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Drag and Drop Default Settings

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    Drag and Drop Default Settings

    I would like to change the default behavior for dragging an item from one folder and dropping it into another folder so that there is no prompt. Is there a way to set KDE / Dolphin so that if you are moving an item from one folder to another folder on the same partition / local directory, it defaults to "move". And, if you drag the item to a folder on a different partition / remote directory it defaults to "copy". This is the way it works in Windows, OSX, Gnome and XFCE. I've never run into a situation where this default behavior is not what I intended. I would rather have that as the default behavior, with the option to over-ride with Ctrl / Shift key if I want a different behavior.

    The prompt with options to either "Move" or "Copy" gets in the way and I'm concerned that I may accidentally choose the wrong option. This would be particularly sticky if I am trying to copy files / folders over FTP to my local drive and I accidentally selected "Move" instead of copy. Then, I'd have to cancel and go through each of the selected items on the remote directory and make sure that they are all still there. A pain in the ass I don't need |

    Re: Drag and Drop Default Settings

    I tried with Dolphin to follow your steps. I found that when I pressed Ctrl during dragging I got no promt and copy was executed. When I pressed Shft move was executed. Isn't it nearly what you are looking for?
    Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


      Re: Drag and Drop Default Settings

      Yeah, I know I can skip the prompt by using those keyboard shortcuts. However, I don't want to always do a two-handed gesture every time I drag and drop something. The other issue is that I may accidentally press Shift, when I meant to press Ctrl and then there is the problem of tracking down files which got moved by accident and copying them back to where they belong (already way too many keyboard shortcuts stored in my brain and it would be easy to make a mistake). I just want to be able to set the default behavior as it is in nearly all of the other widely used desktop environments, since this is most intuitive and useful way of managing drag and drop operations for me.
      Last edited by undoIT; Jan 25, 2013, 01:38 PM. |


        Re: Drag and Drop Default Settings

        I think if it isn't in Dophin settings and it is not, you can not change its default behaviour without changing source code.

        If you are mainly concerned that you may accidentally choose the wrong option in FTP, where it is not so easy to repair, you should try FileZilla from repository - it is a special file manager for FTP, which has behaviour you are looking for and much more. The method I use and I like most is to doubleclick file and it is copied to web.
        Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


          Re: Drag and Drop Default Settings

          Filezilla is great, I use it all the time. However, there are instances when I use Konqueror for FTP, because it has much better file browsing. I love the ability to expand and collapse folders, select and deselect files / folders with the plus and minus signs etc. It is the times that I have manually selected a large number of items in Konqueror from various folders to transfer over that I get concerned about selecting the wrong option.

          Also, it just gets in the way having to deal with the prompt every single time I want to move something between local directories. I'd be surprised if there isn't a way to set defaults for this.
          Last edited by undoIT; Jan 25, 2013, 01:39 PM.

