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kubuntu 7.10 installation DOS

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    kubuntu 7.10 installation DOS

    Hi,as a newbie to linux this may be a silly question but I can't find any reference to it on forum sites.

    When attempting to load up kubuntu 7.10 from burned cd (kubuntu 7.10 desktop i386),burnt as an ISO image, the ubunto logo appears and program appears to be loading.
    Then a DOS screen appears ending with the prompt:-


    What input is required and what happens next? I think I may need walking through this.
    I was expecting a gui installation being a gui kind of guy.

    I ran killdisk to clean up the hard drive hoping for a clean installation.The pc I'm using had no OS when I got it but was previously running Windows ME. So I hope that this pc is up to it!
    I ran A live cd version of Opensuse and that seemed to load and run ok if a little slowly

    Re: kubuntu 7.10 installation DOS

    for some reason you seam to be booting to a console insted of a GUI login ......try typing the prompt ....... and by the way it's not DOS it's the ubuntu linux prompt!

    it may not be abell to autoconfigure your graficks card!

    if it wont startx type..... lspci .....and see what it reports the card as.
    + it may be a bad burn......... alwase burn ISO's at the slowest speed.

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Re: kubuntu 7.10 installation DOS

      Ok. I tried startx and lspc. lspc resulted in 'command not found' followed by ubuntu@ubuntu~$.so that looks like a dead end.
      Startx got a reaction but probably not the one I wanted.
      In brief:-

      ERROR: virtual screen to big for memory;5120k needed, 4096k available.
      End of message

      Fatal IO error 104
      (connection reset by peer) on X server": 0.0"
      after 0 requests(0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
      I suspect that this is not how things were meant to progress.

      Any further suggestions?

      Many thanx



        Re: kubuntu 7.10 installation DOS

        that was ...... lspci ........NOT ...... lspc.......

        and should list the PCI hardware on the box.

        and yes it looks like the box mite be a little old from the not enuff memery error.
        but try the comand agin .....LSPCI....lowercase and free will show the RAM and

        fdisk -l will show the disks.........mabey sudo fdisk -l .....thats a lower case L

        I have 2-3 boxes made in the 98-ME years that run ok but thare RAM has ben uped from thare ME days.....LOL .......and on 1 I had to drop KDE4 for fluxbox or xfce4


        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          Re: kubuntu 7.10 installation DOS

          I'll try a bit more RAM when I get the chance and see how I get on.
          Thanx for your assistance.
          My headaches already beginning to ease.

