally posted by Demonflame

                starsceam@linux- v5wd:~>ls
                Is there a space in the name of your system? I haven't read the naming rules for a long while, but I think that may be a no-no. I think it needs to be standard characters (letters or numbers) with no spaces. :P

                Also, FYI, there is no such command as "./connect" -- at least not on my Linux system. So "sudo ./connect" will not ever execute anything.


                  Re: Internet card installation issues

                  He just did run ./connect and it segfaulted. Any file anywhere can be a command. This installer said to copy the connect script somewhere and run it. ./ says run this command in this directory.

                  The host name should not have spaces but his local host name probably has nothing to do with his network connection anyway. The space might be deceptive appearance also. I am not sure there is a space there.

                  The lack of a Desktop directory is somewhat troubling. The absence of that directory is not a problem per se, but I know that it should have been created and the fact that it wasn't makes me wonder what went wrong and what else is not done.

                  You ran the script and it segfaulted, meaning it used memory that was not in use by something else. It may be that this program requires a different version of a library. I would have thought connect would be a script that would run executables already on your system. Maybe you do have a bad installation.

