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kubuntu 9.04 jaunty live cd internet problem

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    kubuntu 9.04 jaunty live cd internet problem


    i am tired of windows and i wanted to try something new.... i tried so far opensuse kde and gnome, pclinux os but i looooove kubuntu. i inserted the live cd, everything goes well but when i try to access the internet there's a problem.
    i have static ip's on a wired connection so i entered my mac, my ip address, subnet mask, default gateway and default dns. i can't find the alternate dns field. also after i did all these steps i still can't connect to the internet. after i type the subnet mask it automatically changes to 0, i can't edit resolv.conf because it's on a live cd so i can't change anything and next time i restart the default settings apply.

    offtopic: i can't play any music in amarok2 even though i hear the kubuntu login sound so i guess my sound card drivers are installed.

    Re: kubuntu 9.04 jaunty live cd internet problem

    i'm facing the same issue


      Re: kubuntu 9.04 jaunty live cd internet problem

      I don't have a solution, only workaround. You can use live CD Ubuntu Jaunty, it is really possible to set network with it, it works out of the box. Maybe you can install Kde from Ubuntu repository to see how it works and make Kubuntu that way. Sure you can install at least some Kde programs from Ubuntu repository.

      I think for Amarok there is a simple solution, you must change sound settings from default to that with oss in the name of it.
      Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


        Re: kubuntu 9.04 jaunty live cd internet problem

        Try this:

        or this:

        You will need to use something else to download wicd first, copy to a usb stick for example, then run the live CD, uninstall network manager, install wicd and then set up your static IP.

        It may be easier to install Jaunty and have the wicd available.
        HP Compaq nc6400, 2Gi, 100Gi, ATI x1300 with 512M


          Re: kubuntu 9.04 jaunty live cd internet problem

          thanks for all the replies, i'll try it and tell you if it works


            Re: kubuntu 9.04 jaunty live cd internet problem


            i want to thank you again for the support

            @josefko: i don't have ubuntu live cd, i have absolutely no idea of what "out of the box" is (i am a complete noob when coming to linux),i don't want ubuntu with kde aplications AND in order to install kde from ubuntu repository...that can't be done from a live cd. i still couldn't make amarok to work, even though i searched throughout all tabs and settings in the configuration dialog (kubuntu 9.04 has amarok2 as the default music player).

            @kevinc: i already saw those posts before making this thread and even if i would download wicd on a usb stick, that wouldn't work because i have to restart the computer...the other post is about editing resolv.conf which wouldn't work either for obvious reasons. oh and by the way, is wicd better than kde network manager ? if so, why don't they make wicd the default network manager and what is kde's network manager's purpose if it can't handle a network ? why do they keep it or just fix it to work with all the existing networks ?

            anyway...i found where to enter the alternate dns.just type the default dns, hit space and then type the alternate dns (i discovered that in "Kopensuse").

            speaking of opensuse, i had a similar internet problem with the network (on an older opensuse/kde version) but i could easily solve it. after i enterd the ips and all the other (including the alternate dns), the internet wouldn't start so i just unchecked the "write changes to /etc/resolv.conf" box and then...MAGIC happened. Opensuse with the new kde works like a charm, just enter the ips and you're ready to go. the only bad thing about it is that it doesn't read ntfs partitions on the live cd.

            so i was wondering...why don't kubuntu developers add the same or a similar feature to the one in "Kopensuse", or even better, why don't they do like the developers of pclinuxos, when someone is starting the live cd session they are prompted to a quick network configuration and they are asked for ips and all the other. another cool feature of pclinuxos is that if someone has the keyboard setting in a different language (other than english) -like me, it is possible for them to choose the qwerty or qwertz.i personally prefer romanian qwerty rather than qwertz so i really want this to be implemented in the new kubuntu release.

            as a bottom line, i wanted to know how kubuntu acts when installed, and because i am running low of disk space on my 80 gb hard drive, i asked a friend for help. he was more than glad to help me so we started installing it on his computer. the installation took about 10 minutes and it was very intuitive even for someone unexperienced. after installation we had the same problem with the internet so i just gave up.

            u can vote here for your favorite kde distro

            kubuntu is still my favorite but not my no.1 choice. for someone eager to learn linux i recommend starting with opensuse-kde.


              Re: kubuntu 9.04 jaunty live cd internet problem

              - I thought that Ubuntu live cd is a simple thing for you. You can have it downloaded from with instructions, burned in an hour and you would see what is possible to install.
              - According to Wikipedia "Items, functionalities, or features provided out of the box are those that do not require any additional installations, plug-ins, expansion packs, or products." You just fill in ip adresses in live cd Ubuntu system settings and network works. I did it.
              - I did something simple with Amarok and Kaffeine last November, now I found this option with oss only in Kaffeine, maybe I was wrong. Maybe I had to install something according to instructions from Internet.
              - I am sorry that you gave up, install is not so bad if you follow instructions about network. Once you have network installed everything is simple.
              - Kubuntu Jaunty Network Manager error is an error known to developers, it has high priority, the developer is assigned to repair it and I think it will be solved in a short time.
              Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


                Re: kubuntu 9.04 jaunty live cd internet problem

                josefko, i am going to download and burn ubuntu, you convinced me to give it a try. who knows, if i like it maybe i'll keep it.

                after long hours of searching the web and more than 100 pages visited i finally know how i can solve it and here is how:

                open konsole and type:

                sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

                Depending on your internet connection i will give an example on how that should look like

                auto lo
                iface lo inet loopback

                auto eth0
                iface eth0 inet static

                broadcast (optional because not all networks use it)

                edit what you need and then press CTRL+X, then enter Y to save and then press ENTER.
                you can search with CTRL+W
                you can save without quitting with CTRL+O
                you can see on what line your cursor is with CTRL+C

                sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf (this is for DNS SERVERS)

                nameserver (this one is for free DNS if i got it right and i think it's optional)

                edit what you need and then press CTRL+X, then enter Y to save and then press ENTER.

                sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

                after all these steps your internet connection should work fine

