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SOLVED::::PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! Newbie with some easy Kubuntu 9.04 questions.

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    SOLVED::::PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! Newbie with some easy Kubuntu 9.04 questions.

    Ok so I am VERY new to Linux and I have no clue how I even got this far in the installation...but let me start form the beginning, with some of my main concerns. I do need to let all of you tech speakers that I am not very savvy in your lingo so when you say " you have to change the code to this and run this command on this..." 9 times out of 10 I have no clue what you are saying to me, just so we are all clear.

    1) I originally wanted to use my windoze AND Kubuntu 9.04 but I am not sure if I can still do it. The instructions said to boot from the CD that I created, and then it would give me options, (which one i want to run with that day, I assumed) I did get that option after the first reboot after I created the CD, but after that I was never offered an option again (which OS i wanted to log into) in short, whenever I reboot, I automatically go straight into Kubuntu....can that be fixed/changed?

    2) I cannot seem to follow any of the directions on how to install anything. All I want to install is Firefox, (I feel more at home with her)but I have no clue how to save anything to my desktop. Also, ever since I started messing with Kubuntu, I noticed I have no sound so I assume that I need to install my 5.0 (using usb port). Again bare with me because I am a newbie right out of the box. (why did I ever choose that freaking red pill).
    Also, just to let you know, I did try to DL Firefox from every website out there and I have no clue where I downloaded it to. (something called Ark, is where everything seems so be going)

    I guess I am alittle overwhelmed and since I have nothing recognizable to make feel comfortable with Kubuntu. I really want to use this OS, but if all else fails, I guess I can barf up that red pill and chomp that blue pill, right?

    Re: PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! Newbie with some easy Kubuntu 9.04 questions.

    To take things in order:
    (0) DON'T PANIC !!!
    All of your problems are solvable. Linux is actually easier to use than windoze, you just need to get used to it.
    (1) When you installed Kubuntu, the program that starts your computer (called the bootloader) was changed from the M$ program that won't recognize other operating systems like linux for a bootloader that recognizes all sorts of operating systems called GRUB (for GRand Unified Bootloader). A menu is supposed to appear so that you can choose which operating system to load. Unfortunately, the developers decided to let that screen appear for only 3 seconds. So it's very easy to miss. We fix this by editing a file called /boot/grub/menu.lst (no "i"). The easiest way to do this is to start a text editor called KATE:
    (a) Right click on the desktop. Then left click on "Run Command". Enter the words
    kdesudo kate /boot/grub/menu.lst
    (b) A new window will appear. At the very top it will say "menu.lst - Kate". 18 lines from the top you will find a line that says
    timeout 3
    Change the 3 to something more reasonable (like 15 or 20). That will give you time to decide whether you want to run Linux or windoze. Check this VERY CAREFULLY, because if you mess up your menu.lst file you may not be able start your computer.
    (c) Save the file by clicking on the floppy disk image at the top of the Kate window.
    (d) Restart your computer. You SHOULD have plenty of time to work wth.

    We'll deal with your other problem once this one is solved, by introducing you to the wonderful world of "packages".


      Re: PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! Newbie with some easy Kubuntu 9.04 questions.

      Okay, I did as you said and everything went great, but this is what came up...

      I restarted the computer and there is a message that comes up letting me know that it "will now restart" with a bunch of #s in brackets followed by "restarting system". Now it stays on this screen forever so I had to manually shut down the computer.(that can't be good if I have to do that every time i need to it?)
      Now I changed the time from 3 to 20 and the screen read as follows:

      Controller Bus #00, Device #1F, Function #02:02 Ports, 02 Devices
      Port-00 hard Disk St3320620AS
      Port-01 CDROM, TSSTcorp DVD+/-RW TS-L632D
      GRUB Loading Stage 1.5.

      GRUB Loading, Please wait...
      Press 'ESC' to enter the menu...

