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How do I figure out which version I'm running?

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    How do I figure out which version I'm running?

    I started using Kubuntu Hardy Heron late in 2008. I thought I was doing just fine. Some issues with configurations and installing applications I wanted, but I was getting them worked out relatively smoothly.

    Then two days ago I was applying routine updates using the updater gui and got well and truly ambushed. When all of the updates were done, the updater asked if I wanted to upgrade. Thinking it was asking if I wanted to go from 8.04 to 8.10, I said 'yes' figuring 'it ought to be stable by now.'

    BIG mistake. I'm slowly beating the new version into submission, but I'm not finding answers to some critical questions in the forums when I search.

    1. My Wacom Graphire tablet has been trashed. The Wacom sections of the xorg.conf file were all remmed out with the notice that their function has been taken over by the HAL. Great! Just one problem. I use it as a digitizer, not a glorified mouse. How do I get absolute positioning back. What file do I need to modify? What tool do I need to use? Where can I find them? If I put the Wacom sections back into the new xorg.conf file will I restore my tablet function or will I trash my Kubuntu installation? My KDE Help Center reports that I'm using KDE 4.2.2 but seems to be refering to an earlier version of X as it talks about the settings I used to have in my xorg.conf file.

    2. Similar issues with my display. The upgrade removed the display settings from xorg.conf and points me to the HAL. Using the "System Settings" GUI I can set the display settings to match my monitor, but they have to be reset every time I reboot. (I have to shut down the machine every night for hardware safety because power in rural New Mexico is not trustworthy.) Again, what file do I need to modify? What tool do I need to use? Where can I find them? What good are tools that don't set permanent settings?

    3. I can't even find out exactly what version of Linux I have wound up with on my computer. I can, barely, use the console, but I have yet to find a really good source to explain the command line tools. '--help' isn't much good when you don't know what command to ask for help with. Likewise, '-man'.

    I'd really appreciate some pointers here.

    BTW, I am a medically retired civil engineer who was the IT manager for my firm for about 8 years just before having to retire. I'm a CNE5 (Certified Novell Netware Engineer) with experience supporting Windows versions 3.0 to Vista and Novell Netware versions 2.7 through 5.3 and was upgrading to 6.1 when I had to step down. I also supported AutoCAD & MicroStation CAD software, Eagle Point & AutoDesk civil, architectural & structural design software, ESRI GIS software, assorted specialty programs for a materials lab, etc. plus MS Office in various flavors. By "support" I mean install, train and troubleshoot hardware, software and network problems. I just never had the time for Linux training since I was flat out with the above systems for 25 engineers plus their supporting techs. Command line doesn't scare me, but I do need some basic references. And/or manuals that don't assume a baccalaureate in Linux development plus 10 years of experience.

    Re: How do I figure out which version I'm running?

    Command line ... I'm sure as hell am not the expert, but wrote up a 3-part "get-started" guide here:

    -- Commands at Konsole: Beginners: 3 parts

    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: How do I figure out which version I'm running?

      For your display reset issue, this "KRandRTray" trick may help. This seems to be a bug in KDE 4.


        Re: How do I figure out which version I'm running?

        3. To check which kernel you are running type:
        uname -r
        To check which kubuntu you are running have a look at /etc/sources/sources.list which contains the repositories for your version - just check the name in there.
        Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


          Re: How do I figure out which version I'm running?

          I appreciate the quick responses.

          Qqmike, "Commands at Konsole: Beginners" is a thing of beauty. I'm going to enjoy working through it.

          kwokyinc, I agree with your assessment of the use of "KRandRTray" but it does get the job done. It's a shame it has to be used that way, just to solve a design flaw.

          I lucked into an example of the use of the "cat" command and discovered that I was upgraded to 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope. Toad, I can't 'see' "/etc/sources" in Dolphin, however. Even selecting "show hidden files" does not get it to display.

          They really made some changes in the interface on this one. I thought I was getting away from Microsoft's gratuitous "God" mode and could expect what I'd learn about the system to last long enough to be useful. I'm a little disappointed.


            Re: How do I figure out which version I'm running?

            Alone similar lines, does anyone know where they hid the SU options in Dolphin? I can't find any sign of them now. I was just getting comfortable with the capabilities of Hardy Heron and KDE 4.0.

