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Notification Popups background/text colour

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    Notification Popups background/text colour


    Just upgraded to 9.04 and the popup notifications now have a black background with a dark grey text colour. I find this really hard to read but just can't find where to change it. Can anyone help me please?


    Re: Notification Popups background/text colour

    Few ways:

    1) Don't use the plasma notifications. The old way > Topic: New style progress bar

    2) Use another plasma theme. The Air (> has gray background and black text.

    3) Use a customized theme. System Settings > (Advanced) > Desktop Theme Details > Color Scheme

    Choose another Color Scheme. The Glassified theme with the Oxygen Color Scheme

    4) Build a own theme > Development/Tutorials/Plasma/Theme. The easy way is to edit an existing theme.
    Theme Colors

    You can provide a plasma color scheme that will allow text, selected backgrounds and other items to blend well with your theme by supplying a colors file in your theme folder...
    If you install a theme - Right click desktop > Apperance Settings > New theme - they are saved at:
    ~/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme/ (/home/<YOUR_USERNAME>/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme/)

    File ~/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme/<THEME_NAME>/colors has a line:
    RGB 255,0,0 is red and you will get notifications with red text.

    Note !
    This will affect other plasmoids if they don't have text color settings at the settings.

    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Notification Popups background/text colour

      wow, that's one hell of an answer, cheers mate, i'l give it a go