      The following screen then has a box containing this info:

      Ubuntu 9.04, kernal 2.6.28-11-generic
      Ubuntu 9.04, kernal2.6.28-11- generic (recovery mode)
      Ubuntu 9.04, memtest86+

      Under that box it says:
      Use the up and down key to select which entry is highlighted.
      Press enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the command before booting, or 'c' for a command-line.

      what do I need to do, because I assumed I should have seen something with 'windoze' somewhere in there. I am not sure what went wrong. Now, just to make sure you know how noobish I am, I did not do anything with the partitions (or whatever they are called) and the way that I downloaded Kubuntu 9.04 was I downloaded wubi (is that what it is called?) to windows and then used the CD that I burned with Kubuntu 9.04 on it. At that point it told me that I would see options to load into either ubuntu or windowz , and to choose the OS I wanted to use. I chose ubuntu, and never saw that option again.... just an FYI to make sure that you know how I caused this havoc.
      please help


        Re: PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! Newbie with some easy Kubuntu 9.04 questions.

        are you sure you still have your windows partition? if not, boot to kubuntu and open up a terminal window(konsole). enter:

        sudo fdisk -l

        give your password when prompted. and paste the output of this command back here.
        FKA: tanderson


          Re: PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! Newbie with some easy Kubuntu 9.04 questions.

          I concur with what I believe is tanderson's unexpressed opinion. Somehow, you seem to have overwritten your windoze partition! If the output of the command that tanderson asked you to type is as we suspect, you have lost all of your personal "stuff" that was not backed up on independent storage, such as (in order of increasing expense and decreasing difficulty) floppies, CDRs, an external hard drive, or another computer.

          If we are correct, you will have to reinstall windoze, and then reload all your "stuff" from your backup media. This is not the best site to look at for advice on that topic. (Personally, I haven't used windoze in 5 or 6 years.) Then you can try Linux again.

          OR, you can skip the windoze phase, reload all your personal "stuff" into your Linux computer and start computing away. Unless you use some very specialized aspects of some very expensive software (e.g. Photoshop or Mathematica), you can do everything you want to do in Kubuntu Linux. We can help you with that!


            Re: PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! Newbie with some easy Kubuntu 9.04 questions.

            I typed in the command sudo fdisk -1 (sudo((space))fdisk((space))-1) and it said as follows:

            fdisk: invalid option -- '1'

            Usage: fdisk [-b SSZ] [-u] DISK Change partition table
            fdisk -l [-b SSZ] [-u] DISK List partition table(s)
            fdisk -s PARTITION Give partition size(s) in blocks
            fdisk -v Give fdisk version
            Here DISK is something like /dev/hdb or /dev/sda
            and PARTITION is something like /dev/hda7
            -u: give Start and End in sector (instead of cylinder) units
            -b 2048: (for certain MO disks) use 2048-byte sectors

            when I typed the command as follows, sudo(space)fdisk-1, (no space between the 'fdisk and -1) this came up:

            sudo: fdisk-1: command not found

            It's bad for windoze, isn't it..


              Re: PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! Newbie with some easy Kubuntu 9.04 questions.

              Originally posted by norie
              I typed in the command sudo fdisk -1 (sudo((space))fdisk((space))-1) and it said as follows:

              fdisk: invalid option -- '1'

              Usage: fdisk [-b SSZ] [-u] DISK Change partition table
              fdisk -l [-b SSZ] [-u] DISK List partition table(s)
              fdisk -s PARTITION Give partition size(s) in blocks
              fdisk -v Give fdisk version
              Here DISK is something like /dev/hdb or /dev/sda
              and PARTITION is something like /dev/hda7
              -u: give Start and End in sector (instead of cylinder) units
              -b 2048: (for certain MO disks) use 2048-byte sectors

              when I typed the command as follows, sudo(space)fdisk-1, (no space between the 'fdisk and -1) this came up:

              sudo: fdisk-1: command not found

              It's bad for windoze, isn't it..

              thats suposed to be a lower case L NOT a in list

              sudo fdisk -l
              copy and past it.

              i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
              16GB RAM
              Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                Re: PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! Newbie with some easy Kubuntu 9.04 questions.

