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Kubuntu safe mode installation [Hopeless]

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    Kubuntu safe mode installation [Hopeless]

    I downloaded the Kubuntu 9.04 iso and tried to install it on my laptop.
    My major problem is that my PC without the graphic card drivers thinks that the monitor is able to do a resolution higher than 1024*768...
    I was unable to install kubuntu the normal way, not even when I activated the special machines flags, so I installed it in Safe Mode (pressing F4 at the installation screen).
    My problem is that now it seems that the installation was done without almost any drivers ... I don't even have ethernet connection.

    Can anyone tell me how can I install the drivers (at least this is what I think the problem is) so that my computer seems more normal.


    Re: Kubuntu safe mode installation

    After the bios screen do you see a list of options in the shape of kernels to choose from? Assuming you have set up a dual boot it's the one that gives you the option of booting into Windows. If so, select the rescue mode.

    You will then come to a "text-based" screen that gives you a series of options. One of these is fix x. Try that. After that you'll see a prompt. Type startx and hit return. Anything happen?

    Also, what graphics card do you have?



      Re: Kubuntu safe mode installation

      Ok, I've rebooted and entered recovery-mode (I assume this is what you talked about) and choosed the option xfix (another one I assumed). and everything is the same.

      My graphic card is a S3 Graphics UniChromeTM Pro IGP.

      This is the laptop where I'm installing this:

      Doesn't kubuntu have a hardware listing and driver problems like the one windows has? (Device Manager)



        Re: Kubuntu safe mode installation

        I'm not at my Linux box right now so my terminology might not be 100% - sorry 'bout that.

        Googling suggests you need the openchrome package which should have been installed. It's a standard xorg package.

        Re-reading your thread suggests you have a GUI but it's the just set at wrong resolution. Is that right? If so, can you see the kmenu icon at the bottom left corner? If so, select it and then system settings. From there select display and see if you can configure your monitor to the correct resolution

        If you can't see the kmenu hit alt+F2 and then type kickoff in the resulting box and you should see the kmenu and continue from there.

        That help?


          Re: Kubuntu safe mode installation

          Hi Liquidator,
          That's one of the problems!

          I already altered the xorg.conf so I would be able to choose 1024x768, but not even that solved the problem.
          I think that this kubuntu version "doesn't like" me PC very much, is so slow, it doesn't respond to commands, I do a shutdown and even that is quite a task for it... I previously had kubuntu 6 and 7 and it never happened this...


            Re: Kubuntu safe mode installation

            I think I'm going back to version 6 that I have recorded in a CD and then try to update to the latest version, what do you think of it?

            The problem was the installation in safe mode, there are lot of errors in the operating system, a lot of unresponsive things...


              Re: Kubuntu safe mode installation

              The new xorg automates a lot of things I'm afraid and edits of the xorg.conf file are largely ignored. So the only way to alter the monitor setting is via the system settings I think.

              Couple of basic assumptions:

              1. You installed via the live CD (as opposed to the alternate, text based one)

              2. You have another machine

              Does the live cd work in the other machine? If not, One has to ask questions about the CD. Have you done an error check on the CD, which is one of the options at the start?


                Re: Kubuntu safe mode installation

                Just to add, if there are errors on the CD that can lead to the issue that plagues you. CD errors can result from simply burning the CD at too high a speed. The general recommendation is to do the burn at the lowest speed supported by your burning software.


                  Re: Kubuntu safe mode installation

                  You're couple of assumptions are correct!

                  The CD works perfectly, the problem is the hardware... believe me, in Windows happens the same thing - when I fresh install Windows in the laptop and go to Settings he thinks that the monitor can go up to 1280 and when I put the drivers it realizes that the maximum resolution is 1024x768 - usually is the other way around so that's why we never came across with these problems, but what should I do my laptop is crazy :P

                  But tell me, by doing the installation in Safe Mode, probably it doesn't install a lot of things, or not?


                    Re: Kubuntu safe mode installation


                    When you say you were "unable to install kubuntu the normal way" what errors did you encounter, or was it just that the resolution was wrong??


                      Re: Kubuntu safe mode installation

                      Just wrong resolution,
                      Before I left work, I booted from the LiveCD, managed to get the resolution to 1024*768 and proceeded with the installation... tomorrow when I get there I shall see if it's better or not.
                      But one thing that keeps troubling my mind was that even on the LiveCD I went over to network management and it freezed giving an operating system error.

                      Tomorrow I'll update the post.

                      Thanks for your help.


                        Re: Kubuntu safe mode installation

                        so update on this case...

                        The installation finished and when it rebooted the crazy b***** thought that my default resolution was 1600x1200, I was able like before to put the resolution on 1024x768, and everything is ok... at least graphically.
                        It still is very slow and error prone... This latest distros seem very hardware dependent, and since my computer is kinda old, I think I'm going back to an older version, what do you think?



                          Re: Kubuntu safe mode installation

                          The link you provided earlier suggests a sempron 3000 which I would have thought should be OK. How much memory does your machine have?

                          Have you got desktop effects turned on (system settings/desktop - desktop effects box ticked)? If so, that may consume some resources. Whilst I don't have it (having upgraded from intrepid to jaunty) by default a process called akonadi appears to run at start-up. Not sure there may also be an indexing routine which will launch at startup as well.

                          You could download the up to date version of KDE4 which may help. Also it may be that there is a bug somewhere that has already been fixed so you should get your PC up to date before doing anything else. So far as outright speed is concerned, the underlying OS will, I suggest, have become faster over the years, but the desktops have become more resource-hungry. If your machine is unbearably slow with kde4, you could try gnome (which is a bit less hungry) or xfce (less hungry still).


                            Re: Kubuntu safe mode installation

                            I've got 1Gb of RAM - and it's only using 200 Meg's, I think the main problem is really the CPU. In the resource meter it's always at least at 20% charge, and when I try to open something it goes all the way to 100%...

                            No my desktop effects are off - thank god!

                            I've already done the software updates, and even that gave an error on one of the updates. I think I'll give a try to gnome an xfce before I go all the way down to DSL - I hope my PC still is able to manage that.

                            Regards and thanks for your help

                            One last thing:
                            If anyone has the same problem of over-resolution boot the LiveCD when it completely booted press ALT+F1 to open the menu then right arrow (2x) then down arrow (1x) and Enter. After that you sould be on the System Settings and be able to correct the resolution.


                              Re: Kubuntu safe mode installation [Hopeless]

                              Open a terminal and run top. Is there anything hogging the resources?

