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USB installing and booting

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    USB installing and booting

    Ill keep it short, simple and sweet.

    I want to be able to boot kubuntu portably off my Transcend storejet 250GB and for it to be able to retain settings, preferences etc. (persistent install)
    My comp is USB boot compatible.
    I have partitioned my USB drive into one 5 gb (for kubuntu) and a 245gb (for portable windows apps etc)
    Using the Kubuntu 9.04 live cd i installed it on the 5gb partition whose file system is ext3.
    I set my BIOS to boot the storejet first.
    but nothing happens, the cursor just keeps blinking :-( and it never boots.
    help please, in essence when i plug the storejet into any computer (it should be portable) i want to be given the choice of booting kubuntu from the usb or the preinstalled OS from the internal hard disk.

    what do i do? ive looked all around for a long time, for the solution to this specific issue, cant find anything on target.
    help guys.

    Re: USB installing and booting

    You just need to re-install GRUB (the Kubuntu bootloader) to the MBR of the USB drive. You can do this from a Live Kubuntu CD.

    With the USB drive connected so your live Kubuntu CD will see it (depends on your setup etc.),
    Start the live Kubuntu CD
    Begin a live session (i.e., try Kubuntu without installing anything)
    In the live Kubuntu session, open Konsole
    sudo grub
    grub>find /boot grub/stage1
    That will return some (hdx,y). Use that specific output next:
    grub>root (hdx,y)
    grub>setup (hdx)
    (where the "x" is the same as the "x" in the output "(hdx,y)")
    $ exit
    Exit the live Kubuntu session and re-boot to test it.
    As it re-boots ...
    You may have to enter BIOS setup--as you know--to set BIOS to boot from that USB drive (again, depending on how you have things going on there).

    That should do it.

    How To GRUB Methods - Toolkit
    SECTION 3: Re-installing GRUB: the cure for many problems.
    SECTION 6: Windows topics
    --- Special Situations
    -- How to avoid installing GRUB to the MBR of your Windows XP drive
    -- Two drives, a Windows drive and a Kubuntu drive, GRUB is in the Windows MBR,
    but sometimes you must remove the Kubuntu drive
    and Windows won’t boot when you do.

    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: USB installing and booting

      Originally posted by Qqmike
      sudo grub
      grub>find /boot grub/stage1
      That will return some (hdx,y). Use that specific output next:

      I appreciate the quick response but when i reach the quoted step, it doesnt return (hdx,y) it returns


        Re: USB installing and booting

        hey, still isnt working, i went through the link you posted, my partition name is LIN btw.

        ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ mkdir/media/fixthings
        bash: mkdir/media/fixthings: No such file or directory
        ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ mkdir /media/fixthings
        mkdir: cannot create directory `/media/fixthings': Permission denied
        ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ mkdir /media/sdb2/fixthings
        mkdir: cannot create directory `/media/sdb2/fixthings': No such file or directory
        ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ mkdir /media/LIN/fixthings
        ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /media/LIN/fixthings
        mount: special device /dev/sdb2 does not exist
        ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /media/sdb2 /media/LIN/fixthings
        mount: special device /media/sdb2 does not exist
        ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /media/LIN
        mount: /dev/sdf1 already mounted or /media/LIN busy
        mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdf1 is already mounted on /media/LIN

        ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mkdir /media/LIN/fixthings
        mkdir: cannot create directory `/media/LIN/fixthings': File exists
        ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /media/LIN /media/LIN/fixthings
        mount: /media/LIN is not a block device


          Re: USB installing and booting

          > Carefully read your choices about how to boot these two OSs--your options (SECTION 6).

          > BUT, apart from that, there seems to be another serious problem:
          "ERROR 15: FILE NOT FOUND."

          That means either your USB is not being recognized and/or GRUB files did NOT get installed by the 9.04 installer.

          Going to have to get in there and investigate this. You can use a live CD to do such.
          May have to re-install 9.04 ( ? ).
          Choose Manual partitioning method.
          Step 6: Advanced button at lower right => let's you specify where to put GRUB.

          Very strange that you would not have GRUB files, though. (Stage 1 is one of the GRUB files--a most important GRUB file).
          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