                Doh, see I told you I was a noob...thanks! so here is what came up:

                Disk /dev/sda: 320.0 GB, 320072933376 bytes
                255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders
                Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
                Disk identifier: 0xd8000000

                Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
                /dev/sda1 * 1 38543 309596616 83 Linux
                /dev/sda2 38544 38913 2972025 5 Extended
                /dev/sda5 38544 38913 2971993+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris


                  Re: PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! Newbie with some easy Kubuntu 9.04 questions.

                  yup windows is GONE let's get you working with your linux

                  I think your first 2 conserns were firfox and sound.

                  first open that terminal agin and type.

                  sudo apt-get install synaptic
                  this will get you a verey good packedg manager .......THIS is what you will install things firfox.
                  after instaling synaptic open it frome the app's menue (the blue K bottom left) and type firfox in the sertch box and it should be in the display window then check it and click apply

                  now the sound first type
                  in the konsole and a speeker should apear in the system tray.

                  click the speeker and then the mixer button and make shur the sliders are up on the first 2-3 of the coises from the left.


                  i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                  16GB RAM
                  Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                    Re: PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! Newbie with some easy Kubuntu 9.04 questions.

                    It seems that instead of installing with wubi, you have done a complete HD-install of Kubuntu, using the entire disk. A wubi install is done while you are logged into windows, and the boot options should have been available the next time you boot. It is important therefore, to remove the live-cd from the tray before booting.
                    Any data you had on your disk are lost, I am afraid.

                    Now, if you are allright with that, you can start following Vinnywright's advice, and discover how easy installing software in Kubuntu is. Your days of endlessly searching the internet for software is over. the packagemanager will have it for you, safe,tested, and installed in no time.


                      Re: PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! Newbie with some easy Kubuntu 9.04 questions.

                      Wow, that kind of sucks...but you gotta do what you gotta do right?

                      Well I did as you said and I have Firefox installed and my sound fixed, so now I just need to download other programs, right? Where to begin....

                      I do have one other question,

                      1) when I restart my computer, it just says :

                      "will restart system
                      [ 45.4585445454] will restart..."

                      now it stays on this screen and it seems to freeze there. I have never had this issue happen before so I am a bit confused.


                        Re: PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! Newbie with some easy Kubuntu 9.04 questions.

                        Originally posted by norie

                        so now I just need to download other programs, right?

                        Now you just need to use your package manager to install the needed packages from the *buntu repositories.

                        Since KPackageKit kinda sucks, you might want to install synaptic:

                        sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install synaptic
                        and then use synaptic to review the 25,000+ available packages. Probably you will find what you need.


                          Re: PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! Newbie with some easy Kubuntu 9.04 questions.

                          ok that sounds pretty easy enough, but any advice on the restart issue I have?

                          Also is there a link or website that shows me in detail what I am downloading?
                          I have never had to "build" anything before so I would appreciate any and all advice on this is issue.

                          Thanks again for all that great help!


                            Re: PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! Newbie with some easy Kubuntu 9.04 questions.

                            Originally posted by norie

                            Also is there a link or website that shows me in detail what I am downloading?
                            I have never had to "build" anything before so I would appreciate any and all advice on this is issue.

                            I would say you need to decide what you WANT to install, first, and then use synaptic to find it. Image editing? Install gimp. Audio editing? Install Audacity. Like that.

                            Don't build anything -- building packages is not for noobs.


                              Re: PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! Newbie with some easy Kubuntu 9.04 questions.

                              Ok that sounds like a I wanted to download azureus/vuze 4.2 but synaptic had version I went ahead and downloaded it. Well when I opened Vuze, there was a link to upgrade to the newest version within Vuze so I selected the link. Idid the update and it said that it would need to restart to apply the new version...
                              Now I have "updated" about 4x and nothing seems to be changing. what am I doing wrong here. Also, same thing with java...I tried to update through firefox, but nothing. when I went to see what version I have through the java website, it didn't see anything.

                              am I missing something?

