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Kubuntu easter egg hunt(AKA where is it?)

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    Kubuntu easter egg hunt(AKA where is it?)

    OK I am not overly new to Linux but am to Kubuntu..

    Right now I am locked out and can not even log in. Nor can I find most of the settings..

    the settings I can not find are

    Hardware manager(the place where all my hardware for the PC is listed so I know what Linux recognized and did not) the thing called that only lists a few things like the graphics card. Where is the rest?

    where the other programs/apps get put? (I installed FireFox and COMPIZ-fusion) but nither show up any where in the launch menu. It is kinda important to be able to find stuff you install. And 3d desktop effects make the Linux desktop with out them it is a tad annoying to navigate.. So how do you find them to turn on?

    Also need to know the magic tricks to configuring the Task BAR.( made the mistake of trying to drag it like you can in most distros ) as a result the main part where active windows/apps show up got dragged off the task bar and made another panel bar. I could not get it to re dock so I removed the dual panel but need to know how to put it back on the main bar?


    I did reboot in the hopes that Fire FOX, and Compiz would show up. However that just made things worse. Now Kubuntu wont let me log in. I put in the user name and password. But, instead of loging in it just refreshes the log in screen.

    No error, like wrong password or any thing, it just wont log in?


    I also do not think Kubuntu Partishioned properly. I did the install along side windows option as I am testing W7 on this PC to. However ushaly when you do this install option it either resises the Windows partition. or alicates proper directories on the same partition. However, it apperantly did not. Instead it keept giving the error the home dir had less than 200MB free space, Find that hard to beleave on a 750GB drive that has nothing byt W7 & kubuntu.

    So since Kunbuntu is not smart enough to automaticaly set its self up properly. How does it ushaly work? Seprate partitions for users + SWAP + OS, root&OS + SWAP + HOME.... there are a few veiations on this theam since kubuntu reqiers manual partitioning want to make sure I do it like Kubuntu wants.


    I know I sound real negaitive here. I dont mean to, it is just I love Linux. But after this fist impreshion I have a hard time understanding why Ubuntu/Kubunto is so populer.


    I hope some one can help me in finding the methoud to the madnass and get Kubuntu to work as well as other distros do. And at least be able to navigate the UI well enough to actualy config the sytem and find things.


    Please let me know.

    Re: Kubuntu easter egg hunt(AKA where is it?)

    I'm a little new myself, Been using Kubuntu for about 2 months. I screwed up my Desktop a couple of times and had to restored it was from command prompt sudo mv /home/username/.kde /home/username/.kdeold . Where username=your login. then restarted and Got a new desktop.

    Programs are in the left hand bottom corner whis is Kickoff-Applications-Internet is where firefox is.
    You can drag the apps to your desktop or ridht click and select add to Desktop or favorites.


      Re: Kubuntu easter egg hunt(AKA where is it?)

      they were not propagating to be in the menu. I dont know if I will be able to even log back in at this point. but dont really want to reinstall to just get one log in again so going to wait till all the questions are answered.


      I a tad surprised find the only way to address putting things back you acedently took away is terminal. seams like 5-8 years ago


        Re: Kubuntu easter egg hunt(AKA where is it?)

        I a tad surprised find the only way to address putting things back you acedently took away is terminal. seams like 5-8 years ago
        It's not the only way, it's just the most convenient. You could just rename your .kde in your home folder in the GUI if you prefer that.

        At least you can do it. Windows has no such facilities...


          Re: Kubuntu easter egg hunt(AKA where is it?)

          well if you cant log in you cant do it in a GUI ..........

          so try doing ctrl>alt>F6 after you get to the login screen.

          this should get you a terminall to try GilGib's sugeshton of renaming your /home/username/.kde

          if you can log in at the terminall that is probeble the prob.

          IE: sudo mv /home/username/.kde /home/username/.kdeold . Where username=your login. then restarted and Got a new desktop.

          try it.

          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
          16GB RAM
          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


            Re: Kubuntu easter egg hunt(AKA where is it?)

            to fix your "taskbar" as you put it. you need to click on the "cashew" on your desktop (it will be upper right hand corner) and "add panel" then click on the panels "cashew" to configure it every item is a widget and the ones your looking for are
            application launcher, Device notifier, task manager, system tray. also if the bar is on the top of the screen you can move it by clicking on the "cashew" and then find "screen edge" toward the middle of the bar that comes up above the panel. and click and drag the panel with that button. you can also length of the panel with the arrow looking sliders , the lower set is min size and the upper set is max size.
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