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kdoffice 2

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    kdoffice 2

    I followed the directions found on the Kubuntu web page and added the Unsupported updates repository (I think ), and I still can't figure out how to install kdoffice 2
    When you stop learning you die.

    Re: kdoffice 2

    It is in the backports, so:

    your /etc/apt/sources.list should have something like this:
    deb [url]http://<MIRROR_MAY_VARY>[/url] jaunty-backports restricted main multiverse universe
    <MIRROR_MAY_VARY> = your contry code: us, au, etc...

    Add/Edit/Remove with a gui

    K > Applications > System > Software Management (KPackageKit)

    KPackageKit > Settings > Edit Software Sources

    Fast lane: Press ALT+F2 and type "kdesudo software-properties-kde"
    (or copy&paste)

    If this is ok, update the the package database (konsole):
    sudo apt-get update

    If this is ok, there should be (konsole):
    apt-cache show koffice-kde4
    ...two versions:
    Package: koffice-kde4
    Version: 1:2.0.0-0ubuntu1~jaunty1
    Package: koffice-kde4
    Version: 1:
    sudo apt-get install koffice-kde4
    should install the backported KOffice
    Inst libgtlcore0 (0.9.5-0ubuntu3 Ubuntu:9.04/jaunty)
    Inst libopenctl0 (0.9.5-0ubuntu3 Ubuntu:9.04/jaunty)
    Inst koffice-data-kde4 (1:2.0.0-0ubuntu1~jaunty1 Ubuntu:9.04/jaunty-backports)
    Inst koffice-libs-kde4 (1:2.0.0-0ubuntu1~jaunty1 Ubuntu:9.04/jaunty-backports)
    Inst karbon-kde4 (1:2.0.0-0ubuntu1~jaunty1 Ubuntu:9.04/jaunty-backports)
    Inst kplato-kde4 (1:2.0.0-0ubuntu1~jaunty1 Ubuntu:9.04/jaunty-backports)
    Inst kpresenter-kde4 (1:2.0.0-0ubuntu1~jaunty1 Ubuntu:9.04/jaunty-backports)
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: kdoffice 2

      OK next newbie question
      when I try /etc/apt/sources.list on Konsole I get a "Permission denied" message
      I am the only user so I should have administrator privileges
      MY knowledge of Linux DOS is very basic
      When you stop learning you die.


        Re: kdoffice 2

        If you want to look (konsole):

        cat /etc/apt/sources.list
        nano /etc/apt/sources.list
        or (also ALT+F2)
        kate /etc/apt/sources.list

        If you want to edit, you will need the root rights > RootSudo

        More > FAQ: Root Password
        Before you edit, BACKUP !

        Why there are dead links ?
        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
        2. Thread: Lost Information


          Re: kdoffice 2

          to get root acsess you half to type sudo in frunt of a comand a terminal you wont get eneything with just /etc/apt/sources.list

          cat /etc/apt/sources.list
          will let you see it.

          sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list
          will let you edit it.......but be wor'nd one rong . or carecter will bork it.

          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
          16GB RAM
          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


            Re: kdoffice 2

            > RootSudo
            Graphical sudo

            You should never use normal sudo to start graphical applications as root. You should use gksudo (kdesudo on Kubuntu) to run such programs. gksudo sets HOME=~root, and copies .Xauthority to a tmp directory. This prevents files in your home directory becoming owned by root. (AFAICT, this is all that's special about the environment of the started process with gksudo vs. sudo).
            Before you edit, BACKUP !

            Why there are dead links ?
            1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
            2. Thread: Lost Information


              Re: kdoffice 2

              I gave KOffice 2 a test run this morning.

              The install went fine.

              On my laptop:
              KWord dies when trying to open a text file. It cannot open an html or xml file. It can open an ODT file, but when typing the cursor sometimes jumps irratically, and embedded images jump jump to the top left corner of the first page, and back to where it was, but leaves a blank hole on the first page, with the text scrunched into a small column on the right. Doing a backspace in front of the first character on the page restores its format.

              Krita couldn't open several kinds of image files.

              KSpread couldn't open OOo spread sheets (don't know if it should be able, but KWord does open odt documents).

              All in all, KOffice 3.0 shows good promise for a .0 release!

              When I removed all of the files that came along with installing KOffice I noticed that uninstalling KWord, Krita, Karbon and a couple others did NOT remove their entry in the menu system.

              Using the history option on Synaptic allowed me to go down the line and remove the applications that were installed without missing any. The history panel stayed on top while I searched for applications to remove.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Re: kdoffice 2

                Thanks for the information.
                I think I will wait till the bugs are worked out before I install
                When you stop learning you die.


                  Re: kdoffice 2

                  Originally posted by freedom2009
                  OK next newbie question
                  when I try /etc/apt/sources.list on Konsole I get a "Permission denied" message
                  I am the only user so I should have administrator privileges
                  MY knowledge of Linux DOS is very basic
                  sources.list isn't an executable script. Looking at the permissions with Dolphin you will see that it is "-rw-r-r--". Which means that it is readable and writable by root (the owner), readable by those group "root", and readable by everyone else ( the "world"). What you don't see is "-rwx-...", where the "x" would indicate it is an executable script (similar to a BAT file in Windows). There are only two kinds of executables in Linux, an ELF binary, and any script with a special first line ("#! /bin/bash"), or something similar. Linux can only execute FILES that are off those two types AND with their execute bit set. Even if they are of the two types Linux will not exectute them unless their execute bit is set. This is one reason why email viruses are of no concern. They have to be saved, they have to have their execute bit set, and they have to be either an ELF binary or the special script. It requires the user to do these steps. Most do not know how or are smart enough not to let some social engineer to talk them into doing it.

                  Sources.list is a configuration script (it doesn't have the special first line) for apt, kpackagekit, synaptic or other package managers. When you add or remove a repository while running one of the package managers your changes are saved in sources.list. If you are knowledgable, and don't make many typos, you can manually edit sources.list and add a repository so that it will show up in the package manager the next time the repositories are reloaded by the package manager.
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

